Ridiculous crafting system.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ProfessorKanua, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i do like that there are a few unique pieces we can only get through crafting them.

    personally i would keep it at just that and get rid of the rest of it.
  2. VariableFire Loyal Player

    The only players who could comfortably gather the necessary scraps would already have enough drops to have everything but the craft-only face and rings. That is ludicrous. This crafting lunacy only exacerbated the problem, not fixed it. And take the MoV cost off. We're being asked to pay double for something that other people would get free due to the RNG gods (not to mention there is RNG involved with scraps, pouring salt in the wound).
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  3. Senko Committed Player

    Not to mention all the OTHER bugs we're getting I just logged in to find half my settings tabs are gone, my keybindings have reset and I can't change them and I've lost all my chat channels and so far as I can tell after recreating them I can see other's messages but they can't see mine so I can't actually DO anything tonight. With the sheer number of problems I've had in the past week (lost replay badges, base generator boosts resetting and now this) I'm about ready to take a break from this game.
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  4. light FX Steadfast Player

    Its not quite double. The chest is 90 marks. Belt is 70. So its more like 1.5. But yea not good. 1 of the biggest problems i have is they do a stream and show us really cool base items coming in the next content. Yet when those items or extra marks appear in the loot picker we cant even select them because we need to take the blue/green gear if we want the scraps. Imo the right way to have done this is have a reward box for the content in that 3 month window that only gives scraps. On test there are reward boxes that gives large amounts of scraps on the 1 vendor. So obviously it could be done that way.
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  5. Azreaus Committed Player

    I took a look at the R&D Gear system when it hit live and very, very quickly realized that for me at least it wasn't a system that I wanted to/could use, mainly because of the stupidly high cost in scraps/marks.
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  6. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    He's saying that the way players' play the game is not the way the Devs have intended. Reality vs intended. The difference IMO is Replay Badges. Many players use them to get the best gear as fast as they can. Just recently there was a thread with someone stating they played BBS for 12 hours straight. It was mentioned so nonchalantly that it's almost comical. This is reality.

    What's now not lost on the community is that crafting gear was never meant to be a viable alternative to random luck-based drops. That's why it takes a ridiculous number of scraps and why Elite gear is not included. It's not intended to cut into Replay sales.
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  7. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Oh why didn't they just tell us from the start that it was better to replay and get the good loot? Would have made more sense to me. ::::scratches head and thinks about all the lost base items and marks I could have had::::::
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  8. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Have you just not noticed how often the game is down? They don't have the time/staff to do more content/ fix bugs in the game/ properly test, and you want more what would do you live in? This game is barely limping along now. Too much too fast not enough staff
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  9. Senko Committed Player

    Half the time bugs don't get fixed look at hte last week.
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  10. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    TBF, they did say it's not a full alternative. But they also said this is what we asked for. Technically, we asked to be able to craft gear and for all drops to go toward progression. But I don't think anyone asked for what we got.

    And then because they can't help themselves, RNG was introduced into the number of scraps gained from salvage. Because if they know one thing, it's that we love random.

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  11. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    It amazes me when people say something so removed from Reality like monthly content is fine they just need to add more. The game is crashing every few days now, bugs and long term issues are unresolved due to time constraints, and content is not allowed enough time for proper testing. Wake up deadlines have consequences. Adding more content in this monthly system is not even possible. They don't have the staff or time for that.
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  12. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    Because then you're still forced to dump all your marks into just crafting one piece. Each piece should boil down to Vendor Price + Scraps.
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  13. Senko Committed Player

    RNG object e.g. OP gloves = chase the carrot.
    RNG EVERYTHING = screw this what else is there to play where I actually feel like I'm making progress as opposed to playing an entire raid and not getting a single worthwhile drop when almost anything OTHER than trash would be a worthwhile upgrade.
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  14. DarthJafo Committed Player

    Crafted gear is useful for 3 months??? Just how out of touch are these people???

    Just by doing duos and alerts and the occasional raid I've unlocked all of the watchtower vendor's except the very last in about a week and a half. I only used one replay for deep desires..got two good pieces from that second run. Nothing in the one before or after.

    The ONLY way crafted gear is useful for 3 months is on an alternate earth where someone only logs once a week and does on duo.
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  15. Senko Committed Player

    There are times I wonder if they even play their game any more to see how people are actually affected by these decisions.
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  16. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    Just because I love to feel validated

    Said this Dec 11 2015.

    Edit: Lets not forget this one

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  17. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    So if it takes 8 weeks to get a certain piece of gear it now has only 4 weeks of life left. That is assuming the player plays every day.
    Otherwise if a player plays less, the gear will be useless by the time they get it.
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  18. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    This brilliant meme only scratches the surface of just how stupid the Crafting system is.

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  19. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

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  20. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Oh I said this before. There's a huge disconnect between the players and the devs. The way they intend something to actually be and the way we do it are always two separate ideas. They intended RnD gear to be a fail-safe for players with bad luck. That way if you can't get the pieces you need to drop then you can still work towards it and craft it. How players use it on the other hand, they don't. Lol. They spam replays till they get what they need and push RnD gear off to the side because it requires too much work. The bad luck on drops is nowhere near enough for someone to desire to want to craft all their gear.

    Plus with monthly content, it's supposed to take six weeks to craft a piece of gear, but the new dlc drops in just 4 - 5 weeks. Again, why waste time on it when everyone around you is rushing to max cr? It would be slightly better if it was still three month cycles but people are feeling too rushed to even bother.

    Until the devs start thinking like the players or the players think like the devs (and we all know the latter will never happen), we will always have these issues.
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