Revisiting the idea of episode specific base locations

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Curse Bringer, Apr 27, 2023.

  1. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    I always enjoyed having my bases in hot zones around Gotham/metro as easy warping to and from, this was before we got some extra warp features added to the map UI. When i saw we could add bases into the House of Legends I was hoping we'd see some more base locations popping up here and there as well. Now that Dakota city has arrived, I'd really like to have an bang baby sewer lair somewhere in the city, or a one bedroom dive somewhere. Even if its only one or two locations per map, I'm sure a lot of people would like having a base in the new areas. Atlantis, DC, flashpoint Gotham, etc. what are everyone's thoughts?
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  2. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I like the idea. My main would be right at home in Dakota. :)
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  3. Eve YouTuber

    I'd love for my Aqua to live in Atlantis. I'd reolcate in a heartbeat.
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  4. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    that'll be a big old heck yes from me, too, man.
  5. Tolly Committed Player

    I would love to see as much passion for making new bases (and not x number of copies of what currently exists in base) as they have for auras or material in this game, I would love to see this part of the game fleshed out more, as Zenimax does so brilliantly in this regard with ESO, when ESO adds a new home, it's always an incredible event of addition for this game.
    DCUO has just as much potential to offer in this regard with iconic locations or even imagining bases related to the theme of powers. I've already made this request that you're making and it's nice to see that I'm not the only one who wants to see this in DCUO.

    If you have a few minutes to lose, don't hesitate to see what ESO can offer in Housing, there are some great things and sometimes with incredible sizes, please devs, take a break on auras and materials and offer us something else to change a little!
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  6. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    I gotta agree with you on this one, matey. the auras & materials are nice, for the most part, but I got enough. I don't need any more. all my toons are pretty much set as far as their appearances go. I would love to see new base & league hall layouts & locations. power dives would be nice. like the Volcano & Space bases, but each one tied to a different power. a sub-station for Electric, an undersea grotto for Water, a military bunker for Munitions, Oa Ranx & maybe Ysmault for the Lanterns, an ice cave for, well, Ice. that sort of thing. league hall designs that go up & down rather than stretch out in a line. more large scale Manor style bases, maybe based on the already existing choices? Cave, Gothic, Ancient, etc. man, I don't care. whack 'em on the market place. I'll spend real monies on 'em if I have to. just don't put 'em in TCs, like they did with the skins.
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