Revisiting the 2024 Producer’s Letter

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by QuantumFlange, Nov 12, 2024.

  1. QuantumFlange Well-Known Player

    Stumbled across the producer’s letter published last March and found myself sniggering at some of the claims made therein. Here are my favourites:
    • “This is a great time to be a DCUO player” - if your favourite instance to run is the marketplace.
    • “We value everyone’s commitment, feedback and patience” - but test server feedback will be actively ignored and episodes released without addressing any of the reported bugs.
    • “Now more than ever it’s important to keep you updated” - as overwhelmingly demonstrated by the sea of green badges responding to the hundreds of requests asking for updates on here.
    • “We will move in new directions […] make it as great and as different from any episode that has come before” - I guess selling endgame currency and skill points directly in the marketplace is technically a new direction… thankfully they valued everyone’s feedback on it though!
    Anyway, enough bitter sarcasm from me. What are your end of year thoughts on the producer’s letter?

    Is it still a great time to be a DCUO player?
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  2. Grim931 Committed Player

    One thing that's remained constant... I'm always let down just a little bit more each year but what they end up releasing compared to what they say they're going to do. It's crazy looking back and seeing all the changes they were going to implement, but never did for whatever reason.

    And to answer your question, no, it's definitely not a great time to be a DCUO player. I don't enjoy playing the game, it doesn't feel even remotely like DC, the only new thing to ever come out seems to be cosmetics, and the game has remained stagnant overall for the past several years. I have some pretty fond memories of when the game first started, and nostalgia is about the only thing that keeps me invested at this point.
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  3. BƖack Dedicated Player

    It has long been known that some people only know how to big talking and do nothing.
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  4. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    Probably because they just replaced another eight people and each time they do that it takes up to a year to see changes that they planned to come to fruition. By the time a change is ready to be implemented , those people have already been replaced and haunting their updates.
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  5. zNot Loyal Player

    When did those 8 leave? After the latest producers letter?
  6. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    I don't think it's a great time to be a DC Universe player. They are currently trying to make skill points matter it has been a big issue with DC Universe since stat revamp. They are finally trying to address the issue with events every month which will probably have 10 skill points. The idea is pretty simple either pay for the fix to the clamp in the two last rows of the skill tree or grind it out.

    The next problem is they are trying to take us to old episodes for the 10 skill points pretty sure that's going to happen every month now with these events. We just got new episode collections which also take us back to old episodes. The root of all evil in DC Universe is playing old content when the gear system does not go well with stats revamp clamp. You're expecting people to learn the mechanics because stats don't matter it's a kids game 80% of people will just give up and walk away from the game. I don't know why they don't bring back mods like we used to have to try and make your gear matter or evolve the gear system before bringing back old episodes like this. It just feels absolutely rude and the population is going to decline even more from these decisions
  7. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    This is my opinion from a beta player LITERALLY

    I honestly believe they have thrown dc in the trash and only doing the bare minimum till it shuts down . They probably already know the day it’s closing but instead of not doing or waiting for that day, I think they’re taking steps to get as much income as possible before closing date .

    I mean why would we even get new team ? Mepps was with us since birth yet he left cuz he was probably informed it will close and he won’t have a job.
    It also make sense how they are money focused .

    I really believe everyone should cancel if not already their membership and invest in other games .
  8. BƖack Dedicated Player

    This company have created themselves a lot of enemies. Many people condemn this company with all available means. I'm sure they can disrupt their influence to some extent, what's already happening. Believe me the internet is a powerful weapon.