Revamp why pugs fail

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by krytine, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. krytine Loyal Player

    I ran it last night with 1 leaguer trolling and myself healing. When we got in to the instance we went to the instance chat and no one else was in it. After several wipes i finally type in get in chat or leave. One joined the other left. We didn't die again no issues at all the mechanics became do able the burn was fair not great i noticed on things that i would have to change in my loadout if no tank was there but all and all a great learning curve.

    The biggest thing I dont understand is this came was built on team work and communication and so many just are not willing to do it. Why not meet new people why not have fun with everything instead you get people not working together not getting out of the fire. I mean I went through a soda supply drop and the trolls supper and supply drop to try and keep a dps up when all he had to do was move out of the fire. And if the guy was in chat we could have told him. Now the other two pugs they we completed this vs with they we in chat didnt talk but they communicated just fine and then everyone Salas able to get the Phoenix feat
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  2. SparkmanX Committed Player

    Communication is one of the main problems in PUGs. To this situation adds the linguistic barrier that exists between the players. Another problem is that sometimes those who give instructions do not know what they are talking about. :confused:

    The thing that bothers me the most in the PUGs is that they still insist on doing the raids with the formula 5-1-1-1, even though things have already changed in the game. Some say that this formula exists because the players want to pass the instances fast :rolleyes: , I think it's because many players still resist playing support role.o_O
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  3. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Now I get everyone has different experiences. But most pug grps I have joined or even randomly Q up, there's almost always that one guy who thinks he knows it all and acts like a big A-hole.

    You have no idea how many ppl I spoke to and ask, there reply would be "what's the point , every time im in a instance, theres that 1 guy not being helpful, always demanding and is one of few reasons for wipes "

    so dont just assume everyone don't communicate because they don't want to. Albeit there are some yes, but most just don't want to deal with the bull.

    Now your comment to the grp, in all honestly just made you sound like a total jerk. I mean come on what kinda bull is that, get to chat or leave Lol? Could you say something like, can everyone please go to grp chat please. Why does it have to be hostile, and mean. I'm sorry but if u random q up, yyou get what yyou deserve, until the community itself changes their attitudes I don't see how or any1 will communicate.
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  4. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Pre-server merge, no issue for pugs. Much more friendly, cordial, less antagonistic.

    PC people communicate purely via group chat. If you wanted to communicate, you typed. If you wanted to talk BS, you typed. If you wanted to say f**k you before leaving the group, you typed.

    PS people, with open mics, so thats easy communication there.

    Post-server merge, some PC people would just turn off voice chat cos of some PS people with open mics and all the background noise. And some PS people could not communicate quickly enough to PC people via typing cos they don't have a peripheral device to type quickly.

    So, overall, the pug life can be really really toxic.
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  5. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    people got used to soloing in groups...who needs to type or even talk into a mic...all that crap does is slow down your Ritalin/cocaine snorted level of muscle twitching all over your controller/kb...mechanics what mechanics if I slam X Y buttons faster than you nothing else matters...right?? Fools of course...but there they are...and they are "looking for team" even as we type...
  6. Saybro Committed Player

    PUG just fine and don't have to be in the chat to get stuff done.
  7. The Dackman New Player

    Actually as a PC player I am on mic. I hate to type because it takes to long. The problem I see is you can't get everyone into the same chat to begin with. Antisocial I guess.
  8. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    I'd actually argue more folks have given up support roles as of late, but that's a different topic altogether.
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  9. Control Creed Well-Known Player


    1. The community is toxic. If you went from zero to "get in chat or leave" case in point.

    2. The devs have done everything in their power to encourage the toxicity. Too many examples to mention but suffice to say it isn't going to change. (Flavor of the month, replay badge spam, Wavdox, scoreboard for a few)

    3. The content in some cases is broken and skill and SP and communication won't have any effect on random crap killing you that no amount of skill or playing the content hundreds of times since launch will address.

    4. Specifically, I have been playing since launch, people smacking their lips while they crunch in my ear, I've had my fill and I know the content, if it's something new I'll go to instance chat other than that... I know what I'm doing and I don't need to confirm it to you, if you can't look and see who is clueless from thier gameplay and address that person with courteous, clear instructions then I suppose I could see it being an issue. I have no such issue, I will send a tell to a tank that isn't in the right place, if they don't respond I bounce. Not going to get upset about it and certainly not going to post on forums about it cause honestly, does anyone come here that wouldn't respond to a tell?
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  10. krytine Loyal Player

    No sir you are incorrect . Multiple messeges were sent and he did not want to listen. So when told to get in chat to take direction or leave he chose to leave. No toxic. A player did not want to work as part of a team a stood in fire while fighting never stopping to move out of it but 10 wipes with a none team player that was a few 90 something then a 178 joins and no problems becuase they were in chat hearing things
  11. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    K, was he on PS3? You can't see the fire often, especially if you have the quality too high in the video settings.

    Since you identified the issue, if he didn't respond you had no choice but to kick.

    Having said that, whether you were toxic or not does not negate the toxic nature of the community and chat, if you're asking why people don't do it that remains my answer. I try to keep it light and give simple clear instructions but sometimes a group doesn't work out, sometimes you just gotta kick or leave, it happens.
  12. MastersGL New Player

    Instance chat is HELLA buggy for me, and my guildmates...use group chat, have less issues. Anytime I see people demanding instance chat, I auto ignore, because it indicates a MASSIVE lack of mechanics knowledge.
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  13. High Troller Loyal Player

    just my few cents.....put those you encounter that you would not like to be grouped up again....on ignore. you will save you and your league so much hassle.
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  14. krytine Loyal Player

    No his issue was he wanted to do his own thing typed back i won't go to chat you should learn how to heal we wiped again finally thats when it was said get in chat or leave work as a team or go
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  15. krytine Loyal Player

    Oh I do it is an ever growing list.
  16. High Troller Loyal Player

    ditto. they just need to fix ignore so it ignores ninja invites into instances from those on ignore.
  17. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    But I thought you said "go to chat or leave" and he left? Now all of a sudden he replied to you lol
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  18. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    Yeah, I get you some people are just difficult. What can you do but kick em'?
  19. krytine Loyal Player

    This was an ongoing thing the end result was go to chat or leave
  20. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    I see, well either way, if the person really knows what they were doing then there was no harm, in your case he ended up leaving and you got what you wanted in a way