Revamp Controller Role (Strip Power Out)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BaelinFishman, Oct 25, 2021.

  1. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    I am aware of the battery complaints dating back several years. I also recall how appreciated we were back then also.

    It still doesn't escape the fact that since those complaints have been addressed, the troll role still has been reduced to one specific purpose and that is to be a slave to DPS comp runs while throwing out a passive power, but for the occasional "control this ad mechanic."

    In reality being there just for the buff and keeping that pesky boss debuffed really is no better than just being battery.

    Battle trolling is nothing new and as long as the SP is there to support it, have at it. It still doesn't escape that the troll is there for the primary purpose of the buff and debuff no matter how many gimmick arts are used.
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  2. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Better the trolls help the burn than potentially cripple the rest of the team. Good battery trolls were appreciated...finding good pug trolls though...:confused:

    Honestly, the biggest problem is that there's one role too many. The overlap between troll and tank is pretty hard to miss.
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  3. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    It's been reduced since the beginning I believe DPS get 10% damage while in DPS role while support roles do not thus doing less damage. Trollers on the other hand do not get that penalty and I'll agree with you in the fact that trollers is a support class so they have to get the penalty as well. You can't just have tanks getting their damage reduced lol all support roles if that's the case.
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yes all support roles. We have one damage role, we don't need four.
  5. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Well trolls every time they use a power it throws pot. Because of stats clamp trolls should be in favor because buffs and debuffs are actually the main aspec of trolls due to the fact we can regenerate our own power. Of course you still have players who don't know how to manage it and in that case if there is a troll that troll can replenish that one player power. You need to remember the role trinity has always been dps, tank and healer. DCUO made a fourth role being controller. I made a controller many years ago and although an old friend was teasing me in a playful way it opened my eyes that I do not like being viewed as a battery. There are more things to that role than just that. What did the devs do? They changed it so that we can regenerate our own power. A troller, can stun, buff and debuff enemies that in my opinion is their main objective.

    I even tried to battle troll until I realized the debuffs didn't work like how I thought. I brought this up to lorax I believe last year. Why battle troll? I like to think hard-light is a good powerset for that since they have light combos. Light Blast is a debuff but it only works on the primary enemy. Could be wrong there. So I had to actually research the troll arts and I find out it only last 6 seconds. Controllers do need an update that I can agree as well. DCUO is too busy making new materials and styles and hasn't touched a power since I don't know a few years give or take?
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  6. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    What's the fourth?
  7. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I forgot to mention. Someone commented that trolls pot overwrite another trolls pot while healers do not. I can't remember if two tanks overwrite each other if one has a higher Dominance.
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  8. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Hmmm are we discussing trolls vs tanks now?
  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    What do you mean? There's four roles in game.
  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Dominance doesn't affect aggro, only CC abilities. Typically a single target taunt will over ride another tank. Some boss fights are proximity based, whoever's standing closest to the boss gets the aggro.
  11. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    You said "we don't need four" just trying to understand that part. Lol
  12. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Has that been changed? I remember back then if there was two tanks and one had more Dominance that player would not be able to CC the enemies nor will their taunts go to the lowest Dominance tank. Maybe I was noticing them using a hard taunt like rage blast or particle beam.
  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    We have ONE damage role and THREE support roles. I said all combat abilities and weapon mastery combos should have their damage reduced while in a support role (control, heal, tank).
  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Aggro has always been an invisible hate list that each enemy uses to determine who to attack. There are many factors to who can be at the top of the hate list, Dominance has never been one of those factors.
  15. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I'm not understanding, support roles already get their damaged reduced. The only support role that isn't but needs it is controller. I don't think this thread is in favor of nerfing trolls when they are few of them around already. I don't see how it's come down to trolls vs tanks. If you ask me battle-trolls should be stronger than a tank. Trolls get the upper hand in terms of damage. Tanks get their defense high, trolls get their buffs and debuffs. Maybe players are just hating because tanks are the only role that gets their defense high so they don't feel as squishy compared to other roles. Wait do you mean to further nerf support roles? Combat abilities and weapon damage are already doing less damage because they get the damage penalty so if you mean to further make them weaker then thats overkill lol but then skill points, arts, mods and so on play a big factor in making that support role still strong. Not sure if there's a way around it. Perhaps 15% damage penalty is reasonable.
  16. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Name some factors besides a hard taunt. If two tanks are in an alert or raid, which tank will get the aggro? While you're correct that dominance affects enemies to be cced what factor would be the cause as to why the second tank is getting all the aggro?
  17. nanoUSB Well-Known Player

    Tanks have the luxury of skipping the line in that hate list by using any of their powers. As far as I understand, it's a definitive spot at the top of that list, which they get for a set amount of time. If they fail to reapply their aggro in time, another tank could just "snipe" it from them if "timed well". This is how it's been explained to me many years ago, I don't know if that still applies today. The hard taunts were just added years into the game to give more aggro control in two-tank-scenarios.

    I think that was about the crowd control aspect. If tanks and trolls aren't able to be in sync, trolls can easily ruin a tank's ability to juggle adds where needed, as adds can break out and gain cc immunity like we do.
  18. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Lots of content was designed with a troll to cc stuff.

    Example: Love and War last boss, the V-ad like Vexer, Vindicator, Vanquisher, Vanguard (iirc), were ads that even have a feat attached to not kill them. How you do this? Well, tank grabs Ferris, troll #2 pulls the V and puts it back of group and perma stuns it. Ta da!!!

    Now, years ago, tanks vs troll cc, who has final word?? Tanks won! So, troll cc is brief and are auto immune after 1 cc effect. So how would you even do that feat now if the troll can’t cc it anymore…I mean perma stun it. You can’t!

    Devs broke a lot of mechanics all because trolls can’t cc anymore, bring back the CC!!!!!!
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  19. MaryMagdalene_DCUO Well-Known Player

    Controller role doesn't need any revamp or its damage reduced.
    Why do you inexperienced Controllers/inexperienced players think you know what's best for the role?
    Controllers are more than batteries now and any discussion that attempts to pivet the role's direction back to doing less things should be shot down.
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  20. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I remember awhile back I was doing GoM and in the gladiator arena looking spot where you fight the bird, snake and minotaur, there was two tanks me included and that other tank was getting the hate. Not sure why that was and I felt like it had to be because that tank had more dominance. Since that's not the case I want to know what factors contributed to that if not for hard taunts. Any power used within 12 seconds generates aggro and I definitely was using my powers very often. The part about trolls and tanks not being in synch does sound like a problem when it comes to adds being immune but hey we aren't going to get any update to powers. Like I said this game is more focused on styles and materials lol
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