Returning players aren't welcome back at all

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Offline, May 21, 2023.

  1. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    While there is a large gap in stats between the soft cap in SP and maxing out those stats, I disagree putting a pay option for the unearned SP. All that creates is making lazy players even more lazy and removing the value of SP all together.

    Notwithstanding my opinion, as it is MY opinion agreed with or not....if the option to purchase SP is created, it should be limited to the grindy ones in severely old episodes. But for the one and done thanks.
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  2. myandria Item Storage

    Well, not everyone has money like you do or have the flexibility to save money like you do. Budgets are tighter due to higher costs of essential items and basic bills, even with cutting back. Some people have decent paying jobs but the rise in the cost of living is draining their extra resources. $10 doesn't cover the cost of milk, bread and cereal, even on sale; caring for children/dependents is far more expensive these days than it was 4 years ago.

    I think the reason why feats are not for sale is because feats are needed to progress in this game. Putting a price tag on that will bring the game closer to "pay to play'.

    If the devs sold SP, where will those SP come from? That SP will have to come from some feats; they cannot sell SP just to sell SP AND require players to chase every feat in the game. If players could "buy" their way past PVP and LPVE/PVP feats for SP, that may just put the last nail on the coffin for them and there would be little to no reason to play those contents, for example.

    IF the devs ever decide to sell SP for feats, they should come from the lower level content between CR30 and CR 100 in my opinion.
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  3. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    But what's he gonna do until then? Suffer with crappy arts for months? :/
  4. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Unless he was to pay from 160 to 200, he is waiting even longer doing it the way he mentioned. Taking advantage of Double art XP speeds that process up without really having to crack open a wallet as even the catalysts periodically drop in loot rewards.
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    And just think....if a few have their way here, even that indication will be removed. Don't have much SP.....only started playing yesterday? No worries, whip out the CC and fix that.

    So later the only thing we'll be able to gather is 'how much $$ have you spent on this game'....which will surely be an indicator of time played or general 'skill' right?:rolleyes:
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You don't need strong arts for EEG or normal EG runs and you can get them to 80 very quickly for basic functions. If he's been gone for 5 years that's where he should be spending his time for a while. Maybe not 3 months, but a good portion of that. Catch up on CR, SP, and do some re-learning on the game THEN worry about those elite runs. Probably meet some people along the way too, meaning more chances at getting in a good league or being someone who'd get hit up for filler on '1 man short' groups.
  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    They need to start selling a feature where we can just let the game autoplay itself and we can just watch while eating pizza. And for a few $$ extra, you can buy 'speedhack' mode where it does it 10x as fast. Great game!
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  8. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    You may want to check out the difference is stats from soft cap to max stats. (Can be done through the test server) before making any statements of how little they matter after putting 100 in a skill. Might for instance is several 1000 might difference.

    Not saying that much is necessary to complete regular content, and in some cases in elite...but if those instances have burn could mean the difference in failing or succeeding....Especially if there are 4 DPS in that group carrying that same mentality. It really is no wonder why there are few tanks who aren't selective of what they tank and who they tank for.
  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Or sell the 'top' level grind ones only. Sell the 500 CC bounties, but only after you've hit 250. Sell the 100 count WV bounties, only if you've gotten to 50. That way you can't go direct to 'full' SP without having to do some work, hopefully learning along the way. Other ones that are 1 off, like participation trophies (the different monster counts in GP for example, or the parademon counts in HOP1), they could sell outright as those are really 0 effort, only getting in the run a number of times is required.

    Or....sell none? Nah, what kind of Pay2Win game would do that?
  10. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    I just meant telling him to hold all of the nth metal until 2x without at least getting them to a reasonable level first is an asinine, double-edged sword.
  11. myandria Item Storage

    The issue with Double Artifact XP events is that they do not happen often (2 -3 times a year); the artifact XP packs go on sale more often than the event goes live. So, if you want to level up your artifacts and don't want to spend much (or any) money, you either have to wait for a sale or for the event which of course, is a deal breaker if you are rushing to level them.
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  12. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    200 arts aren't necessary to complete most content....Those requesting those requirements are 1. Either toxic, and/or 2. End game players consistently in elite and elite+ content where the extra stats from buffs obtained from support roles make content that much quicker. One can only use the tools provided, and not taking advantage of those tools, but yet still complaining pretty much has a defeatist's attitude...
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  13. myandria Item Storage

    True and I'm not denying that; I have stated as such in an earlier post to the OP. I'm just pointing out players who want to rush to level up their artifacts may not want to wait for the event or a sale. It's their choice, of course, but as you pointed out, complaining isn't going to get your artifacts leveled up any faster, or guarantee that max level artifacts are the key to getting into elite raids in the first place.
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  14. DuffleBagBoii Well-Known Player

    But back to my original statement. Why should somebody who has the money to pay be punished because some people do not. If you can still get the feats for free i see no reason for offering a chance to buy the old ones from years ago. Not the new content but id probably go like 5 DLC back.

    2k allows you to either grind your levels or buy them… yea the prices to buy the levels are high but if you save $5 a week in a month you have $20 to add to your funds

    & the whole it’s expensive right now to live in real life argument has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion of selling sp in game. Its always going to be expensive, people are always going to have kids..
  15. DarkMastery Active Player

    Sell a few sp packs in the marketplace for old content .
  16. Offline Well-Known Player

    INVENTORY SPACE - returning players nightmare

    Free inventory space for a limited time. Say 1 week, 2 week, 1 month or something then it gets locked out and slowly needs to be put in normal bank.

    This is a massive factor for me having to run around salvaging armour every 2 minutes.

    Right now I've 25 spaces available to play with. The rest is full of trinkets and other stuff that I can't delete because it's to do with older content feats.

    I fell like I don't have enough time to actually decide if I need to sell or delete an item.

    A free extra bank for a month or something will help returning players focus on other parts of the game too.

    i havent played since like i dont know. Tbn , tbe time maybe even before that pissibly. So imagine how much crap I actually have in my banks and not a xlue what to do it.


    Honestly I'm using 3 other characters as banks right now. One full of trinkets, one full of catalysts and old capsules, one full of stuff to rank my characters up aka anything R&D.

    The r&d account had everything I might need or not need. I don't know if I can delete of sell any of it.

    Death metal exobyte, 31st century exobyte, illuminating touch... for a returning player and playing a few raids alerts etc these are over whelming me massively. Core element 44 which ive 19 of these. Do I actually need them? It's gonna be a job for Google again.

    Yellow nectar, makes hippolytas ambrosia from wonder verse. Wtf is that to me?

    Death metal pick used to fortify your death metal guitar. What? Do ive a guitar? Will a guitar give me a feat? A returning player doesn't know what they need or doesn't need.

    Can't you just write on the bottom of items the feats it's to do with and mark it as grey if not complete and then mark it as green when I've completed the feat so I can finally know I don't need the rnd stuff and can get rid of it.
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  17. Offline Well-Known Player


    these are definately needed for multiple reasons.

    Feat group.

    implement the option where a player can create a group for a specific feats and players can join it without using LFG. Just feats nothing else. No raid run finding. Get your feat and it's done. Move on.

    So say I can go to bobbing for golden apples feat on the feat menu and there is groups I can join who also need the feat or if no group available I can create a group whilst also asking on the LFG.

    Let's say I create a group of 8 people needed for bobbing for golden apples feat.

    I want 5 dps, 1 troll, 1 tank, 1 heal.

    Once a tank joins i only need the heal troll and dps. Once everyone's joined the group we ready up, complete the feat and maybe the raid too. make some friends or something.

    an option to put of mic req or not, the language we speak. Say ENG. Spa, fre,. Maybe not even required.

    Maybe a little box where we can write exp req or not.

    Negative from not having a group is below

    I spent 2 hours the other day asking for one feat. i even had players messaging me asking what episode its from.

    Even topped player don't know the feat names, episodes etc.

    Give us the groups so we can finally group up without LFG begging for hours.

    Ad a free player. I can post every 1 minute. Its a long time for me.

    To carry on talking about open groups

    Let me have an open group players can join for raids i need. Omni queue doesn't get me the players I need as I sat waiting for nexus for like 30 minutes of waiting in queue.

    Why can I also have an open group so other players who need it also can join in my group too.

    If i put 5 dps, 1 tank, 1 heal, 1 troll again. People join my group.

    Same as the feat group but its for raids, alerts, duos etc.

    I might even make friends easier when we're all queued together in a group.

    Lfg isnt good enough for me to beg on constantly. Its long and hard process Especially on console.

    id rather have an open group where i dont need to beg constantly and i csn use my time doing something else in game. I could have people joining my group all whilst I'm grinding bounties or doing daily.

    Do you know how much of an idiot I look just constantly asking on LFG over and over again with my hopes of doing something shattered each time?
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  18. Offline Well-Known Player

    OMNI QUEUE----

    Its good the players are running the old content, but its bad because players are once again grouping up on LFG as 8 players again. So random queued players are fudged.

    This needs another look at it.

    Maybe rewards players more for solo queue in raids and alerts using omni queue rather than players getting a group of 8 together.

    if I was rewarded something for being a solo player in omni 8 raid I'd do it. Give me something i need. A catalyst, something R&D towards a feat I need. Cash. Capsule. Anything, something.

    Instead i just wait until players ask for people for omni raid and join as the queue takes to long to solo queue.

    I do sometimes solo queue if I've nothing to do but I'd rather not. I'd rather all players in dcuo have a chance to join my raid too.

    Omnibus isn't good for doing the old content either. I'm still seeing heals, tanks, trolls in dps gear.

    Lock the gear once and for all. Stop letting players in healer roles whilst half stacked dps and healer gear.

    New players are using it for cr boost. I don't want a half stacked healer, tank, or troll.

    I once had a superman character in tank stance using stupid dps gear to attack.

    I asked him to swap to dps and got ignored. Face palmpalm.


    . This is so underrated for a returning player like me.

    The journal. Its good, but it needs a better piority section to help find feats I need in all worlds. The daily and weekly I need in all worlds are a joke. there is so much to do ajd not enough information about it.

    Why can't the journal track this for me? Why can't the journal have the feat menu to help me get the feats faster?

    I need new genesis mission daily or weekly, riddled with crime, earth 3, teen titan, Atlantis, long live the legion etc.

    Why is the journal not telling me to go here to get my feats faster? I need the daily. So I've to start writing down on pieces of paper on what or where I need to go every day to grind these daily feats out.

    Same goes for diamond heist. I still need this daily feat, but the game doesn't tell me to go do it.

    The game is always against me.

    On journal it tells me to dakota city and protecting the green.

    I went to priority tab and its telling me to complete t1 stuff that isn't going to advance my character at all.

    Paradox reapers. Banish reapers in the museum. Wow! Thanks. I'll waste my time doing stuff that isn't going to help me at all shall I?

    It's telling me to do area 51 x1. One gives me nothing. One gives me 1 source mark.

    Example again. Diamonds are for everyone. It a journal mission that completes war never changes. Why is the journal not directing me every day to it?

    Prioritise it ad a daily quest and let me know its for a feat.
  19. Offline Well-Known Player


    Talking about pvp. It's dead. Honestly it's dead. No one wants to join pvp as it takes too long and is hard to do tbh.

    Why not reward players for completing pvp matches. Maybe reward a player with 1 source mark per pvp match completed.

    Maybe even put in a journal mission that tell us to complete a match on 10 random maps to receive 8 source marks.

    I really need the source marks so if the game tell me to complete 5 random maps per week for 8 source marks. I'd be there and I'd be grateful.

    Or something to make pvp worth while.


    As a returning player this is so confusing to me.

    Styles, iconic styles and theme styles.

    Where do I begin with these? Because I haven't played on a while I don't have all of these feats done and now they've tripled in size since I left? Maybe even more

    Styles I need 106 feats

    Iconice styles i need 125 feats. Not including the ones that dont give points.

    theme styles I need 176.

    So call it 400 feats. Wow!

    yes i heard you get random armour style drops in stuff now, but most of this can be grinded fast in certain solos, duos, alerts, raids?

    I'll give an example. Crown on the ground feat. Collect the hectats crown accessory.

    What? For a new player who has recently returned. Why not tell me where I get it from?

    Another one

    Feat- i am the nigh. Collect all styles in the future crusader set

    what? Where from?

    You tell me the I need head, shoulder, chest, back, hands, waist, legs, feet. But where from? Where do I possibly start getting these from?

    Why not just put more information on each feat?

    Another example.

    glow - feat. Collect the energy armour style.

    im not 100% but i believe this drops in an alert. Maybe desecrated catherdral? Demons plan?, phantom zone?

    why does the feat not tell me?

    just tell head drops in say phantom zone, legs, in phantom zone, chest in demons put duo etc.

    Just some more information for new and returning players.

    This is another. Dr fate in house building.

    Two face inspired mask. Its a style. Does it give me a feat? Can you not change it so it tells me if I purchase it, It will give me a feat?

    I'm looking at it with a confused face wondering if I should waste the points on buying it eventually just to see if it will unlock a feat.

    I've just been in house of legends and found vending unit 44 again and counted I need 45x70 marks at 3,150 marks for all this armour. For a returning player isn't this a bit expensive?

    Where do I get 3,150 marks from? By time I've bought all three 5 more episodes would have been out. I'll never catch up.


    I don't even want to get here. Again. It doesn't tell us where we get them from and only tell me i need them.

    Lwts go to global collections, all the news collection 3/4. I need number 4 news from around the planet.

    Where does it drop? Again, I'm going to have to Google it.

    Why not just tell us where it drops? Just say it drops in

    If its in an open world tell me where in the open world. what map, what location.
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  20. Offline Well-Known Player


    Not a massive deal, I'm on ps4 and lagging out when trying to ready up. I've to exit it and go back on to press triangle. Doesn't work. Try again. It lags so hard I've toxrepeat the process until it let's me ready up.

    I got invited to an random players group and he readied something up on the menu. I couldn't tell what he readied up until it tells me i had 60 seconds to accept mission.

    As a returning player the on duty menu should have told me what he queued up not wating until it starts.

    I can't check because of the hard lag. By time I go to say t6 raid and find out what is marked. Its quicker just to ready up and find out.

    I'm just lagging out so hard.

    As I write this I've just joined a group. I had to go to raid and search on every tier section until I find what he had queued up. It was soba.

    Just tell me in the bottom right where it says there are no current active missions available for this content.

    Just tell me what he has queued up. Please.


    when I came back. The game me the usual LFG chat and trade chat. Why didn't it give me proximity chat back?

    I'm in house of legends right now with 69 other people.

    I could be making friends with 69 other people, but I'm not.

    Make everyone have proximity chat and be unable to remove it. Give us a chance to make friends easier.


    a lot of players on here have said join a good league.i can't join a good league. I dont have the artifacts, cr or this comes down to stat clamping my artifacts up so I can join elite raids too.

    No one wants returning, noob or new players in their league.

    I'd like to see other leagues motto. It'd be nice to inspect a player and see their league motto before joining and see what their league is about.

    Possibly even league so they can show what they're about without just a name. Tell me if they're feat, pvp, newest content only etc.

    Maybe even some sort of better league recruitment other than LFG and league recruitment on here.

    Some player will stay in a dead league for ages even though they're dead league.

    if the leader hadn't played in a year, let us take over the league, but only if we're a subbing member.

    Maybe shut dead leagues down and remover active player from them so they can join an active league.

    Example. I went onto an old villan account I never use.

    I was in a league. No one even logged in. Why is the league still about? Remove the active players from the league? Even send a daily message out letting me know howany active players in the last week has been in my league.

    Example of me joining 3 leagues and giving up in them

    First one, guy had 700+ sp. I asked if it was an helpful league. He told me to go use lfg for older feats. I left immediately. Even he couldn't be bothered to help anyone st all.

    Second league. Wow! They was just spamming anyone anywhere anytime. So I left it. No one was doing anything.i asked over and over for people to join me and Nothing.

    3rd league and current one. Tempted to leave. So noobish. Like someone made up a raid and forgot a tank once. Then few days later forgot a troll account in a raid they made.

    I can ask over and over again for certain feat help and nothing. They ignore me. I know they need the feats because some are 89 sp. They don't join.