Returning players aren't welcome back at all

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Offline, May 21, 2023.

  1. spikeat Well-Known Player

    I agree with some of your points. It's true the game has gotten a lot easier and the player base skill level have plummeted. I can personally say that players don't even need SP or Arts unless they run elite or elite+ raids. The new elite content are now regular difficulty and devs won't change it. Easy content = more replays = $$ Contrary to popular belief, this game does not run on FREE.

    I've been spending time on my cr385 alts this week with the 2x bonus. I queue into the elite duo and elite alert (yes, that's how easy the content is). My alts run 80 and 120 arts with around 100-150sp and they keep up with other dps that are 410,411,412 etc. I'm either on par or it's 10-20% difference in overall damage being 20+ CR behind players with 160-200 arts.

    You say you've been all the powerset, well I have all the powerset and I can say, earth is not weak. My 385 earth dps runs a 80, 2 120 art with 150sp and packs a punch. Please don't switch to gadget, cause I have a feeling you won't be great at executing the clips to bring out its maximum potential.

    You can create a new toon on the US server, but you will also experience some of the issues you described on the EU server. Abundance of feat groups forming are a thing of the past. Often you will notice that players joining your feat group are familiar names. Be sure to have a game plan present if you're creating a feat group on US, because most likely the players joining will have no clue what to do.

    As for elite raids, the creator can request any specifications they want. You will find the skill base in elite and elite plus raid a lot higher. You can't expect to join their group and deal 50% less damage, that's known as a carry.

    I'm going to save you a lot of time. If you feel the game is dying and on its last leg, then invest your time elsewhere. Do you have time to give and waste on a dying game?
    • Like x 1
  2. xXlNesTlXx Well-Known Player

    If you want, you can...

    I started with a new account (I played in 2015-17 with another account) during Spring event 2022 in EU server (where population number is a joke compared with US server) and at this moment I have 408 sp, all artifacts maxed ( without spend real money) 413 CR and a lot of new stuff...

    In other words, my character grew up so much more in this last year, than my older character during 2015-17...and during this year I finished the 85% of those old content (except PvP feats because is dead) as I said, if you want, you can....

    I am agree with you with the difficulty to find people to run old content, but if you played during 5 years, you had enough time to run all those old content and you not have any reason to do it again, so things can be harder for new players, but not for returned...but you can expect to get your character maxed again in a week, after a long time away of the game....
  3. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I'm in the same boat, but I haven't found this to be the case at all.

    Yes, of course, at the top tier, especially the elite runs, you're going to have gear and stat snobs, but at the same time ... you haven't been around putting time into your toon, so why should you expect to be able to dive right into the very very very end game?

    I don't think you understand how Omni works. If there's something specific you want, queue for that and omni players will be put in an instance with you. Don't queue for Omni and hope to get what you want. That being said, there are some types of things where that's not going to help. Legends PVE is one of the ones I can't get the queue to pop. But, when there's a lull, I'm sure my league will help out on their alts.

    The system is set up properly: it rewards people for queuing for omni to help poeple queue for old content. It stat clamps them so the content doesn't get facerolled and the new player gets to experience it, but puts them at the top-tier stats for that content so they still feel powerful. Gear that drops in old content can still be relevant as well, both stat-wise and styles drop in more places. It rewards leagues being active and recruiting active players by giving the league member stat buffs, so they have every incentive to bring up players.

    The answer back then, and the answer now is the same, find a league.
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  4. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    so you not being catered too means the game is dead.

    just because you want to run a specific piece of content and random people aren't jumping on board to run with you is not a game problem its a you problem

    as far as powers being OP is just not that true any longer, most are actually pretty on par with each other now as compared to in the past.

    arts do make a huge difference in some powers being stronger but that's not the powers its the artifacts.

    but Earth is fine and can do great damage and great tanking if your having issues with it Perhaps its you who isnt any good and doesn't have any skill instead of the others that you claim are all unskilled and bad at game.

    players gatekeeping is a bad thing ill give you that one but thats what leagues are for to get around those types of players.
    they are also the solution to your random content issue.
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  5. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Off-topic but I HAVE MISSED YOU!!!!!
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  6. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    yeah, I'm on the Eu, too, &, not to belittle or poo-poo your experience, I don't recognise the place you're talking about. some of it, yeah, but for the most part the players I've grouped up with ( I almost always pug ) have been alright. sometimes you get the odd dick, but, hey, that's life. you should form your own groups or join a league. bounty groups are easy to form on reset days. if you can't find a decent enough league online, go check out the League Recruitment section on the forums. you might find what you're looking for there.or, you could make your own league, with your own recruiting requirements, a league dedicated to helping out new & returning players like yourself build their toons. once you have your league, you can do special raid feat days where you all queue in to old stuff that never pops together ( just don't use Omni, use Custom Play ). arts & allies & all the other guff is important, yeah, but it's not the be all & end all. what's more important is a group of competent enough players with a common goal. get your own league together, you'll find those players. eventually.

    I'm sorry you don't feel welcomed. but, trust me, it's not the case.
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  7. Drathmor Unwavering Player

  8. Superheimwr New Player

    “I don’t play elite now I can’t play other parts of the game”

    Well I have one suggestion for you….
  9. GermanFlame New Player

    This text is an automatic translation by Google. If something is incomprehensible, I apologize. I have inserted my original German text below.

    It's true that the US server is significantly busier than the EU server. However, the EU server is not dead: when Episode 45 Shock to the System was released (April 20th), the EU server in Dakota had 16 phases active, and now it's still regularly running at 7 phases. DCUO is not as popular in Europe as it is in North America, but that's not because it's an American game, only the first few episodes have been dubbed. The episodes after that no more. So unfortunately I don't hear any spoken language, neither German nor English, and only see German subtitles. The menus are all in German, including (almost) all heroic deeds, so I won't switch to English. It's probably the same in French, Spanish and Italian, no dubbing, just subtitles.

    There are of course leagues that run elite. However, almost all leagues have minimum requirements for CR or SP. Leagues are also only monolingual because voice chat is used. I can read and write English if it is very simple English. I can only chat in German. It's the same with a lot of people who don't speak English. However, LFG is also being searched for; PanoE, ZooE and DMe are particularly popular at the moment. It's about prestige, and I've done it several times even though I'm not a top player. I'm old, my reflexes are slow and my eyesight is bad. But many players are in Dakota for the bounties or prefer to do Dakota Alert or Raid for the dual marks at the moment. It's often the same players in LFG Elite Raids, you already know each other, they know that I'll stay even if the group should die.

    USn is something else again. USn is currently very popular for SM farming, it used to be the first two bosses from the happiness house, the doomsday raid or the teleport FoS3 in the watchtower. USn is about completing the raid as quickly as possible without using the two teleports on the left and right, so the players should be as strong as possible, followed immediately by USn. Often not only a high CR and 3x200 artifacts are required, but even the EoG artifact. But since many do the bounties, alert and raid in Dakota, the requirements aren't as strict anymore because it's not that easy anymore to even get a group of 8 together. There aren't 2x SM at the moment. In my experience, one is particularly popular as a tank.

    You can also create a character on the US server on the console: New user, address in the USA or Canada, email can end in .de, then start DCUO and create a new character. The shop should then be in $ instead of €. True, there are many more players on the US server than on the EU server. But one problem is the time difference: In the USA it is 6 to 8 hours earlier than in Central Europe. And the players there speak English, maybe Spanish or French. So for me as a German there is no alternative.

    Dieser Text ist eine automatische Übersetzung von Google. Falls etwas unverständlich ist, bitte ich das zu entschuldigen. Ich habe unten meinen deutschen Originaltext eingefügt.

    Es stimmt, daß auf dem US Server erheblich mehr los ist als auf dem EU Server. Dennoch ist der EU Server nicht tot: Als Episode 45 Shock to the System veröffentlicht wurde (20. April), waren auf dem EU Server in Dakota 16 Phasen aktiv, und jetzt sind es immer noch regelmäßig 7 Phasen. DCUO ist in Europa nicht so beliebt wie in Nordamerika, das liegt aber nicht daran, daß es ein amerikanisches Spiel ist, sondern nur die ersten Episoden wurden synchronisiert. Die Episoden danach nicht mehr. Ich höre also leider keine gesprochene Sprache, weder deutsch noch englisch, und sehe nur deutsche Untertitel. Die Menüs sind alle in deutsch, auch (fast) alle Heldentaten, daher stelle ich nicht auf englisch um. In französisch, spanisch und italienisch ist es vermutlich genauso, keine Synchronisation, nur Untertitel.

    Es gibt natürlich Ligen, die Elite laufen. Fast alle Ligen haben aber Mindestanforderungen an CR oder SP. Ligen sind auch nur einsprachig, weil der Sprachchat genutzt wird. Ich kann englisch lesen und schreiben, wenn es ganz einfaches englisch ist. Sprachchat kann ich nur in deutsch. Das ist bei sehr vielen, die nicht englisch sprechen, genauso. Es wird aber auch in LFG gesucht, besonders beliebt sind zur Zeit PanoE, ZooE und DMe. Es geht um Ansehen, und ich bin da auch schon mehrfach mitgelaufen, obwohl ich kein Top-Spieler bin. Ich bin alt, meine Reflexe sind langsam, und meine Augen sind schlecht. Aber viele Spieler sind für die Kopfgelder in Dakota oder machen für die doppelten Marken zur Zeit lieber Dakota Alert oder Raid. Es sind häufig auch dieselben Spieler bei LFG Elite Raids, da kennt man sich schon, die wissen, daß ich bleibe, auch wenn die Gruppe einmal sterben sollte.

    USn ist wieder was anderes. USn ist zur Zeit sehr beliebt zum SM farmen, früher waren das mal die ersten beiden Bosse vom Glücklichkeitshaus, der Doomsday Raid oder der Teleport FoS3 im Wachturm. Bei USn geht es darum, möglichst schnell ohne die beiden Teleporte links und rechts den Raid abzuschließen, daher sollen die Spieler möglichst stark sein, danach folgt sofort wieder USn. Oft werden nicht nur eine hohe CR und 3x200 Artefakte, sondern sogar das EoG Artefakt verlangt. Da aber viele die Kopfgelder, Alert und Raid in Dakota machen, sind die Anforderungen da nicht mehr so streng, weil es nicht mehr so einfach ist, überhaupt eine Gruppe aus 8 zusammen zu kriegen. Gibt ja zur Zeit nicht 2x SM. Besonders als Tank ist man meiner Erfahrung nach sehr beliebt.

    Einen Charakter auf dem US Server kann man auch auf Konsole erstellen: Neuer Benutzer, Adresse in USA oder Kanada, eMail kann auf .de enden, dann DCUO starten und neuen Charakter anlegen. Der Shop sollte dann in $ statt € sein. Stimmt, auf dem US Server sind viel mehr Spieler als auf dem EU Server. Ein Problem ist aber die Zeitverschiebung: In den USA ist es 6 bis 8 Stunden früher als in Mitteleuropa. Und die Spieler sprechen dort englisch, allenfalls noch spanisch oder französisch. Für mich als Deutscher daher keine Alternative.
  10. KidKretz Committed Player


    except change the word "GIRL" to the word "LEAGUE"
  11. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I've played a number of MMO's and the community in this game is average to slightly above average in terms of how well it plays with others. I certainly wouldn't rave about it, but I've played games that were exponentially more toxic.
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  12. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Parasite got bugged in the Elite Alert last night (static charges never appear) and the only way we could get out of the room was to exit or switch character. I asked my leaguemates, remind me again, it's been so long, does this game have a leaver penalty? They said it's something like 30 seconds, and doesn't actually prevent you from queuing. Considering that we have an excuse me and a disband us functions, the fact that we don't have a huge problem with leavers and afk speaks volumes. Not that it doesn't happen, but compared to other games I've played, this is tame.
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  13. zNot Loyal Player

    What does that have to do with this thread? Bugs can happen complain on the thread its intented to and they will fix it
  14. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    he was commenting on the community which is on thread not reporting a bug he just happened to list a bug in his description. i dont get why this thread is even still going to be fair
  15. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I wasn't talking about the bug. I was talking about how the game doesn't have to put constraints in place forcing player behviour to improve the way other games do, at least in regards to rage quitting. it has to do with the original post which laments the state of the player community. It was in agreement with the post I quoted.

    Hope you're having a lovely morning.
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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not to go even further off topic, but there is a 1 min 'deserter' penalty, and it wouldn't prevent you from queueing, but it would add a 1 min delay before the matchmaking process starts. However, an invite over-rides any deserter status.

    I find our majority of AFK and walk outs are in Event and Omni runs though....very rarely in endgame except after a few frustrating rounds of failure maybe. I've seen it a number of times in pug TSW runs after 3 or 4 wipes on Perpetua's beam (I'm sure I've done it as well too:rolleyes:)
  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    What might ease the experience of returning to the game after a longer absence?
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  18. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Can you clarify the ease of experience? I think there is more of a population issue with respect to specific requirements in order to run certain content, which I am not sure that can ever be addressed even at the Dev levels. The only out I see is maybe easing the grind to reach those specific requirements....but, unsure how to approach that without specifically lowering the need for materials and currency to obtain those items moving forward.
  19. zNot Loyal Player

    I disagree, ask yourself why is the population low to begin with? I could bet its because these new players/returnes are being asked/expected with more and more ridicilous requirements on a game that has low population this is a death sentence this game simply cant afford to have this many requierements.

    Also the content isnt even hard its purely made by the community to set these expectations and the more of these requierements the devs can fix the less problems these players will face while leveling and gathering interest back into the game if they arent even allowed to join because of requierements then dont be surprised if the population is low People also have expectations in how certain support rolls play if someone wants to be a battery troll that new player is safe to say will experience some sort of gatekeeping or even removal, the higher the CR content is the more likely this will happen.

    There needs to be more freedom in what/how players play this game,gatekeeping is a big problem in this game especially newer players are very much impacted by this but this goes for all levels and even if you are able to keep a newer player upto endgame the other issue then comes up because hes now hit with more requierements and its a never ending problem untill that player has all of the requierements.
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  20. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Never said "low population". With respect to specific requirements, these primarily apply in elite content, and by those building groups to obtain feats that may require a certain items such as head augments to obtain. I.E. the Computer feat in BOP where you need the augments at a certain level to trigger the cog.