Returning players aren't welcome back at all

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Offline, May 21, 2023.

  1. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    EverQuest 2 (also run by Daybreak) never did, but then again it's been a long time since I've played. The only thing ever purchasable was always mostly cosmetics and mounts. Never anything to give an upper hand or needed for raids or anything (there was also a cool card game you could "open packs" for that had a chance at a rare base item that gave major QoL (like unlimited food and drink buffs for x amount of hours) or illusions that made you look cool). Good times.
    Thinking back, the raids were also mechanics heavy and really clever and fun, not solely relying on 1 **** mechs and "rally" counts like we have over here.
  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    well, usually, the EU servers, are the same as US servers, a lot of the times more, for pc mmos, with dcuo, i am not sure 100% about how the EU PlayStation 5 / online servers are utilized with region, i know there isn't usually that many choices, so thats why the USPC/PS has alot of the Brazilian players, with Venezuela , and some others, with the EU, Looking at it, with the Pacific, Central, and Eastern times, its 6 at night, when its 7 am, central here arounds, give or take.

    The one thing i do wish they would do, especially for the PS5 maintenance / hardware update, the game, is not going to have the blockades that the ps3 and 4 gave it, holding it back, due to it being on pc and sharing servers, in all the game will now be only held back by the capabilities of the engine and server structure/ while opening up memory, " in simple terms, More will be able to load at once on screen, as well as how many items can be stored on the server/ loaded, which makes room, for virtually anything from more animations, to no more glass ceilings , and walls , technically more body styles could be added, aka more customization if they wanted.

    i feel bad for the xbox players, they should be with the PC servers, or lumped in with us, cause, if you wanna talk small population, yea there are players, but the player base is cheated , without being able to join the PS/PC cross play, i understand the Switch, cause that will basically make the Ps5 update, not as good as it should be, due to the switch not being as powerful as Xbox/pc/ps5 and Nintendo doesn't like to do that stuff , but Xbox, is pretty much a pre set PC that has an xbox media operating system, other then windows,

    i have the Xbox exe on my pc, and you can literally open up a Xbox account on PC and play all the games, pretty much. having the game pass and everything, as PlayStation goes on though, with the PS exclusives going to PC, like Spiderman, days gone, Last of us, god of war, SONY is evolving in a great way, especially with the hardware, i now use my Duel sense, and instead of it just showing I'm using a third party controller, there is an actual PS5 driver for using it on pc, so everything you play with it, works just like it does on PS5, and PS remote play is also great,

    that all being said, population optimization is something that needs to be updated, as EU, you can choose to play on US servers, which i would if i were a EU player, but the Xbox def needs to be added to the crossplay, and a more seamless EU, to US server switch should be worked on, among other updates for QOL.[/quote]
    They don't charge by the inch you know....
  3. Offline Well-Known Player

    Where's pm's?
  4. Offline Well-Known Player

    There is normal and elite raids across here.

    Yourube over here only ever bring sup crappy videos on them beating the raid or not telling you about all mechanics.

    In the EU we've to deal with all the people who don't speak English, so we've Spanish, gemena, Italian etc and it goes on and no.

    I'd prefer the servers be merged ad the EU is totally dead rbh.

    The videos on dcuo game has dropped from what I remember. Hardly anyone does them anymore.
  5. Offline Well-Known Player

    I never mentioned artifacts in t3. I says once we got everything up. Everything up back them was gear and sp.

    No one needed artifacts to survivor as player had skill to block, dodge or roll etc.
  6. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Elite began in T3. So what you say there (highlighted in red) can't possibly be true, since Artifacts weren't around until years after.
  7. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Inbox. At the VERY top of the screen, to the left of the "Log Out" and "Alerts" options.
  8. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Having said all that, you do have a point, to some extent. Artifacts were originally presented as an alternate means of progression., but as is the way with these things, if you can bolt on more Pew-Pew-Pew to your Character, then people are going to do that.

    To have made Artifacts a *true* alternate progression mode, equipping them should have switched off benefits from your SP (other than maybe Criticals), and they should have been deeper and broader in effect on your Stats.

    That way, they could have been an alternative to the relentless SP grind, rather than an addition to it - you could still complete content whilst levelling them with relatively low SP, but eventually switching to mid-levelled Artifacts, and then concentrating on levelling them, would be the correct choice if you couldn't, or preferred not to, work on further SP.

    In the end, a sufficiently-levelled set of Artifacts would be as competitive as a full-SP build - you could run either/or.
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