Returning players aren't welcome back at all

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Offline, May 21, 2023.

  1. Offline Well-Known Player

    So I haven't played in estimate 5 years. I returned a week a go or so and nothing has changed, it has actually got worse to when I played. No player have actually got any skill now a days. All players are relying on artifacts only.

    Now people only want players in their lobby with
    3x200 level artifacts. This is a must on the EU servers.
    Sp 700+
    Gear of 410+

    I can't run any content at all. Nothing. I'm loot locked from the last 3 raids because I can only run Normal content not elite.
    No one is running old content at all. Nothing. The omni is useless because it's a radom raid. I don't need random, I need SP. I need specific raids and people to get SP.

    I can sit and ask over and over again for players to run content for feats and Nothing. Hours later Nothing. No one is running content for SP anymore.

    This is not good for new or returning players. If people can't run old content or new content. There's only one option and that's to quit the game.

    I just got asked what my CR, SP, artis was to join USn. Yep, you heard it right. I couldn't join ultimate soldier normal because my artis wasn't level 200x3.

    Something needs to be done about skill points, artifacts and also certain powers being OP.

    Let's talk about players asking for OP DPS for new elite alert. What is this about? Why can't I get ago of this new elite alert? Because I'm earth power and is weak dps and weak tank. So again my option to swap to an OP dps coating me £10.

    This game imo is dead. Its on its last legs. Players don't want to help anyone. They're running content with the same people over and over again which is costing the game players.

    My personal opinion is to clamp skill points in what ever episode they're on.
    So if you're in for 123 you can only have about 90 sp or something, basically you can only use the sp that was given out before that episode. So say you run the newest content then all sp will be available because it's all done.

    If you run say death with superman. All skill points beofe that content can be used, but anything above that content is clamped.

    Same as artifacts.

    If they go into a certain lower level they get level clamped just like armour is.

    This will atop any player asking for certain sp, artis etc. It will force players to have to run old content to get sp to use in old content.
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  2. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Welcome back, bro.
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  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    A whole lot of rambling in this post….

    Yes there will be some who require you to be fully maxed to run. So what’s stopping you from building a group yourself? So many want to be invited into groups and so few are willing to put groups together. Ok top of that you say no one wants to help you get back to current status. I’ve recently had a good number of player return to the game recently and they haven’t been having any issues running content. Maybe join an actual league that’s helpful?

    And regarding powers being op… every single power can do just fine in every single form of content. You not being able to do good as earth doesn’t mean earth is not good. User error seems to be the issue there.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I don't know the situation of the EU, but from what I understand there are a lot less people...which should mean they are a bit less selective than US would be (the old 'beggars can't be choosers' rule), and I know in US I've gotten in a few Elite raids just because they were 7/8 and needed 1 more. Now... I DO have 200 artis, but they wouldn't have known that until we got in....and they didn't ask before, but they did ask if I knew the mechs and I said 'yes'...cause I do. I've only run it a few times and in a couple of those runs we couldn't get past the 1st boss because some full kitted out high end shooters wouldn't stop hitting static, or didn't block on the taser or whatever, and we wiped a few times.

    Except for speed feat, DPS check, and no death type feat runs, if you have 400-402 (purple gear would get you here), and artis at 120 or 140, you should be fine. SP at 400 would be nice though as you could top out your primary skill, but this particular E run is more about knowing how it works than overgearing it....IMHO. Tank maybe being the only exception, as it gets kind of unruly once the adds start piling up and you are trying to do void energy and the number match game. An undergeared tank MIGHT be a valid issue, but you could always have a 2nd tank too. If you are running on a 'borderline' toon...or one that's outright your own group. Many people are lazy to build one, and generally a bit of slack is given to the group lead as you are putting it together. I mean you still need to know mechs, but most people won't be asking for your artis when it's YOUR group. Not in US anyway.

    As far as the alert, you don't need an 'OP DPS'....I've been in runs where a DPS goes down early and can't get rezzed, and we finished just fine with 1 DPS/Heal/Tank. Heck, last week I had to finish it myself as tank as the other 3 kept getting killed by the beams on Major Force wanting to get in his face, or picking up someone else that WAS in his face. Anyone demanding 'OP DPS' is an's not needed and won't make much difference in the time...not as much as shouting for one in LFG will anyway.

    I'd agree that Omni is pretty useless if you are feat hunting. Yeah, there are some random 'gimmie' feats that will pop, but as always, you are better off trying to form a group....I get it, that's harder in EU, but it's still the best bet.

    Side note, if this is all accurate about how the EU server works, maybe it's a reason that the game is lower Pop there. Good luck.
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  5. SuperEpik Well-Known Player

    Super quick question. For the Ultimate Soldier Reg, when you tried to join, were you joining a spam group? Spam groups want people with high arts and such so they can get through each run as fast as possible. For the elite stuff, I doubt it was about your power being earth. I've run elite alerts with earth dps and tank and we did fine. Its likely for the same reason above. Episode has been out for a month, and I'm already sick of running the alert everyday. I just wanna go through it as fast as humanly possible. I run celestial and people think it sucks lol (I cry internally at this btw). I still do high damage as dps and can keep most people alive as a healer.

    As for your suggestion of clamping skill points and artifacts. No. Just no. People already hate the stat clamp even with the stat piercing and artifacts, making the stat clamp effect skill points and artifacts is just going to make people hate it even more, and it'll be counterproductive for your complaint about how no one runs old content. People spend money on artifacts and catalysts for artifacts, so they're definitely going to hate this suggestion.
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  6. Offline Well-Known Player

    You're from the US. You've 3x more players than whatwe do for starters.
    Like I said and I quote
    "I can sit and ask over and over again for players to run content for feats and Nothing. Hours later Nothing. No one is running content for SP anymore".

    Youve returning players that you say have got on well. You've 3x more players than us.
    Imagine the EU all being terrible at the game all being put apart from one another.
    Imagine groups all apart 2
    British only spewking English
    Imagine every single league only accepting the fluent language speakers which means my leagues I can join goes down.
    The groups I can join goes down.
    Everything goes down.

    Now let's talk about powers. Yes, some are op and anyone who says powers all do the same are all liars. They're all lying just like you're.

    I've played this game for long enough to know if I Google most op dps in dcuo rn and swap my damage output will more than likely be x2 better than what I'm putting out now.

    The only problem is it will probably be a troll account.
    I've played through all the op powers qhe they've come out. I've been every power in dcuo. I've tried them all. I know how certain powers are op.

    Let's get back to the league thing. Leagues in EU servers only want top players only. They don't want to low ranks or to have to teach anyone raids or alerts etc. They want ready built players.

    It's a unfair that the devs made the game this way and made it so that only top players are playing with each other.

    This is how bad this game is rn on EU server

    I joined a raid. The person who made the raid group actually forgot to ask for a tank so I believe we was a troll, dps and help only. Because no one had skill we wiped.

    Explain that? Explain people leaving the group because one person doesn't know how to make a group up. I'm sorry, but wow. This game actually had to rely on sp, cr and artis now.

    Back when I was playing the game. We didn't have high armour, sp or even artis maxed out and we did content perfectly fine.

    Now these so called skill high players are only skilled because of cr, sp and artis. Take away those and what are they? Dead in the raid.
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  7. Offline Well-Known Player

    For the person asking about usN and fast groups.

    It was a groups made by a terrible noob in rhe league I got invited to. When I say noob. Read what I put above in a post to someone else.

    You're saying artifacts shouldn't be clamped? You say it's sto do fast runs etc.

    All I can see by artifacts not being clamped on raids = player alike me not being invited to the ground.
    If the artifacts was clamped at say level 40 I would have got in no issues no nothing. Perfectly fine, but because they want 3x200 level it was such a ball ache arguing with someone.

    Clamp the artifacts. Clamp the SP. Let us low sp, low cr, low artis actually feel welcome to the gym for once.
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  8. Offline Well-Known Player

    To the person reinhalt
    Nope not in the EU. Its if you don't meet my standards you don't get in my raid. There isn't any beggars. It's basically a no and if you sneak in you will be voted out.

    In LFG. It basically goes down as this and It looks exactly like this.

    Need players for TTe exp pm cr, sp, artis.

    This is what it is and all it ever is. It doesn't change. It is always the same thing players only wanting high players.

    There isn't no one asking for any player to fill a group anymore especially elite. You might get away with joining an omni raid and then I'm joking you not I once went in and the group failed I think it was happiness homes or something. Yano the once with granny and superman. They failed it. They didn't know the mechanics.

    My sp are 378, cr 393 and artis 159, 141, 108.
    I've only been back a week ish and already bored of the game tbh.

    I've read online and it says to just restart the game over and go onto us ps instead as its a lot better than uk. Yeah we might lag, but its alot better.
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  9. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Honestly just sounds like this isn’t the game for you and this is your exit post?

    No one will be able to say anything that will appease you, several have tried.

    Sorry you don’t enjoy the game any more and sorry EU population is terrible?

    Does EU have any mmorpgs they’ve produced? Maybe try one of those, I’m sure the population will be higher than on a 12 year old American made game?

    What are you hoping someone will say or do in reaction to this post?

    We can’t raise the EU pop or lower their standards.
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  10. SuperEpik Well-Known Player

    The only thing I can see coming from this is people leaving the game and sending devs a crap ton of hate mail, with those not quitting refusing to ever touch anything but the latest stuff.
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  11. zNot Loyal Player

    I can only say try to join the best league you can who is willing to help you.
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  12. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Yeah, man - kids these days, am I right? Back in the old days everyone was a pro and we didn't need none of them new-fangled artifacts and allies. :rolleyes:

    If you can't run ANY content - how are you loot-locked? And what's wrong with running Normal? You can run regular content until you get better arts, more SP and maybe a decent league or some friends, then move on to Elite. You know - when you're an "elite" player.

    You don't need to queue Omni. You can queue the content you need and when there are enough people queuing Omnibus - they will be added to your queue. EU server is not as populated as US, so it might take a while, especially if you queue only a few older raids, therefore it might be a good idea to make a group yourself, even if it's not a full one. Omni will do the rest.

    Leagues are. Get into a decent league, with players of your level and it will be much easier to make or join feat groups. LFG is usually the last resort, especially for more difficult feats. There are also plenty of feats you can get in Omni PUGs, if you ask, or even by chance. And then there are countless solo feats.

    Or you could just learn to use your powerset well. There are many Earth players running MTCe. It's not as easy as some other powers, but them's the breaks...

    You want to make strangers want to help you? Good luck with that... Find a league, make some friends, run with them.

    You want more clamp? Lol... Just wait until the forum's anti-clampers hear about this... lol

    I don't think you understand how artifacts work. They don't just have stats, like gear, which can be lowered. Making many artifacts "lower level" and taking away their rank 160, or rank 200 abilities would make them practically useless. And if they still had the abilites, even if the numbers were somehow clamped, the same players who want 3X200s in their group would still want them - probably even more so.

    Newer content was made and balanced with artifacts in mind. Nerfing them somehow would make a lot of content unplayable. None of what you're asking for is going to happen.

    And if you think 3x200 artifacts are too much to ask - just wait until you find out about art swapping...:D
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  13. Tolly Committed Player

  14. myandria Item Storage

    It is difficult to return to a game that you have been away from for more than a year; there is a lot of catching up to do, there are major changes to the game that affect your characters and your playstyle and there is a general feeling of being lost.

    I suggest running solos and pugging duos for now; these will help you get started on building up SP and better gear if you run the end game solos/duos. Queuing for Omni Raids are random; however, it is much better than waiting for a queue to pop from the main On duty menu, which could take HOURS up to half a day to pop and that was 3 years ago. Consider completing some Spring Seasonal Event feats if you havent already; every easy chance of getting SP helps.

    I also suggest running the seasonal vault within the Spring Seasonal Ominibus. As you may have noticed; the daily vault runs have been removed and are now placed within the Seasonal Events. The difference is that you can use replay badges to replay the vault when it is available; previously the vault was time locked. The gear that drops from the Seasonal Vaults are Early End Game level.

    Another suggestion: consider joining a league. Take a look at the league recruitment forum and advertise your recent return and interest in a league that does feat runs. You may get lucky and find one.
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  15. drail27 Active Player

    I was an day #1 player who returned after a few years away and the game was nothing like I left it and for me the positive changes outweigh the negatives.

    That said I do not disagree with you on several of your issues, and yes it can be hard when trying to play older content as everyone is hooked on the newest events, and missions.

    What level are you?
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  16. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    You complained a lot about needing people to get skill points for raids. Have you finished all solo feats, open world feats/boss spams, in the game? Work on the easy stuff first that you don't need people to depend on. Then after you're done with that, go do all the duo feats where you only need 1 person to depend on.

    Imo you should not be running any elite content at all and that includes the new elite alert. There are way too many easier feats and content that could be done easier and faster, so why even bother?

    I took a 5 year break and returned last year. That's what I did when I returned. I did all open world feats, then solos, and then bounties next. I avoided all elite content for about 4 months. I went from 385 sp to 707 in exactly 12 mos so it is very possible returning players to improve. You just got to be smart about how you spend your time.
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  17. Korlick Loyal Player

    You play on console or PC? If you play on PC, just switch to the US Server. Lots of people running stuff. Lots of leagues taking new/returning players.

    But looks like youre too angry (not bored) and maybe the best choice is to just leave.
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  18. Proxystar #Perception


    Not quite right, but, yes you need a decent tank, especially if you're going for a few feats involving purposefully not killing adds, but as for otherwise, no the last boss on the raid is an AOE burn check pure and simple, the adds only pile up if the DPS are bad and failing to kill the summoners in timely fashion, so no, even if they know the mechanics an under-geared bad DPS is still going to cause problems, a slightly under geared tank that has knowledge probably wouldn't suffer if the DPS are worth their weight and you're just going for completion.

    A number of tanks actually fail also because they accidentally feed immunity to everything and don't rotate different control mechanics, they just sit there and pull the adds, giving them eventual immunity and resulting in Nightmare Desaad charging as well, which also becomes harder to control when there's more adds because the summoners haven't died. You need to have a few juggles, pulls and chrono's on to ensure everything is well controlled, you also don't want to kite too much because it just makes it all the more harder to realistically burn it all.

    Unfortunate you're having a hard time of it. If you're a PC player I'd honestly recommend changing to the US server and slowly moving over all your feats and styles via transfer and just giving up on EU, I think you're better off taking the latency hit and having players to play with than putting up with that.

    That being said, if you cant server move then I'd suggest spending a bit of time just chilling in normal content, building up augments, artifacts and allies and feats where you can, don't rush to jump in to the end game elite groups, they're a fickle bunch of players and they will judge you, like it or not that's how they are, just take your time to get there and don't rush. I know there's a massive temptation to jump straight back in to the most recent elite content even after a long break, but you're not going to be able too unless you start dropping your credit card.

    Good luck.
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  19. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You know you can actually reply to the message if you want to reply to someone specifically, right?

    I can't say you aren't correct....I've never been in EU, however there are other EU players who say they can still get things done, so it seems very hot and cold.

    And if you don't have the things you need right now, why are you only concerned with Elite. First off, at 393, you would probably not get in just off that...regardless of the artis and SP. Run the normal content, get to 400+ (404/405 probably) and see if they are more accepting.

    As far as running on USPS, you could probably create a new toon and try that (if you have the 'means' to change your zone with VPN or something. If anything, I wouldn't scrub the old account till you tested the new one for performance. It might be an option for you, but artis at least won't come any faster over here.

    And Happiness Home is a bad sample of Omni. I mean I dislike omni runs, but even I wouldn't judge ALL omnis off HH or NGN. I agree with LowFlyingMoon and queue the direct run you need and let Omni fill it. Might take time, but if you pick a straightforward run, most people can get it done....even omni queuers.

    Hey...if you are bored, I get it. I am bored many times too, and that's over here in the US. This game is not for everyone, sad to say.
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