Returning player, feats farming and new DPS system?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Diargoa, Jan 21, 2019.

  1. Diargoa New Player

    Hey, just a returning player enjoying this game anniversary event. so many things changed and my main problem is with feats thingy to increase the skill points, and new DPS system

    I found many leagues recruiting but they demand some required Skill points. I'm not actually an achievement hunter and didn't actually found a guide where to start acquiring feats from easy to hard. I literally just playing normally and didn't actually set target to achieve feats (other than completing Investigations and Briefings)
    And what about group feats? it's pretty hard to find help in pub just to achieve one or two feats for one person without a league.

    And one more thing is with the DPS system, now players can actually become a weapon (precision) main? are they actually strong?
  2. August Moon Well-Known Player

    hello ^-^ welcome back. ill do my best to answer some of your questions but i do have some of my own to ask you. depending on your sp some solo feats to start with might be open world ones from past dlcs. For example some of the slightly tedious ones from halls of power part 2 or ones from amazon fury part 1 and 2. as well as solo instance feats would be a good start . you dont have to go completely feat hungry to 400sp to keep up but a good steady 325 can help you preform really well with your dps and or support role .

    and precision based damage . its decent but some weapons out preform others. ones off the top of my head is bow into somebomb mastery and or dual wield into bow mastery . but unless your power excels in melee damage and falls off in ranged then going full might would be the best way to go . powers like earth or rage. also knowing that ive only seen dual wield into bow make it to elite content and even then they mostly excel in boss damage melting

    so as for my questions for you, how is your sp if you dont mind me asking and define casual player ? also what server and faction?
  3. Diargoa New Player

    Hey, thx for replying ^^ . So far, i have 113 SP and feels like a worthless DPS by now. My current power is Rage, tho i think I'm gonna change it to Quantum because personal fav. also, my Faction is Hero and server is PC, US server

    Casual players? Ummm well, the players that didn't actually playing way too seriously but still accordingly and a bit social and helpful (i rarely see players actually chat in pub alerts).
    Oh, and the players that didn't have any signs of elitism. I have zero tolerance to those.
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  4. August Moon Well-Known Player

    alright i gotcha. i can definitely help whenever im on . i have a really small group of friends that span across a few leagues so we just pop in a private chat and talk and run together
  5. Yvtq8K3n Committed Player

    How did a rage melee dps gets into elite content, God dammit. I better grab a notebook. Whit earth you can, cause u can fly and move, but whit rage? You literally in the face of the boss. Unless you either try to go melee and die-hard or go prec and underperform hard. In both cases, rage dps is a good example of how you should not do on elite raids.
  6. Yvtq8K3n Committed Player

    Hi, so my advice, is you can stay rage for now. Rage is an amazing melee might dps, if not the best at moment:3 I would recomend to invest on might for now. Prec dps requires alot of sp, and your sp is still in progress:3

    You really should farm thoose feats. I would recomend, to rush to the latest tier and then do the solo/duo feats. Alerts and only then raids feats. You have alot ot catch up.
  7. Diargoa New Player

    For that, i literally rank up my Might Augments (thx to CR jump) so I'm obviously a might DPS now
    But the problem is that Rage isn't my actual playstyle for now, melee construct combo is good but usually i got instagibbed while diving to melee range at high tier Alerts and Raids even tho i didn't complete my combo construct yet T.T
    I literally run full ranged Rage build while DPS-ing at Alerts but didn't feel it actually did enough damage and my plasma debuff can't reach my target if from minimum range
  8. Yvtq8K3n Committed Player

    Rage mighty and even prec ranged is bad, compared to other powers, like eletric, nature, fire.
  9. August Moon Well-Known Player

    oh the things ive seen. rage and earth based melee dps up king sharks face in cote only to die twice and blame the tank then quit. they're out there . as much as we dont want them to be...they are out there
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  10. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    well ik there are leagues out there that don't have cr/sp requirements, just 18+ in age. heres hoping you find one like that.

    welcome back and best of luck
  11. Diargoa New Player

    Well, i mean full range Rage combo (Dreadful Blast + Frenetic Bombardment). I also use Channel Hate because its Lifesteal property.

    Anyway, thx for your advice so far. I'm now completing feats starting from Fight for the light Episode