Returning player and couple questions about celestial healing

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by KemistiOMG, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    I'm a Nature Healer ATM and thinking of changing to celestial since i've heard it's a "combo" power so my question would be if it's like HL combo- or Earth combo power? or something between?
  2. Owl Devoted Player

    Celestial Combos are different than either Hard Light & Earth:
    • Each Hard Light Combo is either a single button Tap or Hold
    • Most Hard Light Powers combo into multiple powers
    • Hard Light Combos can be chained
    • Each Earth Combo is single button melee Tap that can be repeated
    • Each Celestial Power only combos into one other Celestial Power that exists in the opposite tree
    • 12 Celestial Combos require a 2 button sequence
    • 2 Celestial Combos require a 3 button sequence
    • Timing is very important in Celestial 2 & 3 button sequences
    So Celestial Combos are more complex than Light or Earth Combos.

    Celestial Power descriptions with Combos listed.

    Celestial Powerset Guide thread:
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  3. Delta795 New Player

    More similar to HL, but slower. The same chaining occurs ex: light claws > whip thrash or for Celestial you go smite > haunt. Essentially you have to have the opposite move from the other tree to do the combos.

    If you are used to HL it's ez-peezy as the combos are similar with either tap-tap hold or vice versa.