OP power number 1 OP power number 2 or OP power number 3 You're right it is hard to decide. Close your eyes and randomly pick one.
Here a shocking idea ..... Pick the power you like the best regardless of whether or not it's "the best dps" power , I hate these kind of BS threads. #noteditingtobenicelikefatal
i like what does the most damage, also if you dont like these threads you dont need to comment. Thank you
Good.... Good Keep spreading falsehoods, as it keeps the nerf hammer away! FYI the powers that currently but slightly harder are all either done with glitches or jacked up SC. I still beat most of them even with those.
I think you can't say "this" is the best power. It's important how you play. More range or melee. Clipping or not. Second roll tank or troll, or just dps. And some other decisions. Munition ans Earth are good too. Sorcery has a great sc. Not easy to say what is the best for you.