Resurgence Time Capsules

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mohican378, Mar 8, 2017.

  1. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    I gotta say DBG, I do not understand your marketing sometimes.

    You've managed to add two more levels of RNG into the boxes, and the end result still might be sodas and exobytes.

    Listen, I like TCs, I buy stabilizers. For me, this is just another box that might pop in something I was otherwise going to open regardless.

    But I fail to understand how this new level of chance would entice people who are on the fence about TCs, and certainly not to the vocal members of the forum who hate the concept.

    Would you REALLY be giving up much to at least guarantee an emblem or gear, or material, or what have you within the new box within a box concept?

    Throw the fence sitters and the haters a bone.

    You all may proceed with your outrage towards this new TC below.
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  2. hoaxone Committed Player

    I'm happy as all hell no new feats are in these random boxes and I can continue saving stabilizers.TY
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh man when the RNG isn't enough let's put a "chance" to get another "chance".

    hue hue hue.

    I'll reserve my serious complaints until I see drop rates and the like, as always.
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  4. Nydia Level 30

    Speechless and unbelieveable

    That's all could be said.
  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Meh, one reason I put the game down for a bit. Not really feeling this time capsule nonsense, but I guess it's still a necessary evil
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  6. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Well, I'm still looking for a couple things in the capsules so I plan on opening them anyway. And maybe I'll some of the enhanced stuff (still need all the Shim'Tar gear, Qward gear and newest emblems). Would be a nice way to save those complex materials/motes.
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  7. Quantum Rising Dedicated Player

    Overkill and it's just greed. I have no problem actually paying for content (spent over 3k by my estimate on this game) but I've spent less than $80 since they introduced this gambling BS. Just waiting on Valiance Online or CoT now.
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  8. BumblingB I got better.

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  9. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    Unfortunately the TC's are a necessary evil because free does not pay the bills.
    As long as DCUO can keep the feats and higher CR gear out of them I'm fine with TC's.
  10. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    I'm actually happy it is just recycled crap and not new crap.
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  11. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    So you aren't fine with them.

    P.S: I agree as well. If they got rid of Feats and High CR gear out of them I wouldn't have a single issue in the world with them.
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  12. Fies Committed Player

    Isnt this a "good" thing for everyone who hasnt already finished everything? You get a chance at a "full" (collection-) item of the TCs original loottable (depending on which one you opened). Or am I wrong somehow?
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  13. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    I don't think you get a full collection item; you get the shiny version of emblems and gear that you had to craft in the old system. I don't think a Phoenix Material just pops out (although it sounds like the feather could if you find favor with the RNG). Unless I am misreading.
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  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You got it right. A big complaint by many is that these capsules went away and so did the chance at getting some of these items. Now they're back (just like Mepps said they would be)...and nothing new added so theoretically the loot table at the very least is not worse than before (although I highly doubt drop rates have improved in the least...but that's a separate issue).
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  15. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Correct, Enhanced Emblems and Enhanced gear versions yes, collections no. Although it seems (though I could very well be wrong) that with the new "extra" box that drops, you get an "extra" shot at said rare items. Of course, even if that's true, we're still at the crushing mercy of RNG which means NOT A DAMNED THING HAS CHANGED!!!
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  16. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    I opened a mix of boxes, and received anomoly capsules from each type. the the lantern emblems haven't been updated to include shiny affects like the later emblems, despite this being the perfect opportunity to do so.

    there is no indication in the list of possible items you can get that full collections items, like the phoenix material or the corrupted aura are in the loot table. it looks like collection pieces themselves might be a part of the table, though I did not recieve any from the anomolys I got.

    I recieved a mote, a few shiny emblems, a shiny shim-tar waist, and a couple of lantern emblems.

    Like I said, I have no dog in this fight. I like capsules. I open them anyway, this is just a bonus. but it's not much of one, and I don't see how it's going to entice people who are reticent or downright against the idea of capsule to change their mind.

    On another QOL issue, the animation is cool the first time, not so much the more boxes you open. It would be nice if a way to skip the animation was added.
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  17. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    For some reason I imagine the conversation among the Devs when the new animation was added went something like this -

    Animation Created & all the Developers are Like -

    One Developer Goes -
    ..."You know they are going to want a way to skip the animation after the first few times."

    The Rest of the Developers -

    Fast Forward to Now -

    That One Developer Sitting in his Office -
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  18. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I need my popcorn..

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  19. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    How I feel.
    Meh, the company can do whatever they want. *shrugs*

  20. SkullGang Devoted Player

    The could of just added the ******* vendor and put currency in the TC's. None of this extra RNG bs.
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