Resurgence Mega Capsule & Powerset Auras

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 21, 2018.

  1. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Only the Resurgence Mega Capsules will be dropping. I dobt believe we'll see Paradox dropping either.
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  2. Chicken Well-Known Player

    Thanks Trex.
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  3. Trexlight Devoted Player

    I might have missed it in the announcement but I did rewatch the video. The Mega Capsule itself expires in 14 days but the Unlocked Capsules themselves did not present an expiration date. Was this only because it was from the internal server or am I correct in this assumption?
  4. Kestral Committed Player

    The Mega capsule that drops in the game expires in 14 days when you open it the internal capsules do not expire. The Mega capsule you buy from the marketplace is already unlocked and also does not expire.
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  5. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Yep thats what i figured so hoarding is still an option for players who think otherwise. Thanks for the confirm. Now i gotta clear inventory lol
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  6. OmegaMan nWo Level 30

    The quantum aura is pretty bad
    They could have just gone with a light blue crakeling aura and add some dark blue bubbles
    This current aura looks like a bad rip odd of the nuclear aura or that free water aura
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  7. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    So, it looks like as a subscriber I can open one unless I saved up Stablizers in advance.
    3 days per x 7 so 21 days for one.
    They are available for 26 days = 14 until expired IF you get one on the last day, so 40 days
    21 into 40 = 1.9 boxes <- oh, so close

    But maybe I'm calculating wrong?

    Well the L337 will throw money at it and that's what it's for.
    Enjoy the profits.

    Are we able to post these on the broker?
    It's about the only thing it would be good for other than aggravating a player not paying extra money to play the game.
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  8. Great Spirit Devoted Player

    okay i'm sorry but the scorching aura is by far the BEST already
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  9. AllanPage Committed Player

    More time capsules and auras. SMH.
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  10. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Now we just need one that combines the two Celestial ones :D
  11. Sarezar New Player

    Just some honest feedback: Your Marketplace is very expensive. Convenience and customization items shouldn't cost this much money, especially when a lot of them are identical design-wise with just their Hue changed. I fully get if Episodes cost a bit more or items that took a lot of development time, but increasing inventory space or buying an aura should only cost a fraction of what they cost at the moment.
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  12. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    aaaand there it is
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  13. MagikMayhem New Player

    Dude you wear your aura and you get an extra 200 might? Wear the tank get an extra 100 dom? Should be that way, give more incentive for purchasing.. I haven't read but I saw no feats? Most would like that.
  14. OrbitLimon Level 30

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  15. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    hahahahahaha that's funny, oh man, "Now i gotta clear inventory", just, so funny man.

    what a liar!
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  16. jflusson Well-Known Player

    lol what?, nobody wants feats attached to tc.
  17. Alibaba New Player

    when will the new pvp gear come out? maybe new legends characters? would be great if you would also focus on the pvp :D
  18. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    Is the furious aura, for rage?
  19. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I think so. It's either that or nature.o_O
  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We don't have plans for them to return after resurgence, but resurgence could return with them or they could return in another way.
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