Resurgence Mega Capsule & Powerset Auras

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 21, 2018.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager


    We are pleased to introduce the new Resurgence Mega Capsule and powerset auras! The Resurgence Mega Capsule will begin dropping in-game on March 22, 2018 (opened with Stabilizers) AND at the same time will be available for purchase directly in the Marketplace. This is your chance to catch up on past Time Capsules, take advantage of a huge discount while doing so, and collect 17 ALL NEW auras inspired by DCUO's fifteen different powersets.

    Read on for details!



    What is the Resurgence Mega Capsule? We're glad you asked. This capsule includes one of each of our existing nine Time Capsules - again, that's NINE Time Capsules - already unlocked and ready for you to open.

    Additionally, the Resurgence Mega Capsule comes with the Powerset Aura Reward Box, which randomly includes one of the following all-new auras, inspired by the powersets in DC Universe Online. There's no rarity here, just an equally weighted random chance to get ANY of these 17 new auras with each Resurgence Mega Capsule you open.

    Each dropped Resurgence Mega Capsule can be opened using 7 Stabilizers OR you can purchase the Resurgence Mega Capsule directly in the Marketplace for 700 Daybreak Cash (PC) or Marketplace Cash (PS, Xbox). There is no difference between the dropped version and the Marketplace version, so you can go ahead and choose whichever method is most convenient for you.

    To recap, you will get $9 worth of unlocked Time Capsules PLUS the Powerset Aura Reward Box for just 700 Daybreak/Marketplace Cash or 7 Stabilizers. Here's what that looks like:
    • 1 Unlocked Time Capsule I
    • 1 Unlocked Amazon Time Capsule
    • 1 Unlocked Qwardian Time Capsule
    • 1 Unlocked Team-Up Time Capsule
    • 1 Unlocked Time-Torn Time Capsule
    • 1 Unlocked Arcane Time Capsule
    • 1 Unlocked Gotham Time Capsule
    • 1 Unlocked Notorious Time Capsule
    • 1 Unlocked Paradox Time Capsule
    • BONUS: 1 Powerset Aura Reward Box
    These nine unlocked Time Capsules include everything that the original locked versions include, with no differences whatsoever besides that these capsules come already-opened and ready to go inside the Resurgence Mega Capsule.

    Head to this guide for a refresher on what comes in each capsule. The Resurgence Mega Capsule and unlocked Time Capsules are account bound. The items found inside are tradeable.


    The Powerset Aura Reward Box will include one random aura from the 17 listed below. Powerset Auras are all brand new and can be traded.
    • Scorching Aura (Fire)
    • Arctic Aura (Ice)
    • Terrestrial Aura (Earth)
    • Furious Aura (Rage)
    • Nuclear Aura (Atomic)
    • Enigmatic Aura (Mental)
    • Mechanized Aura (Gadgets)
    • Glowing Aura (Light, Willpower)
    • Sinister Aura (Light, Fear)
    • Temporal Aura (Quantum)
    • Watchful Aura (Munitions)
    • Wild Aura (Nature)
    • Mystical Aura (Sorcery)
    • Glorious Aura (Celestial, Blessed)
    • Wicked Aura (Celestial, Cursed)
    • Sparking Aura (Electricity)
    • Surging Aura (Water)


    As if that wasn't enough, the Quark vendor has also been updated to include modular versions of all of the above powerset auras. Modular auras are similar to the classic, full-body auras you see most often, but only apply to a certain part or parts of the body - for example, hands only or head only.

    On the vendor, you will find the Concentrated Powerset Aura Box, available for 600 Quarks. When you open this box, you will be able to select which powerset you are interested in, and then exactly which modular aura from that powerset you desire. The following options will be available: Head, Hands, Feet, Head & Hands, Hands & Feet, Right Hand (only), or Head, Hands, & Feet.

    Remember, Quarks are the currency found in any and all Time Capsules, which can be then spent at the Quark vendor for a wide variety of items - now including modular powerset auras.

    Log in starting March 22, 2018, and look for the new Resurgence Mega Capsule dropping everywhere in-game, or head to the Marketplace to purchase the Resurgence Mega Capsule. The marketplace and in-game Resurgence Mega Capsules will only be available until April 18, 2018. If unopened, dropped Resurgence Mega Capsules will expire after 14 days.

    Which new powerset aura do you want most?
    • Like x 18
  2. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Why the need to have the capsules expire if you don't open them ?
    • Like x 7
  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Resurgence is a really good, limited time deal.
    • Like x 9
  4. SkullGang Devoted Player

    So its really only for those buying stabilisers. Understood.
    • Like x 6
  5. Hydraze Active Player

    They're...they're beautiful.

    • Like x 7
  6. Proxystar #Perception

    edit - nevermind answered my own question :D
  7. Road Kill Active Player

    i'll pass ty.
    • Like x 4
  8. SocratesGS Well-Known Player

    Honestly, I see this as a way to pressure people to spend money. There is no other possible point to making the capsules expire except to trigger the psychological use it or lose it mentality. People don't like losing the use of something, that mentality is so ingrained from other facets of our life (ie food expiration, weather changes, etc) they will try to buy / use them before they expire. I really don't want to participate in the RNG of RNG with older capsules and another side of RNG with the auras... it's completely unappealing to me.
    • Like x 11
  9. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    man, I can't believe their revenue making product is designed to maximize revenue. What a shocker. Such underhanded business tactics:rolleyes:
    • Like x 3
  10. Hydraze Active Player

    I feel kinda bad for not reading the whole thing..:confused:
  11. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Look at it this way. You can now freely assume things with no conscious then someone will correct you and probably name call you a bit. Thats been my strat lately for not reading things and still getting the synopsis :cool:
    • Like x 1
  12. Hydraze Active Player

    Um..thank you?
  13. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Anytime suga ! :D
  14. OmegaMan nWo Level 30

    This is why i save my stabilizers!
    Can't freakin wait!
    • Like x 1
  15. Gromm865s Active Player

    In other words for members, you can open 1 of these capsules per membership month, without spending money to buy stabs. Good thing I've been saving my stabs up. Little disappointed in the atomic aura, only difference between it and the aura we already get for being atomic, is that it's permanent.
    • Like x 3
  16. stärnbock Devoted Player

    some of them look realy awesome! others... meh!
    just sad: i will not get even a single one of them!
  17. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Not a fan of an expiration date on the box. What if I want to stock pile 10, 20, or 999 boxes to open up later on through out the year, or some such, in any quantity I want at any given time? Thats pissing away a revenue stream.

    Limited runs on Booster Bundles I get and they do not expire(at least to my knowledge). Applying that concept to time capsule with an expiration date... no, no thank you.
    • Like x 3
  18. stärnbock Devoted Player

    anyways: that electro aura looks rather disapointing...
    i mean... i was eager to see it, then like: "thats all?"
    at least there seems no feats attached, thats good.
    • Like x 2
  19. IonHero Committed Player

    Will the auras be a one time thing or will they possibly get re-issued in future resurgences? or possibly some other way?
    • Like x 2
  20. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I don't think they mentioned any of that in the stream, I'd like to know this too.
    • Like x 2