This is to see if we can get the Devs to make one and have it in the Marketplace to buy , so we dont have to delete a toon , or can i buy Additional Character : Slot ( 16/16) , i was told that you can make 32/32 maxs
This has been asked for, they said no and I imagine they would still say no now that your mentor choice is tied to your origin augments.
yea u can have up to 32. then the game basically says "no more character slots for u bub" i personally think there should be no cap. if i want to throw my money at them and have like 64 characters, who's it hurt?
Some of us read the forums via phone. It hurts my wrist trying to scroll past your signature. I'm very happy you don't have 64 toons.
It hurts the server hamsters; the poor things are having a hard time with what we currently have now.
lol 16 is alot right now for one account , 32 top is best tho. IT'S just to much 9 power set's plus more to come in the future with 3 mentors( x2 Hero / Villains )