Reserve Tank Mod, is it broken?

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Scarlet, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Definitely had this issue as I use it on my healer and I noticed that I would always receive PoT but only Power dumps every so often. I never investigated it though. Now that you identified the reason why, it makes sense that the mod is likely broken.
  2. SlayingDaimon New Player

    I was actually thinking about this one a couple of weeks ago and forgot to post. My current theory is that when a controller uses a power transfer it does a check for a percentage and due to the nature of how reserve tank adds to the maximum amount anything over the natural number would be disregarded. Basically the power dump would check to see if the amount of power is less than 100% of the natural max and if not then it wouldn't give power. If that is the case simply adding a line of code to check for the reserve tank mod is applied and then adding power to that person would be a fix.
  3. Sytenia Committed Player

    Read a few posts back on the first page, I've described the problem there with an example.
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  4. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Did a test with Sytenia in a group of 5 where four of us had about 1100-1600 power and Sytenia had 2200 power. No one was using reserve tank. Sytenia used just enough abilities to still have over 1600 power, the troller used his instant power dump, and we all sat back and saw her power bar not move an inch. This is not a problem with Reserve tank; it's a problem with how instant power dumps like defib, psychic empowerment, and recharge work. They should refill a group member's power based on who has the lowest PERCENTAGE of total power rather than the actual number amount.
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  5. Gerbal New Player

    The problem accurs with the power dump mechanics. Its not a percentage of power they have left in there power pool rather its based on actual numbers. So lets say a healer has 3700 power and his bar is at half meaning he has 1850 power. Lets say the tank and two other peoples max power pool is less then 1850 your power dump will always go to the three lowest members which in this case will be the three with full powet bars and not the healer. You can test this by grouping with a healer and just have them use power you will see that your power dump will indeed fill them to full. The problem is with the power dump mechanics not the reserve tank.
  6. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    still broken, please fix
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  7. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    yea this has always been present, it has never worked. This is the same if you use the lockbox atk and aux soders. The only way to refill that "extra" power is to use a soder, pot ticks or a supercharge. Just using instant power return won't work because the game doesn't see that player is missing that 800 power or whatever and skips that person.
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  8. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    I really don't care to much about this problem as if your just relying on the other trolls power dump for power than your not really doing your job your just casting pot. As a troll you got to make your own power as you just can't rely on someone else much like the other troll just can't be relying on your pot to fill him. I always look at 2 trolls in raid as the same which they are, I don't see them as a main troll and secondary troll but as equals we both are there for the same reason and must do the same job. Sure power bouncing and priorities work good but at the end of the day we must be doing the same thing trolling.
  9. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    Yeah I understand and it's just my opinion on the matter others might not agree. Reserve tank in my opinion seems to work better for a troll as we get more power to troll with. I run into all kinds of people who use it and it don't bother me to much. The whole point of something being reserve is to have it as back-up for emergencies. My car runs out of gas on the highway I have a reserve tank to back me up maybe it's not working as intendant or maybe the whole purpose of it is being misunderstood. Most problems I encounter from this mod is from fellow trolls that have way less vit than I do other than that I hear nothing about it in fact it never seems to come up. Thats just my experience with reserve tank others might have different views idk.
  10. Sytenia Committed Player

    I'm sorry but I dont understand what all that has to do with the problem.
    Like what does having less vitalisation have to do with it?

    Also it's not just controllers that use the mod, I find it rather useful for healing as well.
    If you know how it works you can work around it but it's still annoying, you have to be somewhat aware of the maximum power levels for everyone in the group.

    Anyway this problem will be worse now even without the mod because of the new gear having lots of power on it so much more difference in maximum power between players.
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  11. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    Well if Iam not mistaken I believe someones instant power is determined by the persons vit less vit the lower the pwr dump, also factor in sp for the crits ect. I could be wrong about that Iam pretty sure vit effects instant power in some way shape or form.
  12. Sytenia Committed Player

    And how exactly does this have anything to do with the problem this thread is about?
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  13. Aiden Warren New Player

    It's accurate to the OP, your just not understanding what he means.
    What he is saying, the troller that does the Instants with more vital, the more power the 3 people gets. 100-250+
  14. Sytenia Committed Player

    Where exactly is vitalisation mentioned anywhere in the posts that actually add to the chat about the problem in this thread?
    I sure cant find it and it has nothing to do with the problem at all.
    Please read all the posts on the first page and the first 5 or so on this page, then you will understand the problem and see vitalisation has nothing to do with it.
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  15. Aiden Warren New Player

    Yea Reserve Tank is 874 Extra Power which takes 4+ more Instants to do, but also still does not fill up a dps at all. In which I can understand and know why, because that's always the case for a long time. Even I have a power bug with the Mod Equipped and it actually gives 2X the power of the mod 874 X2, being that it applies the power to my power base and adds it as base.

    Maybe this is the reason why it takes so long to fill up their power, being that it actually doubles it.


    as I said in the post, I asked Mepps to track my account down and really calculate my stats for the real amount of power.
  16. Aiden Warren New Player

    he said he may be wrong, what he is saying is, if the troller don't have high enough vital, they wont get as much power, he is just trying to say , maybe that's why they not filling up their power bars as good, but he said he may be wrong, so I wont go against the forums guidelines and attack him like that.
  17. Karasawa Loyal Player

    I think you're getting a few different issues mixed up. The OP was concerned that you can't fill some raid members' power bars when they have unusually high power and he thought it might be due to the use of reserve tank. There is indeed a bug where if you have more than 4 group members and one person has much more power than the others then you can't fill that person's power with the instant past a certain point.

    This has nothing to do with reserve tank. It is caused because instants fill the person with the lowest numerical value of power instead of the person with the lowest percentage of power. This is exacerbated by people using reserve tank when they already have a larger than normal power pool. It is also exacerbated by separate bugs like how going into a legends match when using reserve tank causes the mod to stack with itself.
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  18. thelostczarnian New Player

    ok so...forget about power mods and forget about power specing (sp and wisdom of solomon unless ur a power troll) untill this issue has been fixed. i wonder why healers dont have this issue with insta healing health bars and why the same mechanics cant be used to fix instant power outs
  19. Kato99 New Player

    This def needs fixing as it is intermittent , sometimes power dump will work as normal on a person with reserve tank mod and then suddenly it doesn't, power dumps simply will not be received by that person and only pot will fill their bar. So i would imagine it IS a bug as it is not working as intended as it is simply to add that extra 875 to your power pool ( as if you were using Skill points on power to add the extra power) being a battery Troller this annoys me to no end :mad: ,So Please fix this asap.
  20. Massah Committed Player

    I have been aware of the downside of having too large of a power pool when I made a Villain troll that spec'd for Vit& Power rather than straight vit - what I found was that in low tier Raids like Inner - Novice with other players that had smaller power pools I could not get instant power back from the other troll if I had 75% power or more - I then looked at what others power-pools must be and figured the instant power transfer was a literal "lowest power" regardless of power-pool percentage. Which meant it is actually bad to spec for huge power-pool increments as you are then relying on your excess power pool rather than getting power back from a controller - thus it seems as the Devs were guiding people away from being a "Battery".

    As such I have always thought the Reserve Tank mod was working as intended - it seems to me as they were not catering to the "Battery" play style that so many prefer a Controller to "be." The backlash of the instant-power transfer only going to the lowest numerical power pools has become more apparent with the increased power consumption coupled with those power-spammers wanting a larger power-pool to compensate for the increased consumption. And this is where the issue becomes grossly visible - a healer with an obscenely high power pool can be at 75% (not including an expansion buff/mod/cola/etc) and never get instant power from either troll when the rest of the group is topped off. Trolls may try spamming instant power thus wasting more power that will still not go to the not topped of healer. The power-pool expansions only exacerbate the issue thus increasing the percentage of empty power bar on the largest Power-pool'd member.

    The real issue arises when DPS appear to have more power than the Healers or troll (percentage wise) a troll goes to power dump with instant power and the DPS and Tank get the power instead because Numerically they had less power. So controllers (and those looking to blame controllers) - if you see that your instant power is not filling up the lowest looking blue bar it is because they have more power than the other members in actuality. It may look like you are not keeping the lowest members powered but in reality you are literally there to keep the smallest power-pool filled - not necessarily the lowest power-bar percentage. So just keep with your normal rotation and hit the power-filling Supercharge when it looks rough - as trying to freak out and spam instant power does not mean that empty looking Healer bar will get the power anyway - instead you'll be feeding the DPS who in turn will cast and the cycle will continue.

    Unless it is an actual Bug - in which case when it gets fixed - it will be easier than ever before to keep a group powered up as "Instant-power" will always be distributed to team-mates and not just vanish into thin air....LOL
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