Requesting help: Time management

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by GLoRToR, Nov 17, 2018.

  1. GLoRToR Well-Known Player

    So I have a dps, a tank and a healer. I'd like to have all three of them up to date.
    I just got back recently and I find myself sitting here for hours and barely getting anywhere. I'm thinking I'm spending my time incorrectly.

    These are the dailies that I've been doing:
    - Atlantis Event
    - Solos
    - Duos

    And I'm already looking at five or so hours. Admittedly some of the high level solos took a couple tries but still.

    I see people with multiple characters at 250cr.
    How do I do this right?
  2. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I can tell you how I do it, just regarding the most recent content on three toons:

    1. Queue for Vault and queue for Stabilizer. Do Vault then take pop when all presents are destroyed.
    2. Do Stabilizer and teleport to most recent Episode. Take quest(s) and do them while shouting for Alert. I usually shout for 2 DPS + 1 Heal/Tank or for 3 any role with my nature toon since he has healer gear.
    3. As soon as you have a full group, do the alert and do the rest of the dailies later.
    4. Finish alert and teleport back to Episode while the last cutscene rolls and you already got your loot.
    5. Finish dailies
    6. Queue for Atlantis solo, do it and after defeating last boss, teleport to Watchtower.
    7. Go to Titans Island or whatever daily stuff you need next and do it while queueing for all remaining duos you want to do.

    With the alert needing 15mins or less depending on group (tank runs are way faster imo) I need less than an hour for three toons. If league's online I can finish with my three toons in around 2 hours.

    If it is too much (as I said, I only run current content), prioritize. Which DLC gives you the most feats? Do you really need all the marks right away? Is it maybe enough to just do the weeklies? Once you're finished with older content, it gets easier.

    What also helps is to have multiple loadouts and (even though I don't do it on my main anymore) play your support role. Having some armories for AoE, Single Target and Support Role helps a lot since it speeds up queueing (if you're heal or tank you find 3 dps for alert in no time) and it helps getting through instances faster.
    Know what your toon can do and what it cannot do. Atlantis solo shouldn't take longer than 5 minutes if you get the hang of it.

    Hope it helps you save some time mate :)
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  3. GLoRToR Well-Known Player

    I wasn't even doing episode zones just the on duty stuff heh. I did farm out a bunch of marks though.
    My headache right now is that 1 artifact update costs 10 of the same currency that you get the gear upgrades with.
  4. Schimaera Devoted Player

    If you're still gearing up, ignore artifacts and just take whatever gives you more CR. You can finish feats later.
    If you play multiple toons, dedicate whatever you earn with your other toons to your main (you can get them up later). So e.g. get Catalyst Caches with your alts, get gear with your main. As soon as you reach Amazon Fury III you don't need your Marks of Victory for better gear anymore and can invest them in Catalysts, old gear for feats and rent if you use your mainframe.
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  5. GLoRToR Well-Known Player

    I just figured that out about AF3 it's literally divine. I have my faith back now :D
  6. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    Whenever I reached a new DLC, I would save my scaling gear boxes for a few days until I could purchase one piece fo gear from that DLC. The CR boost from vendor gear helped to make the scaling boxes open at a higher level, faster than if I had just opened them as I got them. I don't think I ever had to spend more than 8 days in a DLC.

    I have 4 toons all 250+, and my main has 296 sp. I've only been on since March, so you can do it! And I've never bought a time capsule or replayed a single piece of content.
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  7. ALB Dedicated Player

    I have 19 toons 247cr to 255 cr. What I do is run everything on main. Build Mark's up for vendor op collections. Pick random alt, and run most of everything for gear pieces. Take all my healers and q current dlc alerts and solo/duo on rest of toons. I play 2-3 hours on weekdays, all day Saturday, and around 4 hours off and on sundays. At the end of dlc all toons have atleast all body vendor pieces.