Request To Devs: Put Super Speed change in WIP so everyone can share their opinion

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Volkenraider, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Not really, but I understand if you don't want to give a real answer.

    The simple answer to the question proves that super speed will be gimped after gu42, and answering the question will only hurt your guy's crusade to nerf super speed
  2. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Seriously? Plus you were the person showing me the Google definition of "implications" on another thread and this answer was way more clear than the one I originally gave :p

    EDIT: But that doesn't even really matter, because, as Sparty said they aren't removing flywheel. Just fixing the horizontal distance you get from it.
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  3. Daemonic Visions Committed Player

    I finished the sentence, now I want my gd cookie!
  4. Giggles Loyal Player

    I'm not sure what version of this game you are playing, but many of the better PvP healers in my league that fly are never in the air. Do you know why? The Healers who have truly mastered their role and power set farm immunity. It's very easy to farm immunity off multiple people attacking you, because you can wait for the interrupt, or watch the block able move coming, while all most people are think is "kill the healer" with tunnel vision on.

    Secondly, of anyone is overhead just spamming range moves, almost all range moves are vulnerable to interrupt. My suggestion, pay better attention to all of your surroundings, and lunge them at the right time. If you watch Spartys video, he demonstrates how easy it is to do.

    Lastly, you guys claiming Flight can fly straight up and escape as an argument, it's extremely weak because that flight upward is no faster than someone walking. Also, I'm not sure of you know this, but ALL weapons have melee and range attacks, you can range those fliers as well. So the whole argument of "omg fliers, over my head, what do I do now?!", my advice play more legends, in legends you learn to deal with fliers, very easily.

    Trust me, once Speeds flywheel is fixed, then all movement modes will be equal from a combat speed perspective. That is the main reason for this fix. I just think it's funny, all these Speedsters claiming they went Speed for Speed Drain are complaining about this fix, and this fix has absolutely nothing to do with Speed Drain, I wonder why?! *hint* They are losing their ability that makes them far superior to Flight and Acro during combat and gives them a significant edge in PvP. ;)
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  5. Giggles Loyal Player

    Grounding does, but there is a difference here, a flier when getting focused will die regardless of whether they are grounded or not because of how slow the movement works during combat. A Speedster if not grounded will jump away with flywheel. That there is the reason Flywheel is currently and needs to be adjusted.

    I'm sorry that you don't like the idea of moving at the same pace as everyone else in combat, but that is how it is supposed to work. You aw right about it not being disabled completely, however, grounding is still there, and very easy to use and get used to. Again, he problem is flywheel giving you speedsters an advantage of actual movement speed during combat, that gives speedsters an edge in engaging and disengaging during combat. No other movement mode can accomplish this, and that is far too big of an advantage to have in PvP.

    As I told the other guy, you will learn to fight and run around away when things get tough. This will in turn make you a better player. All the cheap tricks will be gone soon. Deal with it, and adapt. Change is part of an MMO, and there will always be balance fixes. In this particular case, Flywheel is getting fixed because of the obvious advantages it gives anyone who utilizes speed against other who are not Super Speed. Watch Spartys video of you need to see it for yourself. Also, if you do t know what video I am referring to, please let me know, I will gladly repost it for you, but you can find it on page 4 of this very thread. :)
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  6. Dolfo Dedicated Player

    Oh way too funny but so much truth to this statement it makes me tear up a little.
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  7. Giggles Loyal Player

    Grounding needs to stay as is, I'm sorry if you can't see the bigger picture, but it's there to add another layer of depth and strategy to PvP. Also, regardless, like I already pointed out, Speed Drain is not being touched, so there is no reason you Speedsters should continue to complaining. The only thing being adjusted is the unfair advantage that flywheel gives Speedsters during combat against other non Speed users. What's the problem again?

    What are you so afraid of? Everyone will be bound by the same effects of grounding, and have the same access to grounding abilities. No one will be able to run away from combat, and will have to learn to tough it out and survive with skill, instead of broken unfair mechanics, like flywheel that let's a speedster run into and out of combat anytime they want to. Flywheel has been abused too long in PvP, and I for one am glad it is finally getting fixed. If you are worried about grounds or not being able to escape at any time, my advice is brush up on your legends PvP, the new Arena is very similar only powers cost a bit more to cast. Everyone will adjust, and adapt like they always do. Deal with it. :)
  8. Giggles Loyal Player

    To answer your question about the advantage of Super Speed, you guys still have the amazing ability you all supposedly switched to Super Speed for... Speed Drain. That is not getting adjusted.

    Furthermore, this ability is the equivalent of a Iconic power, and it only costs a measly skill point. I would say that's a pretty good advantage. In case you did not know, we only get 15 power points, but currently have access to 196 skill points. That's the advantage to being speed after flywheel is fixed, and properly balanced in combat like all the other movement modes combat speed. Let's also not forget Phase Dodge, which is similar to Amazonian Deflection and also saves you guys another power point.

    I'd consider both of those skills a good reason to still go speed after the unbalanced mechanic in flywheel is corrected. I hope this answers your question. :)
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  9. Dylan Top5 New Player

    I'm asking as far as movement in combat is concerned. Again, I understand if you don't want to give the question a real answer. Giving it a truthful answer will make your nerf crusade seem absurd.

    We have two different stories... Giggles has posted many times that flywheel will be removed while in combat come gu 42
  10. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I already answered very clearly. As did Clutch. I don't think there's much left to say on that subject. We both agreed that removing it completely would make it under powered. Which isn't what either of us want.

    Tunso however didn't say they would be removing IF. He specifically said it was a two layered problem and... you know what, let's just read his post again.

    EDIT: I did toss Mepps a PM about the subject to get further clarification on this from either himself or Tunso.
  11. xSpartacusx Well-Known Player

    The reason you been obnoxious is not the fact that you are trying to prove your point, but trying to lead the conversation towards what you want to hear and make it your point.

    Complete the sentence:
    Once in combat after Gu41, flight has to engage, acro has to engage, and ss has to ___? That one is easy!!:D

    And i did answer your question. You just don´t want to realize about it, same way Clutch has stated he did. So you go and read again if you want, not bother with it anymore.

    If you are trying to look for an advantage, no wonder why you are arguing so hard about SS. Because they are taking that advantage away and now you´ll be playing on even ground.

    And my last courtesy response to your "sentence": SS will have IF, just won´t give that unfair distance from the team. It´s been stated. As i said, you are the one that don´t realize about it.
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  12. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Wow, you're really misunderstanding what I mean by "advantage".

    Lets try this a different way, and please, try to refrain from insults :)

    -Flight has an advantage over the other movement modes by being able to fly while in combat and being able to engage while still suspended in the air, this is an advantage. Not saying it makes it better than Acro or SS, but still, it's an ADVANTAGE of being flight

    -Acro Has an advantage over the other movement modes by being able to infinitely do it's double jump and using air glide while in combat, this is an advantage to being acro. Not saying it makes Acro better or worse than super speed or flight, but still, this is the ADVANTAGE of being Acro

    -Super Speed currently has an advantage over the other movement modes by having the best double jump allowing it to move faster than the other two movement modes and kite better. This will be gone in GU 42.
  13. xSpartacusx Well-Known Player

    :rolleyes: You still don´t understand.
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  14. Dylan Top5 New Player

  15. junglejim New Player

    The only two to man up in this saga and be honest are clutch and Enquirer they've answered it fine. Ss if flywheel gets disabled completely will be underpowered by comparison. Thats the be all and end all. Soon balance will be added to dovetail on my list of cringe words
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  16. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    Also, though I'm sure Tunso has been fairly busy, I feel like at this point after going back and forth for days on end, that it would be appropriate for Tunso to weigh in and say something, or this topic will probably be reaching 30 pages before the update is even out.
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  17. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Some people seem to miss the bigger picture and would just downright deny that, it's funny because it really exposes the fact that they don't care about balance, they just want ss nerfed to the ground so their own movement mode can be the better option for pvp. Sad, that the devs can't see through that
  18. Mystic Slinx New Player

    I agree Spartacus x each have an advantage until grounded in the new update. As it stands now the only movement mode with an advantage after being grounded is super speed. That's why the change is being implemented
  19. Dylan Top5 New Player

    what? all movement modes are turned off when grounded... what advantage does ss have while grounded on live?

    And if the gu 42 update is to remove inertial inversion while in combat, then there will be no reason to even waste power grounding super speed, as it will essentially be in a grounded state while in combat.

    People are wanting SS nerfed, but they aren't looking at the bigger picture of how it will be the most gimped movement mode after it's nerfed and how that affects overall balance.
  20. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I point you to 2:50 in the video wherein they show how even when your opponents are grounding you, it's still very likely you'll get the increased distance anyway.