Request To Devs: Put Super Speed change in WIP so everyone can share their opinion

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Volkenraider, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

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  2. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Awww, well played. :)

    but, I'm a little slow so help me.

    Am I correct to assume that you feel that Super Speed will be at a disadvantage compared to other movement modes if the proposed changes take place in GU 42?

    A simple yes or no answer will suffice
  3. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

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  4. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    If this effects pve I say completely seperate pve from pvp. So tired of cry baby pvp players getting stuff nerfed for pve. If they wanna balance all the movements make it so every time flight touch an object make them stick to it, and I will be ok with the "balance".
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  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Consequently I can say the same thing about PvE players getting PvP screwed up.
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  6. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Give me an example?
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  7. Dylan Top5 New Player

    OK, thank you for answering my question.

    That's one down, four more to go. Clutch, Giggles, Sparticus and even Tunso, I am still waiting for you guys to answer my question.

    I will quote the two other times I posted it in case you guys missed it.

    the 2nd time I asked


    After the removal of inertial flywheel in combat, what advantage or benefit will SS have compared to flight and acro, if any to keep super speed balanced within movement modes. Or will this change make super speed the worst movement mode while in combat?

    Please limit your response to answering the question and what is scheduled to get changed, leave out your balance suggestions and any bias you have towards SS on live.
  8. KillTheSilence New Player

    It's been that way for a while... Nerf everything, and then when people cry, buff it, and then when they cry, nerf it. #Gadgets :(

    I personally have no preference on super speed/acrobatics when avoiding damage in pvp. They both kite in different ways but to me, they're equal pre gu-41.

    Why do we need to nerf SS instead of buffing flight so that they're equals? Everybody wins in that scenario. I'm sincerely puzzled on why nobody seems to want that.
  9. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Jump cancel was never really abused in pvp... It was pve players crying

    phase dodge is another one... pve players crying about it

    I also feel like weapon mastery was an unwanted product from PVE. It was added due to players losing on the scoreboard and wanted an easy way of doing damage to keep with the more skilled players that actually took the time to learn their power. This is more of my opinion and a controversial statement, so feel free to ignore it if you don't agree
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  10. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Phase Dodge
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  11. xSpartacusx Well-Known Player

    1) Just move a bit to the side. Geez... Awkward positions is only 1: When is just above you. If you think about more awkward positions, am sure Giggles, Clutch, Enquirer or myself can give some advice.

    2) If you are in combat, and have any kind of damage affecting you (Dots, aoe´s, etc) as the video shows, you are stopped right there.
    Also, the problem with targeting/range will be fixed.

    3) Inmunity applies for everyone. You get inmunity, you have time to try to get into movement.

    4) Acro once grounded, won´t give the unfair advantage that SS IF gives with 1 jump. It just stops right there. Same applies with flight, once he starts flying and is grounded, it won´t distance himself from the battle once its grounded. On the other hand, SS can spam it.

    5) Double jump will be there, what will be fixed is the horizontal distance that it provides, giving an unfair advantage. The same way the other 2 movements have to deal while in combat. -- Engage --

    6) The fact that you think in terms of "pro" "benefits" makes me think you were SS strictly for the IF advantage. This is shown by.. let´s call it the passion you are typing here.

    7)This was a courtesy response, because the Next time you choose to ask for an Unbiased answer, you better start with an Unbiased argument and don´t compare one move that requires power to use (swoop attack) with a passive ability (IF from SS), or pretend Acro/flight can cover the same distance with 1 passive move as SS does.

    And if the argument of "awkard positions" is that you have problems just moving 2 steps into any direction to properly target.. oh well what can i say. Can´t help you there buddy.
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  12. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    You are aware the PvE side was the reason we had GU36 right?
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  13. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    I've answered everything you've stated multiple times, go back and read.
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  14. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Do you have proof? Oris this an assumption? Because with the damage cele and ragehad the ability to do pre wm in arenas, I could pount to those
  15. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

  16. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Actually yea, Jump cancelling was the main focus of that update and wasn't abused in PvP like it was in PvE. It wasn't even an issue. Consequently that brought One-Shot Mastery into the game.

    EDIT: You do know you can edit your posts to correct spelling errors right and add other various bits of information in like I'm doing here right?
  17. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I'm gonna name the major nerf that has happened of pvp
    Power over writing: the powers use to stack until players start complaining about multiple CoD and downdrafts
    Pet nerfs: the devs nerfed all pet cr, because soe said the pet damage wasn't matching crafter multiple sorcery healer nerf threads
    Blue immunities: I know most think this was needed, but it ws added because high level pvp leagues were beating pugs with no weapon and recorded it imo.
    I'm sure it's more but I've been drinking and can't think of them
  18. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I don't care how one has effected the other as they're now being separated (thankfully). You asked for an example of how PvP was effected by changes directed at PvE and I gave it to you.

    Also we may be talking about separate instances here, but immunity was added as it's really the only way to survive 2v1 encounters.
  19. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    It wasn't that's an op. But w/e I hate how one effects the other
  20. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Wow, you went through all that, but didn't answer the only question I asked. Every movement mode as it's own set of advantages, I'm asking what "advantages" will super speed have come gu 42. Not what will make it better than Acro or Flight.

    Finish the sentence: Post gu42, Flight can fly while in combat, acro can double jump and glide while in combat, super speed can ______???

    Really, you addressed everything except the actual question. I don't care about any of the other info you posted. I just want to know what will be the use of super speed come gu 42
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