Request To Devs: Put Super Speed change in WIP so everyone can share their opinion

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Volkenraider, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Currently every movement has its PROS And CONS.

    -Flight can hang out in the sky and attack from awkward positions that can at times be difficult to target, it can fly away in combat and can escape with swoop attack + immunity

    -Acro has it's infinite double jump that it can kite with, it can fly/glide while in combat and can escape with back flip into zip line

    -SS currently has it's double jump that is soon to get nerfed and removed while in combat

    So can anyone who supports this nerf tell me what benefits or "PRO" (if any) super speed will have after it is fully nerfed in GU 42? It will essentially be in a "grounded" state while in combat.

    Clutch, Giggles, Enquirer and Sparty. I'm hoping you guys can answer this question logically and UNBIASED.
  2. iamlightning New Player

    Will this be in pve too..I use flightwheel to dodge raid mechanics also this change is very big to alot of ss users I think instead the devs should treat arena zones like the boss fights in oan where the whole room is grounded that no one in pvp has an advantage and they wont have to waste time with grounding powers and pve would remain unaffected
  3. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Ever considered rolling? and yes it will affect PvE.
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  4. junglejim New Player

    Nvm rolling if your going to balance something then do it dont treat us like idiots and take something possibly unbalanced nerf it to the ground leaving it unbalanced at the opposite end of the spectrum and then tell us its balanced. Theres no getting away from the fact that both flight and accro hold a major advantage after the update. Just the fact they have any movement skill usable in combat leaves them at an advantage
  5. Yallander Loyal Player

    Honestly if they just made Whirlwind attack similar to swoop that would be enough. The ONLY real issue with SS is the distance it can create is greater than can be closed by an opponent using grounding. Just fixing that won't break the travel mode, but make it equally possible to close the gap.

    On top of this allowing PVP trinkets and tank cleanses (perhaps even travel mode SCs) to remove grounding and give a brief duration where the player cannot be grounded right away would reduce the impact grounding has on all travel powers.

    The worst scenario here is that tanks have additional means to self cleanse grounds, but with the lack of love tanking gets in PVP I feel it is a fair trade off. A healer/troller kiting around unchecked is benefiting their team AND diminishing his/her footprint in the "pocket" where damage is being dished out the most. If a tank decides to kite around unchecked it is more detrimental to his/her team.

    Any changes made to movement modes needs to be handled with a light touch with focuses on:

    1. Types of powers that apply ground (ensure EVERYONE can have access to at least one)
    2. Closing distance on a grounded target
    3. Escape abilities available to each travel mode
    4. Ground cleansing/application cooldown balance
    5. Ground duration
    6. Impact on PVE (especially open world/large zones.) The effects need to be limited to GROUNDING application powers and not just taking damage. Then limit the NPCs that use such mechanics especially in open world/large zone areas.

    IMO these are the 6 aspects that should be looked at with each travel modes (including Skimming) to ensure that each are on the same par.
  6. Giggles Loyal Player

    You must not have tested these new changes yet, or not PvP much, definitely one of the two though. The reason I say this is because if you had actually tested these changes, you would know that if fliers were giving you that much trouble, you could easily ground them. Most importantly however, if you PvP often, you would also know that in PvP Flight is the one with the biggest disadvantage. How so you ask? Well, that greats we can fly up, but then what? Attack with an interruptible range move and get lunged back down to the ground? Or die on the way up because flight in combat is as fast as walking?

    Look, I understand you are upset that you will be bound to the same limitations as Flight and Acrobatics during combat, but it needs to be done. Super Speed is currently vastly superior. Once Flywheel is fixed, it will be on par with the others as far as movement speed during combat. I'm not sure if you are a PS player or a PC player but, I suggest you watch Spartacus' video because it clearly demonstrates not only how Super Speed is broken, but how easily it is to deal with fliers in PvP combat.

    I know Super Speed players are worried about PvP right now because they will soon be subjected to the same type of combat the other two movement modes have been dealing with since launch, in regardless to not being able to jump away anytime they wish, but guess what? It's been a long time coming, and you will adapt like the rest of us have already. Stop being biased, and try to see the bigger picture. The sooner you adapt, the easier the game will become, regardless of what changes. :)
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  7. Giggles Loyal Player

    If grounding was needed in anyway shape or form from its current state on test, Flight would become to powerful after Speed is fixed. I say this as a flier. Grounding needs to remain the way it is currently on the test server.

    Now to answer yourpoints ln 1-6...

    1) If you have played on the test server, would know that we all have access to grounding abilities via the iconic tree and the movement trees.

    2) once flywheel is fixed, everyone will be on the same page as far as movement speed during combat, and be able to close the distance.

    3) escape moves are available to all of us, Flight has Dust Off, Acrobatics has Perfect Poise, and Super Speed has Dash Attack.

    4) Grounding should not be cleansed because it would make Flight too powerful. Grounding only lasts 3 seconds and costs a considerable amount of the limited amount of power one has to cast. It is fine the way it is currently on test, especially because we all have access to the same abilities and are subjected to the same effects universally.

    5) 3 seconds is perfect, not too long, not too short. 3 seconds is the current duration.

    6) nothing is changing on the PvE front, grounding will work like it always has. It is not a big deal. Seriously, learn to utilize your roll in PvE.

    Oh, and skimming is just a reskin of flight, if you did not know already.

    I hope this clears up any confusion you might have had about the coming changes. Good luck out there. :)
  8. Giggles Loyal Player

    I'm dead serious. Everyone claims they went to Speed for Speed Drain and not Flywheel being superior during combat. They aren't touching Speed Drain, just fixing the current imbalance of Flywheel moving much faster than the other two movement modes during combat.

    I'm not sure what all the speedsters are complaining about if the main reason they are speed is for speed drain, unless that is a lie, and they are just worried about losing their great advantage during combat of being able to escape at any time. :)
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  9. minuteofdecay Committed Player

    I heal when I pvp, I'm getting focused fired all the time. From knockup, knock down s to generally fighting two to three ppl at a time. U say it's easy to counter a flier that is just at the edge of range and directly above me I call bullcrap.
    Easily ground them? With what power, remember u are so excited to see healers only able to cast 3 or 4 powers? So let me ground that pesky troll flying at an impossible angle to target and not do my job as a healer? So where is this extra power coming from?
    Why can't u just ground a SS instead of nerfing them? U don't want to use ur power to stop something u can't do. U would rather cry about it and nerf an entire movement mode.
    So after this nerf I will be at the same disadvantage as acro and flight? So I can fly straight up and get out of range of anyone attack?
    I stand by my request to either limit the height that flyers can go or make all movement mods not able to use any movement s all in combat.

    I'm more of a pve type player but ur pvp guys keep getting everything nerfed in pve too. Should have asked for a buff to either flight or grounding. Instead of crying.
  10. Shift New Player

    Are they going to fix the jumping toward your targeted enemy while in a attack animation for SS as well if they are nerfing the movement mode? I also see this nerf making closing the boom tubes feat alot more difficult unless you are in a group that actually stays in their correct spots. Glad I am on a long break...
  11. Dylan Top5 New Player

    This glitch? the least they can do is fix this while they are busy nerfing super speed

    Thread here:

    Please fix this issue with Super Speed by GU 42
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  12. chubbychase New Player

  13. ??? Well-Known Player

    Exactly, went super speed for Speed Drain:rolleyes:

    If so, why the qq? is a fix :)
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  14. junglejim New Player

    Winner winner chicken dinner! Now you're getting it . How do you think we deal with kiters. Now apply that to ss and problem solved grounding works on us all equally and as ive said basics of focus fire. All this is needless and theres no point referencing how ss is perfoming on test because on test it isnt disabled completely.
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  15. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Quoted from over on testing feedback.

    Leaving it in, in it's current state is too much.
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  16. Dylan Top5 New Player

    The video you posted refers to the way ss is on live, I was not asking about that.... So I ask again. Looking forward, what, if any advantage or benefit will super speed have compared to other movement modes after it's nerfed in gu 42?

    People need to look ahead and look at the bigger picture after the nerf takes place and the overall effect to balance across all movement modes. Will the solution be to nerf Acro and flight to bring it in line with the newly nerfed super speed? Or will the solution be to add something else to super speed that gives it less of an advantage, but doesn't break the movement mode.

    Heck, the least they can do is fix this glitch that only allows the player to move towards the boss when jumping to avoid danger in a boss fight.

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  17. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Literally taken from the post you just read:

    I'm not opposed to Super Speed retaining it's Inertial Flywheel ability in combat. However it's potency needs to be adjusted and a number of people can't seem to grasp why that is. Completely removing it would be just stupid because you effectively removed any kiting ability the movement mode had.

    I quoted that post, now twice, to make clear where I stood on the issue. Hoping I don't have to quote that post a third time.
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  18. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    I agree with this, I guess when GU42 hits test and we fully know the extent of the change we can have a more accurate prediction of its effect in PVP.

    As you mentioned before, its all about that healthy balance, I'm personally still skeptic and think its gonna get nerfed beyond oblivion
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  19. Dylan Top5 New Player

    That's your opinion on what you feel the change to super speed should be. I didn't ask your opinion on a theoretical change or what you think should happen to inertial flywheel.

    I'm asking you, Giggles and Clutch to comment on what is SCHEDULED to be changed, what has been confirmed by Tunso and that is removal of inertial flywheel.

    Here is my question that I've posted twice now:
    Again, for the 3rd time, I'm asking you, Giggles and Clutch to comment on what's already been confirmed by Tunso... I'm not! Agian, I'm not asking you guys what do you think they should do with inertial flywheel. I'm asking you guys to comment on what's scheduled to take place by GU42.

    If you think the change is balanced, then say that. If you think it will leave ss gimped compared to other movement modes, then say that. But please, stop avoiding the question with your own balance suggestions, I'm not asking for that.

    Sorry if my previous posts were unclear

    Hopefully you won't have to quote a previous post of yours that does not answer the question again
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  20. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    People were initially super speed for speed drain, and grew to like it beyond that. Now that WoP is a standard 2 second animation, it doesn't make a difference, but people are still accustomed to ss.

    Want to solve the problems that were presented? It's really simple.

    Remove grounds. Flight won't be too out of reach since Acro and as will be able to reach it.

    Leave super speed as is on test.

    This keeps depth and strategy in game while leaving all movements on equal footing. Done deal.
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