Request To Devs: Put Super Speed change in WIP so everyone can share their opinion

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Volkenraider, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Taken from a PM I had with Mepps. So soon we'll have better clarification on exactly what they are changing with flywheel so we can finally move on from this.
  2. Zezimar Committed Player

    I'am okey with SS flywheel not being possible to be used while being grounded.
    BUT, not allowing us to use flywheel when we are just in Combat Stance is a big joke man, what are we supposed to do then ?
    C'mon I can't believe that you can call this a balance.
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  3. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    That's not what the adjustment is. They are adjusting the horizontal distance you get from it in combat.

    There's been some confusion as to what the adjustment actually is so I had asked Mepps (to which he said they will do) to clarify what the adjustments are.
  4. Zezimar Committed Player

    It has been days..

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  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Yea, I asked him that over the weekend :p he got back to me a little over an hour ago. I suppose we're waiting on Tunso now.
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  6. Giggles Loyal Player

    I agree wih you that most people went Speed because they saw an opportunity to have an edge in combat. However, no other movement mode has a lot going for it during combat either, because everything useful is restricted in combat to keep combat fair. Flight does not have some great escape move like Flywheel that costs nothing, and neither does Acrobatics.

    You will still be able to utilize Flywheel to your hearts content all the way into combat. However, once in combat, your movement speed will be surpressed just like everyone else. This fix is vein implemented for balance sake. Also, as Speedster you still have access to Speed Drain and Phase Dodge. Both abilities in your movement trees are very similar to Word of Power and Amazonian Deflection and can be purchased by Speedsters for a measly Skill point instead of a extremely limited Power point.

    Aside from that, Speed will soon be bound by the same restrictions in combat as. Flight and Acrobatics have already been acustomed to. All movement modes should be surpressed equally in combat, and roght now, the only movement that is not is Super Speed. It's too unfair of an advantage. :)

    That is just it though, with Flywheel in its current state, Flight and Acro are at a huge disadvantage to Speed. This is why Speeds Flywheel needs to be brought in line with other movement abilities during combat. Once Flywheel is fixed, Speed will function just like Flight and Acrobatics in terms of sheer movement speed, which is the ultimate goal to achieve balance. :)
  7. Giggles Loyal Player

    I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but when the match starts, you are not in combat therefore you can use Flywheel. It's only when you engage someone else, or thy engaged you, that you are officially in combat. It is at this time that Flywheel will no longer allow you to continue to move along faster than everyone else. So Speed will equal in terms of sheer movement speed with everyone else.

    Lastly, it does not matter what PvP mode it is, 1's all the way to 8's, you counter everything the same way in all game types. So if there is a flier overhead spamming range moves, you simply lock onto them and lunge. It counters them and brings them down to the ground. In all serious ess, a good place to practice this in Legends, as it is very common practice in Legends these days. :)
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  8. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    So. . . . u don't have an answer about the players who don't pvp and use ss for movement? When players travel through the streets of got am and metro, sometimes attacking enemies take us out of combat, while flyers and acro fly above the enemies. For these players who don't care about pvp, how is this balanced. Please don't comment with pvp modes or countering, because I'm not talking about pvp, I'm talking about the other 90% of the game :)
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  9. Dylan Top5 New Player

    What people are failing to realize, saying "just lunge the flier", is that the extra few seconds it takes to move your camera and target a flier spamming WM combos in your blind spot during a 5s-8s match can equal to more than half your health before you can get the lunge off.

    Yes you can lunge them, but you're probably eating one free weapon mastery combo since your attention is on the actual fight, not some coward directly above your head spamming wm. Another note, with the way this game hands out immunity, chances are when you do lunge them, it won't do a damn thing.

    This is an ADVANTAGE of flight that the other two movement modes don't have. It encourages a lame style of play and is evident in Legends with Dr. Fate and Circe.
  10. minuteofdecay Committed Player

    OK if that's the case then have just grounding remove the ability to use flywheel at all and if ur in the middle of a jump have it bring u to the ground. Doesn't that sound better than if ur in combat u can't use it?
  11. Giggles Loyal Player

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but even in PvE Flight and Acro are restricted in movement during combat. How is it fair that Super Speed be the only one who can move around and ignore the combat slow , regardless if it is PvP or PvE? In short it doesn't. Also like I said prior, a lunge is the answer to a flier in PvP, and in PvE, enemies usually ground or pull fliers out of the sky, so it has no advantages in PvE. Let me give you a prime example of how unfair Speed is in PvE as well.

    Why is it that during combat in PvE, Acro cannot use glide line to get across a room like say Paradox Wave or Lockdowns main room during combat, and neither can flight, but Speed and use Flywheel to ignore the restrictions put in place to prevent us from being easily able to avoid the mechanics of those raids? If Flight and Acrobatics can do it while slowed by utilizing blocking and rolling,mSpeedsters can as well. Your argument is extremely flawed. :)
  12. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Lmao You can't be the bearer of any news, because you don't know. In combat all movements move the same except acro, it's slower than both flight and ss. It's easier to block and roll out the way in raids because if your using any power while trying to jump out the way, the ss glitch, that has been on the game since start make the player jump towards the boss/npc .Flight is a better movement mode because you can't hit walls objects w/e, if ss hit any object it forces the player to run up the wall or circles around the object. Anyway my argument was about traveling from point a-b and you didn't say anything about that, just about points you made up and put wrong info as your counter arguements. :) your ignorance is bliss, not in a bad way, but you just don't know man:)
  13. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Silver, you act like SS is at full speed while in combat... This is simply false information, have you ever used super speed before? It suffers from slowdown in combat just like any other movement mode.

    Acro can use Rocket glide AND double jump while in combat, flight can still fly while in combat, the only thing restricted is GRAPPLE LINE for acro. SS is the only movement mode that has to land on the ground, the other two can fly until grounded. How is it balanced if ss pretty much gets nerfed to the point of being Acro without a grapple line and and rocket assisted glide?

    Silver, I suggest you get your facts straight and stop spreading false information
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  14. Giggles Loyal Player

    Actually, if your first statement were actually true, then Flywheels Speed during combat would not be getting adjusted. Since it is clearly being adjusted, you are wrong. In PvP combat, and PvE combat Speed currently has the edge because of Flywheel. Why do you think most Tanks are Speed in the PW videos you see? They can get to the right place faster to control the aggro. Same goes for Lockdown.

    Furthermore, in PvP combat, Speed has a vast advantage in that it can escape after engaging in combat by using Flywheel which moves faster than any other movement mode during combat. This has already been confirmed by many of us testers, and most importantly by Tunso himself. If you want to know why every "competitive" 5's match is loaded with Speedsters, it's because of the advantage Flywheel has during combat, and to be any other movement mode places you at a disadvantage against Speedsters currently. :)
  15. Giggles Loyal Player

    The movement mode of Speed itself does suffer from the slow down in combat, no one is arguing that point. The point and reason for the fix to Flywheel is that Flywheel allows a Speedster to move at a faster unintended Speed during combat. Also, Acros double jump does not move them any farther than a regular jump, while in combat. Flywheel moves the user 4x farther than a regular jump. This is again the issue and reason that Flywheel should be and currently is going to be adjusted, it gives Speedsters a vast advantage during combat, and it costs no power to use.

    Swoop Attack and Back Flip Kick cost a considerable amount of power on the test server to cast, and even then you are not guaranteed an escape if you are facing multiple opponents, and you not even guaranteed an escape against 1 opponent. The problem again lies within an already confirmed unintended mechanic within the Flywheel ability.

    Lastly, Glide Line is restricted in combat, because it moves the Acrobat to another point on the map faster than the base travel mode. Without putting a point into the Acrobat tree, Acrobatics can still double jump, and it does not get them anywhere faster. Flight can also fly during combat, but it is no faster than walking. Furthermore, without putting a single point into the Flight tree, they can still fly, albeit much slower. Speed without putting a single point into their movement mode can still run up walls, but cannot utilize Flywheel. All this fix is doing, is ensuring that while we are in combat, we are all equally reduced to our movement mode in its most basic form during combat.

    This is why Flywheel is being fixed. Flywheel ignores the restriction of each movement mode in its most basic form during combat. Flywheel also gives Speedsters a clear cut advantage over Acrobats and Fliers in terms of getting from point A to point B quicker if they utilize Flywheel while in combat. This has also already been confirmed by the devs. I hope this clears things up for you. :)
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  16. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Yes, but that is not the planned change it would seem. The planned change is just that you get the same horizontal distance movement as the other movement modes.
  17. minuteofdecay Committed Player

    OK u win remove flywheel at the same time u remove flight and double jump and rocket glide. :)
  18. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I don't think Giggles is phrasing it correctly, or as easily to understand as we'd like, but I do think he's saying the same thing.
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  19. Giggles Loyal Player

    As I mentioned in my last post, it's pretty evident what they are trying to accomplish here, and that again is that they are equalizing all movement modes to their most basic form of movement (ie pretend you placed no skill points in the movement tree) only once we engage in combat. This way, we all move and function at the same exact speed, and one movement mode is not superior to another.

    If anyone is worried about fliers flying over them, my suggestion is to play Legends a bit more, as it is common practice for fliers to fly over head and attack you if you leave them unchecked. However, a simple lunge brings them out of the sky while they are spamming ranged weapon attacks. Also, Acrobatics nor Flight during combat gets anyone from point A to point B quicker. Super Speeds Inertial Flywheel however, does in fact get a Speedster around much faster than Flight or Acrobatics. Again, this has already been proven by us testers and the developers. :)
  20. Giggles Loyal Player

    It actually is balanced. Just imagine all of us going into combat without any skill points placed in our movement modes. Acrobatics could still double jump and climb walls slowly, but that's all they have access to. Flight just flys slow, and even slower in combat. Speed can still run up walls, but will be slowed just like Acro and Flight.

    Once we engage in combat, we will all be placed in our movement mode in its most basic form. I'd say that's pretty balanced. Flywheel in its current form is clearly not balanced. :)