Request To Devs: Put Super Speed change in WIP so everyone can share their opinion

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Volkenraider, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    It's 3 seconds on test currently. They talked about extending it more but felt 3 seconds was a fair time.
  2. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    A change for the grounding affects I have no issue with.
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  3. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Lemme see if I can find the full post from Tunso regarding grounding effects. I'll quote it in here so check back.
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  4. Giggles Loyal Player

    Yes, grounding effects are only meant to last 3 seconds in PvP.

    The fact still remains, if you dont have the power to cast the grounding ability, then speed is at an extreme advantage in terms of combat survivability. This again, is the main issue, and the precise reason that Flywheel is being balanced and brought in line with the other movement modes and their respective abilities during combat.

    Also, the quote from Tunso above is correct, but they did not realize flywheel was still not completely fixed when he posted that. Hence why the full fix for Flywheel will be in GU42. :)
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  5. junglejim New Player

    If you watch the video closely its easy to see at 3.04 clutch is Grounded with foam he makes 2 jumps while grounded. Note the legs running in the air as he jumps thats what happens if you try to use flywheel grounded. No assistance there , no electric animation on the third jump grounding has worn off and he uses flywheel to escape further. Nothing wrong with ss grounded if anything leave as is on test and increase ground duration . Keep immobilising a target part of pvp strategy instead of removing it after all this time. Theres a reason scrim groups were running a guy with lasso for so long
  6. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Except you still can get the horizontal distance from SS if someone grounds you after you've used IF. Something either of the other movement modes are capable of.
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  7. KillTheSilence New Player

    Considering all of us are the ones paying their bills, you would think they would want 3 happy customers instead of 1.

    Buffing flight so it's equal to acro/superspeed solves the balance problem, which makes any unintended mechanic with acrobatics/superspeed not matter.

    They risk causing further in-balance when making any change to the game. They have multiple servers besides the live servers for a reason. :)

    I'd like to stress this even more... 3 happy customers instead of 1.
  8. Giggles Loyal Player

    You don't speak for all people who are speed. Some people who are currently Speed acknowledge there is an imbalance, and have no issues with it being adjusted accordingly. There is a saying though, "don't fix was is not broken". clearly Flight and Acro are not broken, however Speed is confirmed to be broken. Thus why it should, and currently is going to be fixed in GU42.

    As I explained earlier, time is money. It is far cheaper to fix the blatantly broken mechanic in Speeds Flywheel, than it is to risk unbalancing Flight and Acro by buffing them, and them having to waste more time and money going back and re balancing those. The bottom line is simple, Flywheel is broken, it has been confirmed by players and the devs, and it is getting fixed partially in GU41, and the fix will be completed in GU42. :)
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  9. KillTheSilence New Player

    You said earlier that acro looks like it's broken. Lol.

    You can see by my videos that acro and superspeed can both escape damage easily and equally.

    The problem is people thinking flight isn't as good as superspeed and acrobatics. If we buff flight so that it is equal to acrobatics and superspeed, there's no in-balance, and if there's no in-balance there's no reason to "fix" flywheel/glide.

    Cost effective doesn't matter more than happy customers to a certain extent... And it's not like buffing flight is going to be hard for them to do. :)

    To be honest, what I'm seeing is people wanting for flight to be the best movement speed, not for there to be balanced among them all. :(
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  10. Giggles Loyal Player

    The only thing that could possibly be broken for Acro and Flight, is the fact that Swoop attack and Back Flip Kick could possibly get someone out of combat, for a split second. However, as many have pointed out already, your videos were not done in a real combat situation where you are constantly getting attacked, nor did you do any of your videos on the test server where shields and damage prevention/mitigation has changed drastically.

    Therefore, those two abilities are far less likely to get someone out of combat in a real combat situation, unlike the currently broken (and confirmed to be broken) Inertial Flywheel, which can be utilized at any point during combat, to avoid combat while no other movement mode other than another Speedster would be able to catch the Speedster fleeing utilizing Flywheels already confirmed broken mechanic.

    There also a saying in business, "you can't please everyone". Just because you and handful of others like this broken mechanic, does not make any less broken. It is clearly not an intended mechanic as per Tunso, and it is being fixed accordingly. Many people fear change, but quickly learn to adapt once change takes place. :)
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  11. Mad9 New Player

    My question is what do I have left if the inertial flywheel is taken away from me as a speedster? It would seem to make superspeed totally worthless in my eyes and in game. The reason more people go superspeed is because of the inertial flywheel ability that allows one to move adequately to reach a target position. I can't fly and I can't glide, what do I get for my inability? Why should a flight guy be able to fly or acro double jump and glide if I can't use my flywheel?
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  12. Dylan Top5 New Player

    But none of the movement modes are the same, they all have their own advantages.
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  13. Dylan Top5 New Player

    I don't think that's a concern of his... Many players on these forums selfishly try to get powers/abilities nerfed as an indirect buff to their own power or movement mode. They claim it's in the name of balance, but it's clear that they don't care about overall balance. It becomes a game of "Nerf everything except my toys"... It's nothing new from said poster.

    It's toxic to this game and as I said, nothing new.
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  14. iamlightning New Player

    ....I know exactly how counters work I was just stating nobody used channel powers in 5v5 or 4v4 before empowered channeling..I will explain why too big of a risk the immunity timer never lasted longer than the cast only worth using if target was below 35% when you have good healers they will be healed by time the big tick hits on to the subject I just feel like the better change wouldve been to make arenas like oan everyone grounded at least the deathmatches
    Reasons why
    1.less players complaining right now soe needs to keep as many people as possible happy
    2.not 100% sure but thats less work for the devs (2part fix) more time to squeeze other things in the GU
    3.everyone will be on equal speeds no extra stuff thats what everyone seems to want
    4.other modes can remain untouched if you kite or run away you will lose the node which most matches are anyhow

  15. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    First of, in 4s and 5s it's not extremely easy to stop anyone flying above your head at bad angles throwing wm combos. You didn't answer my point, how will ss be balanced with other movements if flywheel don't work in combat traveling from point a to b? Unlike other movements in most cases we are running through enemies, not flying above? A lot of players don't pvp, but I guess they don't matter. Looking at movements overall ss will be at a disadvantage. :)
  16. Mad9 New Player

    This seems more in tune with balance unlike taking away some movement mode ability to the disadvantage of the others.
  17. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    About the whole counters thing...
    Yea, you really didn't.

    As per the topic at hand, the reasons you listed aren't really valid at all as Super Speed is faster than the other moves, giving it a significantly more powerful advantage in combat than the other movement modes, other movement modes, if you bothered to watch the video, are far more susceptible to grounding effects than SS is, and the fix is already happening. The idea of "it makes work for them" is just idiotic, as is the "complaints" argument. You must not have really been active here around the time of GU36 if you think either of those are remotely valid arguments.

    Except those advantages are nullified by grounding, which SS is far less vulnerable to. So far the only "evidence" (and I'm hesitant to even use that word) has shown is that the people making those videos don't know how to properly test things. Go get some to sway some opinions.
  18. minuteofdecay Committed Player

    So why can't u just make grounding better against SS?
  19. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    How is ss balanced outside of pvp? What about what movement is really about? Ss will be changed after this update, because the forums gonna explode the first time players get grounded when traveling. Noone is talking about that.
  20. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Because the grounding interaction is treated the same way for every power, just with SS you get more forward momentum with IF. So if you attempt to ground someone who is flying away, the pretty much just fall straight down. Same with acro. With super speed they keep moving.