Request To Devs: Put Super Speed change in WIP so everyone can share their opinion

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Volkenraider, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. True Zen New Player

    you're right, maybe I should rethink this. thanks.
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  2. DCUOMadWolfx New Player

    i have been playing dcuo for 3+ years now and most of that time has been in pvp arenas. that being said from my own experience and views of alot of players is that pvp went downhill from the moment hometurf dlc came out and all these proposed changes to pvp in season 3 are all well and good but there are alot of casual pvpers that hardly know a thing about competitive pvp that are feeding the devs bad advise and ideas that will only make pvp worse(if that is even possible). take WM for example since that has been implemented pvp has become really unbalanced. its all about who has the luck of crits that being said the devs have addressed this by increasing the health pool on the new pvp gear and also making it pvp gear only which is absolutely brilliant along with the new crit cap. as for the new damage over time duration reduction that should be scrapped that will severely limit the options people have for their loadouts seeing as the power costs have been increased. i am still unsure about the 1 set of pvp gear for all roles but maybe that will be a good thing. so overall most of the changes are good but as stated above there are certain ones that should not make it to live servers. if it was at all possible wm should be removed from pvp but i guess that would require alot of work. so here is the breakdown of positive pvp changes that i would like to see if WM remains.

    high health pool
    crit cap
    pvp gear only
    pvp specific mods
    infinite soda
    breakout trinket only
    no white mods
    no socket bonuses
    no consumables

    now onto super speed. in simple terms.. it does not need nerfin. it is called super speed for a reason!. if you nerf super speed it becomes totally useless and if that be the case i expect to be provided with 2 movement mode respec tokens. the reason i say 2 tokens is i want 1 token to change to a non useless movement mode and then i want another token for when the devs realise that they made a monumental mistake by listening to giggles and undo the changes to super speed so i can change back to super speed.

    alot of people chose super speed as their preferred movement mode for many reasons. it could be for the specific powers that you get with it or could be because they are trying to copy a character that they love or it would be they love the way the movement mode feels in comparison to other movement modes afterall it is called super speed so you kinda expect to move faster. same with every other movement mode each have their own benefits in certain situations. it is like me saying flight needs nerfin because it flies too much!. or acro needs nerfin coz it dodge rolls too much or zip line is way to fast no one zip lines that quick. it is just silly people looking for silly nerfs that are not needed that could potentially ruin the game for ALOT of people. and if such a silly nerf does go live then i would kindly ask the devs to provide EVERYONE with 2 free movement respec tokens. what may seem a minor nerf is infact a big nerf because your movement mode is the most used ability and such nerf will render it useless and therefore changing how the game feels and you could potentially lose players.
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  3. MusicNotez New Player

    Giggles incoming! Prepare for smileys.

    Seriously though, I do agree with some of your points. Ss change may not be as gamebreaking as you make it out to be, but for sure they way devs nerf things in this game, it'll probably be rendered as useless as hl was without JC. And thats only one example. I'd be fine with them 'bringing it into line' with the other movement modes for 'balance' (Insert Giggles here.) But often times when things get 'balanced' (nerfed) they end up broken on the other end of the spectrum. Dont wanna see that happen to ss.
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  4. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    Super speed without the super is running. Everyone can run by getting out of movement mode.
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  5. Giggles Loyal Player


    Your question has been answered multiple times in this thread, and even demonstrated in the video made by Spartacus. If a flier is over your head and ranging you, all you need to do is lunge them and they are hard stunned all the way down to the ground. It does not matter what the distance between you and the flier is, the lunge will connect and counter them.

    The only thing this strategy requires, is your attention. You need to be paying attention to all aspects of the match, not just what is in front of you. Like I said earlier, this is something that people encounter often in Legends. So of you feel you need some practice in this particular department, you should definitely queue up for legends. But do not get this twisted, this is by no means an advantage. If it is to be considered an advantage, it is simply an advantage the fliers opponents let them have because they are not paying attention to their surroundings and leaving the person spamming ranged bbers from above, unchecked. Oh, and the way most people survive a focus fire is by farming immunity. This requires the upmost attention, because one mistake could kill you.

    I'll repeat this next part again since it clearly has not sunken in yet for you. The reason Flywheel is getting fixed in combat is because it gives Speedsters a big advantage during combat by allowing them to move faster than anyone else by simply jumping. This mechanic was not intended, and thus is the reason it is now being corrected. All movements while different, are supposed to function exactly the same in combat. I'm sorry you do not like the idea of an even playing field during combat, but this is happening because it needs to happen for balance sake. :)
  6. Giggles Loyal Player

    PvP has changed many times, and I'm pretty certain this is not the last time it will change either. It's an MMO, it has to evolve in order to survive. This being said balance is also an important factor in an MMO. The reason they absolutely need to fix Inertial Flywheel is because of the unfair advantage it gives Speedsters in combat, in terms of movement speed. That is what is being corrected.

    In short, you can flywheel to your hearts content all the way into combat, but once you are in combat, you are bound by the same restrictions as everyone else, in terms of sheer speed. Once in combat, getting out of combat will just as hard for you as it is for every other movement mode. This is why Flywheel should, and is being fixed properly. GU42 can't get here quick enough. :)
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  7. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    How is it an even playing field when you say yourself that other have to be pay extra attention when flyers are around? What was not intended about ss? Anyone with sense can see why fly wheel was intended and y it was needed. While flyers can fly through the air to there next location, ss have to run through enemies, the devs knew this and gave ss that extra jump to get out of trouble when traveling. Just because they say after that it wasn't intended don't mean anything. It seems you are the type that would let someone spit on you and tell you it's raining :)
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  8. KillTheSilence New Player

    What you just said isn't an argument at all for my point. If we were to buff flight instead of nerfing acro and superspeed we'd have 3 happy customers, if we were to nerf acro and superspeed we'd have 1. My point still stands tall. :)
  9. KillTheSilence New Player

    Keep flight and acrobatics the same as they are and buff flight so that it's as good as flight/acro.

    Plus: All movement speeds are happy. The game is balanced. Nothing gets nerfed.(Nerfing is bad in most cases)

    Delta: Please give me some reasons why this is bad. :)

    It doesn't make any sort of sense not to do this, imo.

    A good solution always ruins a good argument. o_O
  10. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    That's the way it's suppose to be and, since you can't handle it just quit. You need to back your post. Admit everything in pvp should be made as a bore fest because players like you can't handle what competition pvp has left. I really hope the devs say no to you and, everyone else like you.
  11. iamlightning New Player

    Exactly this....its called superspeed because its supposed to move at faster tired of people who dont pvp seriously putting in their 2cents and getting things fixed or changed
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  12. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    It's far better than the other movement modes when it comes to kiting. Currently right now the side opposed to having flywheel adjusted lacks evidence to support their claims. Please do us a favor and provide some because the notion of "movement modes are equal" has been thoroughly disproved multiple times now. Until then your argument has absolutely no ground to stand on.

    I used to think the same thing a very long time ago, that super speed wasn't imbalanced at all, then I actually really looked into the data and found out I was wrong.
    Weren't you the guy who didn't know how counter immunities worked and gave two completely contradictory statements on empowered channeling being useful?

    Super Speed isn't actually even the fastest movement mode :p out of combat it's actually acro. Nitpicking aside the concept of "it's called super speed" doesn't make imbalance right.

    EDIT: also as Sparty said earlier (thanks for clarifying) the adjustment at the moment doesn't seem to be the removal of IF, just toning down the horizontal distance it can cover. I did send a PM to Mepps asking him or Tunso to confirm.
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  13. Giggles Loyal Player

    It is no different than playing Legends. You see, the speed at which flight moves, is equal to the speed at which Acro moves in combat. The problem here is that Speed is moving much faster than Flight and Acrobatics during combat, and once again is the reason the fix is taking place.

    Furthermore, it is extremely easy to stop a flier during combat because a lunge will take them out of the sky if they use any range attack, because all range attacks are vulnerable to interrupt just about. So a Flier flying overhead is easily countered, if you pay attention to your surroundings. On the flip side, no matter how hard you pay attention or attack a speedster, if they want to run away utilizing flywheel, they are going to get away because there is currently an unintended mechanic with flywheel that will soon be fixed, GU42 cannot get here soon enough. :)
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  14. Giggles Loyal Player

    Sometime ago, the devs explained why overpowered or broken mechanics are fixed instead of buffing other powers/abilties. The short answer to their post was, they risk causing further imbalances due to the fact that they are making things that were working fine, even stronger. The easier more cost effective solution is to bring the one ability or broken mechanic, inline with the other non broken mechanics.

    That said, your solution does not solve the problem that is Flywheel giving Speedsters an unintended boost of Speed during combat, making it easier for them to escape anytime they wish to do so. Furthermore, your solution only jeopardizes the fact that they would have to waste even more time balancing the movement modes after your buffs take place. This is simply not cost effective from a business perspective, and is precisely why they are fixing Flywheel. Period. :)
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  15. Giggles Loyal Player

    Tunso already confirmed the full fix for Flywheel would not be in GU41 due to them not catching the various mechanics causing the bug, in time. However, he did confirm the fix in GU42. :)
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  16. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    I didn't see what you said was wrong with super speed. I watched the video you posted.
  17. Giggles Loyal Player

    Then I think you need to rewatch the video again. The fact speed can escape during combat utilizing flywheel while flight and acro cannot escape during combat, is the very root of the problem and why this fix is taking place for Flywheel. Pay close attention at the speed that speedsters get to move in combat by utilizing flywheel, it is a blatantly unfair advantage. :)
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  18. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Yea, I suggest watching it again. Specifically the part around 2:50 where even though the Super Speed user was grounded he still got the horizontal distance from inertial flywheel. Or the general speed compared to the others in which it was able to move.

    I'm fine with movement modes having diversity, but balance is far more important.
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  19. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    I think flight can but, it's a super charge. I don't remember the name. I also can't tell you the last time I used acro but, I think they could get away easy compared to flight. Not that that's a bad thing.
  20. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    I watched it again. Does the grounded move only have a really short timer. I think that might be the issue. When I play pve content and, get grounded by npcs. The affect is very short. Making a move like that almost useless but, you can get a couple good hits in before they try running away again.