Request To Devs: Put Super Speed change in WIP so everyone can share their opinion

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Volkenraider, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. Giggles Loyal Player

    You really need to choose your words better. If what I was saying was nonsense, why do the devs agree there is an issue with Super Speed? As per the definition of "nonsense"... nonsense

    My statements do not fall under the category of "nonsense", nor are they "untrue". If anything is "nonsense" or "untrue" it is the statement that most people changed to Super Speed for Speed Drain. Why, you ask? Well that is simple, if that were the truth, no one would be opposed to the balancing of Flywheel because it clearly gives Speedsters an unfair advantage during combat, and ironically the ability Speed Drain (that everyone supposedly switched to Super Speed for) is not even being adjusted. :)
  2. MusicNotez New Player

    Heres a link Base, because I actually like Jeebie and this is one of the better matches I've seen from USPC, albeit there arent many.
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  3. Giggles Loyal Player

    Firstly, the movement modes do not have their own advantages in combat. Flight is slowed to a crawl during combat, regarldess of which direction the flier is flying in, furthermore the speed of flight is equal to walking. Acrobatics has all of its abilities disabled except for glide, and their double jump, which is also equal to the speed of walking and equal in length to a regular jump. Super Speed on the other hand, can literally out run (by utilizing flywheel), to run away and escape danger at a faster pace than Flight or Acro.

    Secondly, you can say whatever you want about why people changed to Super Speed, and how they got used to it. It still does not change the fact that what people got "used to" was abusing a mechanic during combat that was never intended to be there in the first place, and it is getting corrected accordingly in GU41 and 42, respectively.

    Lastly, 5's is not the only way to PvP, furthermore 5's has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Flyhweel is working in an unintended manner, and is being fixed accordingly. So your request is completely irrelevant to this topic/thread.

    As per this video here... as Jack Ryder says "You. Are. Wrong!", still.

    If you are going to debate, at least come up with one solid argument. Your first paragraph is wrong as per the video provided and explanation given by Tunso. Your second paragraph is a contradiction. Your third paragraph is irrelevant. Please, do try again. :)
  4. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    Not going to address your first point as it's been beaten to death for the past 2 weeks.

    Your second statement would be true if it were never intended. If something like this was never intended, why was it in game for almost 4 years and not being addressed up until now? It's not that it was never intended, the devs are simply questioning the balance of it. There's a difference, so please take your time and familiarize yourself with the concept of intended and unintended ;)

    Finally, my third point is irrelevant, so I'm not really sure why you keep mentioning PvP is more than 5s. I'm asking simply because it appears that the people that are most interested in 5v5s are currently posting in this thread, and they would more than likely have some videos or links to videos of USPC 5v5s.
  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I take it you didn't notice that wasn't the point. The point was that he still got the horizontal distance. Suggesting that grounding effects all movement modes equally is not true.
  6. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    How many bugs have been around just as long?
    Are they "intended" as well?
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  7. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    Well seeing how this apparently is something that directly affects all combat situations which is at the very core of the gameplay., and is only now getting addressed nearly 4 years later (or even more considering development/beta), I'm inclined to say this really wasn't a bug.
  8. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    According to that logic CC being busted is intended.
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  9. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    Crowd Control wasn't always as bad as it is now. Super speed has always been the way it currently is on live.
  10. Giggles Loyal Player

    Yeah I agree, there is nothing to debate about the first point on your behalf because there is video proof that you and Silver are dead wrong about the false notion that Speed is fine the way it is. Especially with Spartys video around as well.

    You are all over the place in your second paragraph. You also have it backwards, if Flywheel was intended to be as broken as it is currently on the live servers, why is getting fixed in GU41 and 42? The simple answer is, the way it works is not intended, and it is not intended because it gives Super Speed users a vast advantage in PvP. I suggest you take your own advice and familiarize yourself with the very word you posted the definition of as you clearly do not understand its meaning.

    Finally, this thread is not about 5's. So again, your request is completely irrelevant to this topic and thread. The bottom line is, Speed is getting adjusted the way it should be adjusted, it was simply overlooked. Much like how certain game mechanics were overlooked and adjusted and brought into line with GU36. Yes people will resist change, however in the end, most will adapt with change. This is the way of the MMO, friend. If you have a problem with change or adapting, MMOs may not be the genre for you.

    Lastly, you have still yet to provide a solid argument for your stance on this topic. Please, do try again. ;)
  11. Giggles Loyal Player

    The only thing the fix to Flywheel effects, is Speeds ability to get away during combat. All they are doing is making its Speed equal to the Speed of the other movement modes during combat. Why are you making such a big deal over this? Especially if you switched to Speed for the sole purpose of utilizing Speed Drain? You do know that Speed Drain is still going to be available right?

    You arguing over this fix simply makes me more inclined to believe Speed Drain is not the reason people switched to Speed, and really switched to it because it gave them an edge against their competition via flywheel. It really looks like you are contradicting yourself, because again, Speed Drain is not being touched.

    Things get overlooked often. Just look at how long it took to get Jump Canceling fixed properly. Sometimes unintended mechanics are allowed to go on simply because they do not have the tech to properly fix it. I assure you, this is not the first or last fix we will ever see in this game. If you have trouble accepting that, MMO's may not be for you. :)
  12. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

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  13. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    I actually addressed the speed drain point earlier in the thread. Maybe if you'd read everything....:rolleyes:
  14. KillTheSilence New Player

    In the superspeed video, CTEN is superspeed aswell, she didn't chase me... For other reasons. :)

    You guys have COMPLETELY ignored my suggestion for flight to be buffed so that is on an even playing field with super speed and acrobatics. This only shows you guys want flight to be king, and for super speed and acrobatics to be it's slaves. You guys make me a sad panda... What's your argument for not wanting balance among the movement-powers and for everyone to be happy with the changes?
  15. KillTheSilence New Player

    You should go watch the acrobatics video, souls was attacking me the whole time, but I got away. And Kara was demonstrating one of flight's abilities. The ability doesn't do 2 different things in PvE and PvP. LOL. You're the one grasping at straws, my friend.

    Let's not let this post get in the way of what I'm trying to say...

    You guys have COMPLETELY ignored my suggestion for flight to be buffed so that it is on an even playing field with super speed and acrobatics. This only shows you guys want flight to be king, and for super speed and acrobatics to be it's slaves. You guys make me a sad panda... What's your argument for not wanting balance among the movement-powers and for everyone to be happy with the changes?

    Buffing flight so it's up to par with super-speed and acrobatics should make everyone happy.

    Nobody gets nerfed.

    People who think flight isn't as good as the other movement modes get buffed.


  16. Giggles Loyal Player

    Look Silver, bottom line is, it has already been proven, that Super Speeds flywheel is not working properly and unbalanced. It was already confirmed by the devs it was getting fixed. Like I told Phil, I understand you are still in the Denial phase of grieving, but you need passed that, and move on to the Acceptance stage quick, because change is a part of MMOs and it is happening. :)

    I watched your videos, they were an absolute joke. You were engaged the entire time by the other player as Acro, and the other demonstrations in Gotham Under Siege were against PvE enemies. Your videos proved nothing, other than those tests were done properly. Spartys video shows us everything we need to know, and see. Apparently the devs agree, since the fix to Flywheel is happening.

    Once everyone is bound by the same movement restrictions and speeds in PvP, then PvP will be a better place. Currently Speed has the edge, and it is blatantly obvious why. Lastly, once again, the reason you guys all went Super Speed (supposedly) is not being adjusted, so you should not have any trouble with these changes. :)
  17. True Zen New Player

    what if they add a new weapon stat called "Swiftness"? making damage and weapon moves FASTER? by increasing damage and weapon attack (faster combos etc) they would do the EVERYONE alot of good.
  18. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    No, that'd make it possible to get some of the really powerful weapon mastery attacks off during a counter window. Not to mention it would make things by far more difficult to interrupt/block if they close the windows further, further reducing the risk/reward element.
  19. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    Great advice here. Leave super speed alone. Players just complain because they can't handle a challenge. I have never seen any problems from what the screamers say about superspeed. Also it's no big deal to me if a player runs away they are leaving there team handicapped. If you are really looking into this it's pathetic. FYI acrobats will be next so, if your going to consider super speed just nerf acrobats to. I"m really getting tired of players crying wolf and, soe just gives it to them. I sucked at this game at 1 time but, I kept going now I'm alot better in pve and, pvp. i really enjoy the part of being able to compete. Nerfs don't help it will give players more weaknesses and, more excuses to cry nerf.
  20. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Please back your posts up with facts. Right now Super Speed, even when grounding comes into play allows you to move significantly further and faster than any other movement mode while in combat.