Request To Devs: Put Super Speed change in WIP so everyone can share their opinion

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Volkenraider, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. Mystic Slinx New Player

    I guess you never spent a match chasing a super speed kiter. Then you would know of the advantage I speak of.
  2. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Where he grounded him, then instead of following him, he did a ranged hold?


    Why not just take out all movement modes while in combat in pvp arenas if all we're supposed to do is stand still and fight?
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  3. Shift New Player

    Yeeeeeeesssshh, exactly that! Also, if they are nerfing flywheel, what about Acros' damaging roll that cannot be blocked nor interrupted? Unless they already made a change to that as well while I've been away.
  4. Dylan Top5 New Player

    TBH, I'm fine with super speed IF getting a SLIGHT nerf, I'm just worried that the devs do the typical nerf like they did with HL, John Stewart, Steel and nerf it to the point that it's severely gimped and at a disadvantage vs all other movement modes.

    But if SS gets nerfed, Acrobats infinite jump needs to be adjusted and limited and I also feel that there should be a range decrease to attacks while in flight mode, maybe a 25% reduction to range while flight is active, to promote players to "engage". I'd much rather have flight and Acro buffed to be able to keep up with SS, that way it will allow more of a dynamic "dog fight" style, rather than feeling like we all stepped in mud and just a 5v5 mosh pit. But hey, the DCUO community loves nerfs. So it's only right that other movement modes are brought in line with SS after it gets nerfed
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  5. Dylan Top5 New Player

    yeah, tumble master will be gone
  6. Mystic Slinx New Player

    I agree. I hate feeling like we all are slow when we are all supposed to be super heroes
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  7. minuteofdecay Committed Player

    what level of reading comprehension are u? Never did I say as a flying healer. As a healer engaged with two or three ppl u want me to ignore them to scan the sky's for the chump up there BB? See but I never complained about them cause I knew that was an advantage of flight. Now tell me where the perk is for being SS ? There won't be one. It will have been nerfed to the ground because someone jumped around and u couldn't ground them so u cried and cried about it. Simply put. The real way of dealing with the flywheel instead of removing it would have been to tone it down. But if the devs what to remove it then they should remove ALL movement mode travel in pvp combat. u never answered my question let's remove all movement modes in combat there fair and balanced no flying no flywheel no what ever acro does.
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  8. iamlightning New Player

    Correct me if im wrong but this ss kite with inertia flightwheel has been going on for a while...years!!!! Somehow tho people still managed to get kills win matches and what not so whats the big deal its not like a person with ss is invincible as stated many times before every movement mode has its advantages..another waste of resources and time by the devs fixing things that dont need to be fixed or can wait to be about the counter windows fix those first since pvp will mainly be about counters
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  9. Mystic Slinx New Player

    What advantage does flight have? Once you are grounded if you are luck to be able to fly straight up to try and get away they just ground you again. You might get away with hitting at distance from a weird angle but once you are spotted. You are on the ground till one of you are dead if the other person knows what they are doing.
  10. Mystic Slinx New Player

    It made all people who wanted to pvp great be SS. That's why there are threads about the great kiting healers on competitive pvp teams
  11. Giggles Loyal Player

    First off, you aren't making any sense. Your question asked why would anyone still want to pick speed after flywheel is fixed, and I gave you the answer. Last I checked, both Speed Drain and Phase Dodge could be used in combat, and those are both abilities only available to Super Speed players at the cost of a least skill point instead of a limited power point. My "crusade" is just, because apparently the devs also agree Speed is too strong in PvP if they are fixing it after I pointed out the blatant imbalance with flywheel. I answered your question, sorry you can't come to terms with answer you asked for.

    Secondly, if you read the patch notes, for GU41, it states that Flywheel will work like Acros Glide Line. If you check, an Acrobat cannot use this ability during combat, so I'm am simply putting 2 and 2 together here. In GU41 you will still be able to utilize it as they did not fix flywheel completely in GU41, it will be completely in GU42. I urge you to watch Spartys video as it clearly demonstrates the advantage Speed has over Flight and Acro with flywheel in its current state in combat, and it needs to be adjusted for that very reason.

    Besides, if you are one of the people who "switched to Super Speed for Speed Drain" and not to abuse the fact that Flywheel ignores the combat slow all other movement modes are subjected to, then you have nothing to worry about as Speed Drain is not being touched. However, if you switched to Speed to get an edge over other players due to Flywheel, then you switched for the wrong reason, as all broken mechanics are fixed eventually. :)
  12. Giggles Loyal Player

    Firstly, you do realize there are other forms of PvP besides 5v5 right? Sure, they all play differently, but nothing changes the fact that in each mode, currently. Speed has a vast advantage over Flight and Acrobatics, due to the fact that Flywheel ignores the combat slow that Flight and Acrobatics are subjected to currently. That's the main reason for this fix taking place, because despite what you think, this fix corrects an issue that is currently being abided in 1v1, 2v2, 4v4, 5v5, 8v8, and Open World PvP. It is not just 5's.

    Therefore your question and argument are still completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Besides, you switch to Super sowed for "Speed Drain", remember? Nothing is happening to Speed Drain Phil, so you should not be worried or have any quarrels with this fix, that is only correcting a blatant imbalance that favors Super Speed during combat in the way of Flywheel. All broken mechanics get fixed eventually. :)
  13. junglejim New Player

    Once you are grounded. Thats key. Until then you can hover out of line of sight spamming wm range until spotted at impossible angles sometimes for speedsters to target. Can stay out of lunge range while still dealing damage. With wm aoe range you could theoretically melt a group to tge point of no return before being attended to. All while in combat . Ss if flywheel goes will have no usable movement skill tied to the jump button. Acro and flight both get usable skills. Im not saying dont adjust it im saying it cant just get removed with nothing replacing it.

    yes back in the day in premades we flocked to ss but for speed drain in scrims. Flywheel came with the package and is part and parcel of being a speedster slowing or reducing the distance covered is the fix that should happen in combat . This is how we pvp and always have. Golden age of pvp? Yeah cant remember not having flywheel back then as i said previously if its not fun people wont play it. claims from giggles wont wash. Flight get vac bubble and back in the day pve dps went flight for that very reason. It was only bettered by strafing run really. This is a waste of resources and gonna cause a huge uproar if it goes out in pve also. It was initially meant to be a pvp only fix i thought. Pve isnt my concern but its worth noting
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  14. junglejim New Player

    Stop blatantly lying to make a point have you ever pvped as ss? Infact have you ever done it competitvely? It doesnt ignore combat slow as i find myself needing to remind you of again . It is indeed slowed in combat already compare out of combat flywheel to in combat its clear.
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  15. Giggles Loyal Player

    Your second sentence should read, "Flywheel allows speed to kite with vast superiority, while Acrobatics and Flight are in a completely separate category because they are sub par to Flywheels ability to get around during combat". I am not exactly sure what part of Spartys, video made you believe that all movement modes are balanced pre GU41, but you are wrong again, nonetheless.

    Also, to answer your question, Flywheel is being fixed, because supposedly none of you Speedsters went Speed to abuse the fact that Flywheel ignores the combat slow the other 2 movement modes are subjected to. Remember, you said you went Speed for Speed Drain? Well good news Silver, Speed Drain is not being adjusted, only flywheel is. So your main reason for going Speed is left untouched. :)
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  16. Giggles Loyal Player

    Funny you ask, because in your last post you said...

    First off, grounding is fine the way it currently works on test. It needs no adjustment or buff.

    Secondly, regardless whether grounding exists, the 3 movement modes need to move at an equal speed during combat. Currently, Flywheel gives Speed a vast advantage in that aspect because it currently ignores the combat slow the other 2 movement modes are subjected to. this is why Speed needs to be fixed, this is unintended mechanic, as per the devs.

    Then, as a flier myself, let me tell you Flight is by far the worst during PvP combat, and escaping especially. Against a player who understands how this game truly works, you will see just how much of an advantage Flight has during a fight, none. Against a good player, a flier does not get to fly, very long. Furthermore, a good player does not let a flier "fly straight up" and survive. Part of PvP is being aware of your surrounds and acting accordingly.

    I am sorry you do not feel you cannot pay attention to your opponents in front of you and those above you, but trust me, it is not as hard as it seems. My advice, play some legends to get used to it, it'll be good practice for you. Practice makes perfect.

    Lastly, your signature and post I quoted above, are complete contradictions, glass house. :)
  17. junglejim New Player

    The devs are aswell locking this up now its going round in circles. Twice more blantently lying about flywheel ignoring combat slow. They have all the opinions it looks like they're gonna get in here not one green response on anything other than to say theyre listening
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  18. Giggles Loyal Player

    According to the definition of competition... competition

    PvP is the very definition of competition. You do know that PvP stands for "Player vs Player", right? So yes, I have participated in PvP, I PvP a lot. So asking me if I participate in "Competitive PvP" is in fact a double negative. Just in case you do not know what a double negative is... double negative

    Now on the subject of you claiming that Flywheel is slowed in PvP combat, it is slower, but it still ignores the base combat slow that both Acrobatics and Flight are subjected to, thus giving anyone who is Super Speed a significant advantage in PvP. This is the main issue as it can be found here...

    [quote="Tunso, post: 2844342, member: 24"]It looks like there were two layers to this. One is a flat boost, which is what they removed. But there's a secondary component that's also adding some portion of your downward momentum to your forward momentum that's still there somewhere so they'll have to dig around to find where that's happening and fix it. This is a client side fix and we're past the window to fix most things on the client side. So unfortunately that means the rest of the fix is going to slip out until the next game update most likely.[/quote]

    The post above by Tunso confirms that there is an unintended mechanic with Flywheel taking place, and is why Flywheel is getting adjusted. Flywheel is currently an unbalanced mechanic during PvP combat.

    All that is happening, is Speed will soon be subjected to the same stipulations during combat as Acrobatics and flight, respectively. This simple brings it in line with the other movement modes combat speed. Although, I am sure you are one of the Speedsters who went Speed for Speed Drain and not to abuse Flywheel during combat, so you have nothing to worry about, because Speed Drain is not the problem during combat, Inertial Flywheel is.

    This video also does a great job of demonstrating how why Flywheel is unbalanced, and why it must be brought into balance.

    You keep saying I am lying and making untrue statements, which is incorrect because I have proven each point I am making above. In case you do not know what "untrue" is...

    The fact is, I am not telling any lies.What is happening is people who are biased towards Super Speed are because they do not want to see the reason Speed is getting fixed (even though it is clear as day right in front of them). :)
  19. junglejim New Player

    The post above by Tunso confirms that there is an unintended mechanic with Flywheel taking place, and is why Flywheel is getting adjusted. Flywheel is currently an unbalanced mechanic during PvP combat.

    All that is happening, is Speed will soon be subjected to the same stipulations during combat as Acrobatics and flight, respectively. This simple brings it in line with the other movement modes combat speed. Although, I am sure you are one of the Speedsters who went Speed for Speed Drain and not to abuse Flywheel during combat, so you have nothing to worry about, because Speed Drain is not the problem during combat, Inertial Flywheel is. :)


    This video also does a great job of demonstrating how why Flywheel is unbalanced, and why it must be brought into balance.

    Good luck out there. :)[/quote]
    More nonsense and lies . Not the same stipulations as acro and flight in combat by any means but dont let the facts get in the way of a good yarn. Good day to you
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  20. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    For the sake of context, this was the last post I made excluding one line.

    Addressing your first point, you're wrong seeing that each movement mode has it's advantages and they're all equally viable. If you could see the bigger picture, you would obviously know that.

    For your second point, I'll go ahead and point out the greater picture again. Most people switched to super speed years ago for speed drain. Since the changes to WoP, people didn't necessarily need to be super speed, but chose to stay super speed mainly because of how much it grew on them. To remove an essential part of super speed will literally cripple the movement mode.

    Finally, I was asking for some links to 5v5 matches on USPC in the past year so that I can get a perspective on 5v5 matches on USPC, but I haven't had any luck.