[Request] Invite offline characters to League

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by jamesbopp43, Jul 16, 2015.

  1. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    I was attempting to invite an Alt into my league, but was unable to as they were offline. Is there a reason why we can't have a way to invite offline characters to a league? Perhaps as an email request, such that they can accept or decline via mail, upon logging in?
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  2. megamanexe Committed Player

    this needs to be a thing.
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  3. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    To avoid mass spamming and abuse capabilities for our oh so mature community. Sending some a league invite repeatedly is an example. Or multiple invites from multiple leagues...imagine having to click "no" to all those
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  4. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Very easy to imagine that having an adverse effect on the in-game mail system as well.
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  5. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    Good point. Perhaps a special mail folder for only league invites. If you get spammed,there can be a delete all button to handle it. If you have something legit, you can accept or decline, individually.
  6. megamanexe Committed Player

    the current ignore league invites should be updated to handle that
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  7. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    No, it doesn't. If it is, if you're not in a league already you're going to sign on and belong to some random league every day. I get at least 3 random league invites a day even if I'm in the middle of something. It's annoying
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  8. megamanexe Committed Player

    that's your own fault. there's an option to auto ignore league invites. the tools are there you cant blame the game for your ignorance
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  9. comrade sonya Committed Player

    A little harsh but yes.

    If this happened the auto-ignore league invites could flag the account so the invites wouldn't be recieved
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  10. Aren Sul Committed Player

    Then this does suggest a possible way to make the OP's request feasible. Just a suggestion...

    As just pointed out there is an option to set ignore to league invites and the default is Off (meaning you get them by default). And that's probably how it should be.

    However if, your mailbox UI screen has a check box set to "ignore mailed league invites" with the default set to On, then that would block all the spam invites via mail. If you are expecting an invite (or it's an alt) you can turn it off until your invite comes in.
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  11. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I'm speaking in general terms you troll. So in your opinion it's OK to spam invite total strangers constantly? And, please, please come find me and speak this way to my face. Please.
  12. Multiverse Creator League


    There are filters if you do not want to get League invites.

    And also..... once you are IN a League..... you cannot be invited to another League.

    So..... not really a good argument. :eek:
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  13. Multiverse Creator League

    Again..... there are filters if you do not want to get League invites.

    So..... not really an issue. :confused:
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  14. Multiverse Creator League

    There is an option so that you do NOT get League invites.

    Just use that and you will NEVER sign on to a League by accident. EVER. Until the end of time.
  15. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Unfortunately this would happen and no matter how much I want an offline invite this and a few other things I can think of make it not possible to have.
  16. Multiverse Creator League

    Go to

    Options > Settings > GAMEPLAY > Ignore League Invitations...... set Ignore League Invitations to "ON".

    And you will never get a League invite ever again.

    Not sure why many in this very thread seems to have no idea this option even exists. :confused: :confused:
  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Oh, I'm well aware of that. I turned on the "ignore league invites" option as one of the first things I did in-game the day that went live (hated getting stopped dead in combat thanks to those). :D

    However, I'm not sure if there are any filters in the mail system like that or not. Could be problematic if there wasn't any way to filter those out.
  18. Dene Devoted Player

    he simply pointed out a fact - there's a very simple way around that side of things..
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  19. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    I'm curious to hear what those other things are.

    There have already been suggestions to thwart spamming: use already existing measures to turn off league invites, and filter league invite mail into its own mail folder for easy controlling/handling. Do you find these suggestions incapable of accomplishing that goal?
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  20. OnceUponATime Dedicated Player

    Well how about making it an account bound thing? A relatively easy way to do it would be to generate a "league invite" item, that just sends the league invite when clicked. Make them account bound - then you can easily move them to your alts and invite them into your league and no risk of spam for the innocents.
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  21. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    I might be tired, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this. An account bound item,like you could put it in your shared bank for an Alt to accept?