[Request] Brawling mastery change

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Captain Neos, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. Dogico Loyal Player

    Backfist into Doomspin is pretty easy to pull off, especially the WM crit bonus. It feels like the window is bigger than it is for other WM attacks. Only thing that gives me trouble is anything comboed into Flurry Shot (Dual Wield and Two Hand, I think a few more weapons). That combo is tough to be consistent imo.
  2. TrueOlympus New Player

    Doom Spin is broken and Home Run is too long
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  3. Conno23 New Player

    The developers have said that the Tap Weapon Mastery combos of staff and two handed were meant to be weaker than other weapon mastery combos because the time spent vulnerable to counter is much lower.

    Martial Flowers into Flip Burst forces you to be vulnerable to counter longer than the other WM combos in Staff, so it hits hardest.
  4. fozz454 New Player

    And we wonder why HB is FOTM I was interrupted with staff just as much with less damage.
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  5. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Brawling is all sorts of bad...

    I was playing with it last night..

    The range hold hold move is single target... The strongest range move and it's single target when you can go with 1handed or hand blasters... And have a nicer hitting aoe range attack...

    The tap hold range attack for brawling although great for support roles cause how quick,it us and hits multiple targets ..... It's damage isntbmuch better in dps stance then it is in tank stance ....

    The melee. Options are slow home run being the best for damage but way too slow...

    I suggest a complete change in which weapons it masters into.... Orvatleastbmake 1 of the melee attacks faster and the hold range hold range attack be a multi target move... Otherwise brae
    Isn't will be garbage for dps

    If they do choose to change the weapons it masters into ..

    My personal favorites are.... 1 handed and hand blasters...

    Back hand into 1 handed flurry/ haymaker into flip slash....tap range into meteor blast ..... Hold range hold range into sol oar flare....
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  6. Captain Neos Committed Player

    If they were keeping with the assigned masteries I think spin punch or smoke bomb could replace doom spin while hammer throw replaced enhanced shuriken.
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  7. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    That would bring balance to the force. Currently I only see dem brawlz as being viable for tanks that need fast access to the WM power decrease bonus...that's basically just one of its WM combos. I use it well enough on my earth and rage tanks, but DW, Staff and HBs are ultimately my go-to weapons for any other toon. Miss dem brawlz.
  8. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    Brawling is my favorite WM weapon for all support roles. Agreed it's not ideal for serious DPS, but I put up decent damage numbers with it. Doom Spin is weak. The single target range hold/hold isn't very exciting. But the other two moves are two of the best in the game right now.

    The key to the long Home Run combo is realizing that when you switch to the Home Run part, you can knock most enemies backwards. That was always true of the 2H Home Run, the Brawling Home Run mastery just switches to that property in the middle of the long combo. Once you reach that part, you can change direction in between swings too. So even though the combo is long, once you get off the early part, you can actively knock back enemies in multiple directions as you finish the combo off. This is just fantastic as a tank brawling power. Hit enemies with something to knock them down a moment--many tank powers do that. Build up the early part of the combo against enemies on the ground. By the time they get up, you can then knock them back in multiple directions with the Home Run swings. Hit a tanking power again with the crit bonus--the ones you used before may even be cooled off after all this--and now even more are knocked down again. Repeat until everyone is dead.

    I used the 2H Home Run this way against the Cultist groups in the Knightsdome Arena duo. That's a good way to practice doing the Home Run swings in multiple directions, to clear a circle around yourself and finish the combo before being interrupted. Once you've got that down, it's easier to apply the same approach to that part of the WM Brawling version, when it switches to the Home Run part.

    Brawling's splitting ranged combo goes off fast and easy, hits so many things and stuns them, while building up the power generation combo meter as fast as anything in the game. For both healing and trolling, I will sometimes just hit that just so I can get lower power costs to cast something--plus damage bonuses for things that both support and damage--and all the stuns that go out normally help the whole group.

    You can use that Shuriken Storm as a tank to slow large groups just out of range from closing in. The key, again, is to also keep knocking them back with a power. As a fire tank for example, I can alternate between that Brawling splitting range combo and Enflame to keep enemies out of range and either stunned or knocked down most of the time. I beat the hell out of anyone who is out of range and approaching this way, and if they manage to get close than I switch to the melee Home Run approach.

    I don't think tanks have ever been so powerful fighting in the game before this particular WM pair was introduced. The fact that Doom Spin and the single target ranged attacks are mediocre doesn't bother me; I only need one each of great melee and ranged attacks.