[Repost] Gripes with toxic players

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Gangeral, Mar 24, 2020.

  1. Faerie_Knight Well-Known Player

    They kind of are. Think of all the complaints going around about "support" players not knowing what they are doing. This has always been a natural consequence of people racing to the endgame without having a chance to learn what they are doing as they encounter difficult (or at least tricky) content on the way. Ferris Airfield (probably misspelled that) is a great time for a would-be Tank to figure out how to tank. If both players are at-level then someone tanking the boss and adds is practically required to complete the Duo. And Gorilla Island is a prime alert for people to learn both the importance of and how to play their support role.

    All that content they blew past? It would have added to their power by providing skill points and Nth Metal for leveling their artifacts. It also would have given them a chance to figure out what the frell they are doing. But no, instead they feel the need to race to the end game and endlessly run the same 6 missions and raids plus the Metal 2 dailies.

    Okay, yes each tier tends to become the same sort of "repeat this tier's content until you're sick of it and beyond". Except it shouldn't take that long (in theory) to progress to the next tier. You'll be getting all those feats you otherwise would be skipping, and you'll be able to snag the various investigations/briefings/collections on the way.

    You are a long time vet, know exactly what you're doing, and have ran all the content to death? Fine, PL all you want. But it's equally possible (and frequent) that a complete newbie who doesn't know what they are doing will race past all the content in the belief the "real" game doesn't start until at the cap.

    I never understood why people think the "real" game is the "endgame" content, when that has always been the smallest amount of content in any given MMO.
  2. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Simply put, it's because that's where the bulk of the people are. Looking for the seasoned players? Yeah, they're all at end game levels. Have you tried just randomly queuing in any of the T2 through T8 raids? How about the alerts? The duos? I still do on occasion just for something to do, a way to farm some Nth Metal, etc... and when I get into some of these things if I see that everyone else is of an appropriate CR for that level I will ask if they want to do certain feats or just want general help with something. Why? Well, just because I'm at end game levels doesn't mean I have to be an a$$hole to the people in there and try to rush through everything, and by doing that I will help make a couple more players a tiny bit stronger.

    Just recently I watched a stream and saw someone make a comment about hating the player community and it's (lack of) ability to complete certain things. Well, if (generic) you really hate the player community because they don't live up to (generic) your standards maybe you should quit the game or just isolate yourself among your little circle of "friends" and never ever pick up someone from LFG. Don't venture out. Practice "social distancing" in the game. The rest of us will appreciate it. :)
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You are kind of going off topic though. The topic was that 'toxic' players messing with players in low level content, not the drawbacks of rushing to endgame. While I do agree it would be nice if people played slower and learned what they are doing through a more natural progression, it's a different subject completely. (SIDEBAR: Also technically 'natural' progression was 9 years since the game started....no one is going to start today and take 9 years to get to endgame....that is not an option). Now, the one thing both have in common is the potential fix. Allow for groups to queue with less than prescribed players (no matchmaking) and at least some of the issue will go away. New issues will arrive where low level players will take longer to queue up, but if they are queuing up only from a pool of similarly leveled players they will be forced to 'learn' a bit more vs being rushed to endgame.

    In either case, your original point of 'What I don't understand is why someone who's able to faceroll the content is bothering with low tier alerts. It's not like they are going to get anything that's worth their time from it.' is still off base. There are plenty of legit reasons why people still need to run old content. What needs to change is HOW they run it, especially when they are OP now.
  4. Faerie_Knight Well-Known Player

    It kind of goes hand in hand. People race to the endgame, thinking that's where the "real" game is. Only to realize all that content they bypassed in their race to the cap? It was actually important to run it for progression so now they have to go back and do all that low level/tier content they previously ignored. Only often such players are elitist due to being at the cap, which can (and often does) translate into toxic behavior when they encounter people running the low level/tier content at-level.

    And because they skipped all the content which would have taught them how to preform their role's tasks in a group situation, they end up being toxic in content they are the right level for too due to not knowing what they are doing.

    But here's the thing, they could make an alt who does the content at-level, and use VIP granted replay badges to buy the feats thus unlocked on their PL'd main. Same with the styles. There's little reason to actually play the content beyond clearing out old missions if you've out leveled it. You don't even need to do so for Artifact breakthrough catalysts anymore.
  5. Rainnifer Committed Player

    It's not really for you to say what people can and can't do if it's made available to them. Saying they could make an alt and play at-level and "buy the feats" they get isn't really a friendly option. You're asking them to spend money for something they could get on their main instead just because you don't want them playing content over levelled.

    What you should understand is that, like others have stated, there are numerous reasons for why high CR players would be playing lower level content. As a personal example, I've only played the game for a year now, but halfway through I was already around the end-game levels. This was not because I "wanted" to rush to the end and be overpowered or something, but that it was just so easy to level up and I saw little reason to force myself from leveling up because getting stronger actually helps lots. Most of my leveling time I spent running duos and other content with a high CR player I met in the league I joined, but this was no excuse to me to let them carry me through everything. They were always a tank, and I had chosen to play as Controller. Each instance I would do my best to learn what I had to do to fulfill my jobs. Funnily enough, that friend was an atomic tank so they almost never needed power. This discouraged me but I told myself my debuffs helped, and continued to troll. I kept that attitude throughout my playtime and now many who know me consider me a very good troll.

    Leveling was very quick from what I know of but the fact that membership cost money each month, I wanted to get the most of it each time I had membership. I know I missed lots while leveling, but it helped make things faster for me instead of unnecessarily drawing it out and taking my time. To me that's not very efficient and I wanted to be as efficient as I could. Now that my leveling is pretty much done, I'm able to more focus on what I missed and that's what I've been doing. I'm currently sitting on around 380 stat points now, still have yet to do any pvp or legends.

    Basically what I am trying to say is that what you bring up is just one situation or reason. There are many players each with many different situations, so I find it unfair to judge people wanting to run lower content. Some, like I, could just be running some of it for base items or rare RNG drops. Granted I don't run much old content at all now, but that's due to not having as much time to do so lately.
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So if I had a high level toon...rushed or not...who needed something from low content. Maybe a feat, maybe styles, maybe a brief I missed along the way...I should create a new toon...spend the time getting that toon up to level so that I can then start grinding, maybe struggling, it through the content so I can get said feat or styles then spend replays to unlock those on my main or other alt? Sorry, but most have neither the time or replays to use on that task. I don't often go into old content as I don't need much, even on newer toons I might have gone faster than usual when leveling. Mostly I'm going in to help with a feat where the rest of the group is asking for help. If those alt toons do need something from old content, I'll just queue up on the toon that needs it, not create another alt and start all over again. Don't want me mixing with at-level toons, give me a way to get mine in there other than queuing or a 2 hour LFG marathon. Example....I used to farm the CC hood when it held value. Ran it 3 or 4 times a day. Never once interrupted someones run by being OP cause I walked in at strykers. Problem solved.

    Also, some styles do not unlock off alts. Collection/briefings do not unlock off alts. There are certain 'count' feats that were intended for a long duration when the content was new, like the 250 bottle duos. At 3 a day, 250 would take you nearly 3 months(about a DLC's life expectancy). Unless that's all you are running it would be almost impossible to stay 'at level' for 3 months with event/vault and the tier appropriate drops. Your inventory would fill before you could avoid advancing by opening gear. 100 iconic solos, 50 days at level doing both each day, and you'd advance even further if you throw in the AF1 solos to speed that up to 25 and get the higher gear in there. Beat the apokoliptian commander 16 times? That's 4 months staying 'at level' under your proposal(btw, you'd need to find a group each week in one of the deadest areas in the game). So...you've mapped out someone's 8-9 months of play for them, on an alt that they didn't even want because they were foolish enough to use that 255 CR skip token. Well at least you are right on one count...you'd have plenty of granted replays to buy those feats after 9 months.....oh unless they are premium, in which they get to also pony up some cash to buy the feats.

    Yep....that's the simplest solution.
  7. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Or maybe they still need the knockout 10000 enemies feat and you refusing to actually play the content as intended is dragging that out for them. Can't believe someone actually trying to pvp in a pvp match is toxic now.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Eh....if you are working on the 10K kills and decide to do it in 1v1s that's pretty sadistic...both to yourself and the other player. Yeah, they pop the fastest, but even if you get no score and only win off kills you won't rack up as many kills as if you got into a 5v5 or 8v8. I think 20 is the max at like 50 pts a kill.
  9. The Anxient Loyal Player

    If I'm doing any form of arenas it counts towards that feat. Therefore I'm pursuing it. By your logic running pvp just to throw matches is just as sadistic bc you get half as many marks therefore taking longer to get gear.
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Who said anything about throwing matches? I'm sure everyone would LIKE to be able to win at PvP, but we all know when we've been in a match were you are completely outgunned (unless you are one of those who ONLY run the OP meta of the month/week/year). In those it's pretty customary to take a knee, bow and admit defeat. Ever see a boxing match where it's called off cause a fighter is obviously beaten? One where a towel has actually been thrown in? You'd be the ref or judge who says "hey....he signed up for 10 rounds...so we go 10 rounds...Now...prop that guy up for more pummeling"...I'd think that's pretty sadistic, not to mention likely illegal (in the real world).

    As far as the math goes, in a 1v1 with scoring pads(like Batcave), if you go in and drop about 4 or 5 times straight then bow for the loss and run out the clock, a loss would be over in about 4-5 minutes for 100 marks. A loss where you don't factor in any scoring by captures and only win by 20 or whatever kills, the loss would take 10+ min or more (depending on respawns) and cost additional repair bills. Nah, a loss is a loss, why prolong it once you know you are beaten? Take the loss, re-queue and hope for a better outcome against the next guy.

    Maybe this does not apply to you...maybe you are the best PvP player in the game and cannot lose. Could be. If that's the case you should still get into 5v5s or 8v8s and rack up those high number kills with the larger groups and get your 10K. Of course if you are that good, I'd guess you are already done with the 10K. If that's the case, going into a 1v1 then beating someone repeatedly who hasn't made dent in you AND already tried to bow out....well, that must make someone feel very accomplished and powerful. Most players can't win every time, and are sometimes over-classed by the opponent. Most players are in there for the PvP feats...so wins...yeah, you need to win. But most still need the styles and 101 gear and sometimes a loss at 100 is all you can hope for.
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  11. DonTrigga1 New Player

    Hey, I was wondering where do I recieve the free skill points that you get with the cr jump because i didnt receive any
  12. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Don't let it leave a bad taste in your mouth. It's the nature of the game (and by the game, I don't mean this game in particular, but MMORPGs in general). GMs can't do anything about players being apathetic and letting you die. You'll find better people to play with.
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  13. Brit Loyal Player

    I do not advocate the whole surrender-and-afk attitude. I don't think they need to stop fighting. I'll still return and continue to fight them.

    What I have zero tolerance for is when they flatly refuse to capture the capture point. When they refuse to play the match, so that they can intentionally stretch the match out to the 15 minute limit, instead of actually allowing the match to be played as intended.

    It's about playing the game as intended. When there is a huge capture point that is literally the core objective of the match, and they refuse to do it, that is a form of griefing. It's not "actually trying to PvP". It's flatly refusing to play the match, trying to hold the match and the opponent hostage to prevent them from being able to earn their rewards.

    A feat does not surplant the obligation to play the match. If somebody joins a Gorilla Island alert and then refuses to leave the first room, while they work on their barrel feats with the infinitely spawning barrels, they are still griefing by refusing to participate in the Alert and be a part of the group that they joined. However, with PvP, you do not have the option to vote-kick an opponent who refuses to participate as intended.

    I will fight them as many times as I can. But I expect them to hold the capture point as intended, or at the very least be running off to chase a barrel or work a turrent. When some doufus is standing three meters away from the capture point with their /dance emote on, refusing to score so that they can stretch the match out longer... that's not playing, that's just griefing.
  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You get like 75 with the CR skip, any toon that used the skip should have them already. I think the original CR 100 skip came with a few less, but the other 3 (170, 210 and 255) all had the same ones. I'm sure there are articles that go into detail on all the feats and SP given out. Most of the base game feats are included in there. There are another few batches that seem to pop randomly when some trigger is hit...not sure what it is. These are the feats for all the 'create X gen mods' 'salvage X essences' 'create X gear mods' that were phased out when they got rid of crafting....I think that was 5 or 6 SP at least. Then there were the original Vday feats that they gave out at the beginning of the seasonal...that was 1 or 1.5 SP. Realistically any toon that used a CR Skip token, and was around for Vday event should have around 90 odd SP not having to 'earn' any of them.