Replays - Remove or Keep?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MEBegnalsFan, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Gamma Lantern Committed Player

    You sound like someone who can't afford replays and are angry you can't gear up as fast as those who do...

    DBG isn't changing their game and risking income because you're chugging haterade......
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  2. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player


    Look at my toons CR in my sig before you attack me. All those CR scores are over a month old now. I was 148 on most toons last month within the first week of Demon Plan being released.

    I took a 2 week break and came back 2 days before BN launch. I only care about one toon ATM and that is my primary and that is the support role, which by the way is 151 and would be 152 if I actually wanted to spend more time or money in this game.

    Before you make judgement call about my ability to invest money in DCUO or my ideas, you should realize that this thread is not about my capability to buy replays.

    I write threads not to complain like many here do. Yeah I have a few post where I make complaints, but normally a thread I start is about getting ideas flowing on how to solve the problems that exist in the game.

    Let me get on my high horse here and state this. Replay badges have hurt the game moreso than GU47 or monthly content. The thing is though, given how long replays have been out it has become the acceptable norm in the game and many players now accept them for what they are, a quick high to get that gear and feel good about the progression of the toon.

    I cannot say I have not used replays. I have. I cannot say I have not bought replays. I have. The difference for me is most of my replays go towards feat buying and not replaying content. I like having the strongest possible toon I can get and SP help with that.

    I also know replays are not going away unless another MP item that generates like revenue takes it place.

    To me if you want to replay the newest content should have to pay extra for it. If you want to replay slightly new content, cost should be what it is today or close to it and older content should be cheaper.

    This way, replays are still here but now players will have to pay more if they want to pursue that golden carrot.
  3. 478874 Dedicated Player


    That's the flaw in your logic. They would never willingly give up replays unless they were know longer accretive, which would never be the case in their current implementation. Finding alternative sources of revenue would simply allow them to make more money. The conclusion would never be, "we're making more money, let's remove replays now." Replays are here to stay until the end.
  4. 478874 Dedicated Player

  5. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I realize RB are not going away. But increase the cost to run newer content. Reduce the cost of older content for replays. This way, if you really want BEST GEAR DAY ONE, well hope you are ready to pay some $$$ over to DBG.

    If you want to create a new toon and get that toon to end game, it is now cheaper to replay older content.
  6. 478874 Dedicated Player

    Again, they would never willingly make a change that is going to result in dilutive cash flows, whether that means pricing replays based on content or abolishing them altogether. They want people using replays and they want them priced at the maximum value for wide spread consumption. What you are suggesting simply is not in alignment with their financial goals for the game. Ultimately, you should want this game to make as much money as possible because that should mean they will continue with its development.
  7. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Replays shouldn't be removed. They serve a purpose and are without a doubt the most important and profitable item DC has on the MP. However, if they are ever looking to create a better game, their relevance towards end game progression would have to drop and the best gear would have to go into the vendor, leaving people to spend replays to get marks to purchase gear, rather than use replays for a chance at gear.
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  8. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I agree with you 100%. However, developers already stated best gear will continue to be dropped gear.
  9. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    Replay Badges are not the direct problem. The game becoming developed around them is.

    - Limited Mark Relevant Content.
    - Best loot from drops
    - Bad luck loot drops that were adjusted after many Complaints.
    - Monthly Content grind for best Gear from Bad Luck loot.

    And a few other aspects of the game that were consolidated & limited to the point were Badges are needed to get the full experience and fulfilment out of content and progression.

    Developers have wrapped the game around badges. To the point were if they took them away it would hurt the game even more so of them being the main asset right now.
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  10. Speedcat Well-Known Player

    I've come to live with replay badges as a necessary evil. It's when they become play badges that really bugs me, as in you can't play unless you replay...

    I've come back to the game to see whats going on and among other things I'm still miffed that you have to 'pay' to unlock your elite run. Especially as a subscriber. And even more especially on older content. It just boggles the mind.
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  11. Owl Devoted Player

    Note that Style unlocking from Alts was just announced on the livestream.

    Guess what will be used to unlock styles?
    Hint: What do you use to unlock Feats earned on other characters?
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  12. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Removing replay badges, right now, today would be the equivalent of pulling a knife out of a stabbing victim or pulling someone impaled on a pole off the pole without surgery. They'd probably bleed out and die.

    The same would happen with DCUO, because as it stands right now, today, they haven't got a solid business model in place that would allow the game to continue without replay badges.

    During the livestream there, no information was shared but they have achknowledged basically what I and many, many others have been telling them for years: There isn't enough to do. That isn't a complaint at the lack of content to run, but rather the lack of anything to achieve. It's nice to know that they're finally listening and looking into it. I hope that going forward we can have a dialogue, to get the game into a state which would make us enjoy it and also a method of monetising it that doesn't feel compulsory or forced like replay badges do.

    I feel the best way to do this currently is to bring back XP based levelling. The system is already in place to handle it. They just have to expand it beyond 30 and instead of worrying about mission arcs to level up, players are awarded XP for basically every aspect of the game from killing NPCs, finishing instance, doing bounties, killing other players, winning PVP etc. etc.

    In turn, to monetise this aspect of the game, they would introduce a range of XP boosters in various flavours, including multiple-hour boosters to larger percentile XP boosters. They could also do special "XP boosted" weekends as an apology for downtime, fun or as a way to manipulate the play time of players when the game would otherwise be quiet.

    But until more effort is put into solidifying the marketplace and coming up with a better way to monetise the game, replay badges are a necessary evil.
  13. majosea Dedicated Player

    Im ok if they remove the rb from game be only the following is done
    1 no more bad luck meter ,
    2 all feat on the account locked , for all toon on your account , meaning a fresh toon would have as many as main
    3 all style feat& styles included if you all already unlocked ,
    but I dont think thats ever going to happen,