Removing Episodes for Sale

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jun 15, 2021.

  1. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I'm pretty sure these are members treasure box. You will probably have to be a member to open them (Unless Mepps says otherwise)
  2. Learnmoretalkless New Player

    How long will it take for use to get an update on what’s going to be included in the “substantial membership update

    At this point all players might as well have a unlimited cash limit that way new players actually stay and play the game without feeling the need of forking out $15 a month.

    It’s proven now that if they are making episodes free for purchase in replace of something “substantial” make it easier for every single player and add an unlimited cash limit in game while adding another substantial importance to membership.

    1.With what we have right now dead low tier queues

    2.Can’t send cash to the a different character on the same account

    3.Speed hackers

    4.No pvp updates

    I’ve been playing since 2011 I just made this account because I’m honestly astonished that this game has broken this far down from what it use to be.

    New triple A games are releasing pulling more players from this game.

    No one likes to linger around in a ghost town.

    Everyone at this point are hoping that the membership update will be something grand.

    Free episodes is the first step and it took 10 years,my oh my.
  3. Zamara Dedicated Player

    Only the death of superman content had those as member exclusive (because it wasn't ever a thing you could buy), the rest required ownership or membership to open them. I could see them being made a member only thing but they could also make them just open to everyone as well.
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  4. Toshknight Loyal Player

    im late on, hearing or even seeing about this... developers, sometimes have two accessories on? or what is the deal?
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  5. DeviousDon Active Player

    To be fair, after membership expires you get some daybreak cash (600 if I'm remembering right?). When mine expired I used it to purchase Lair System and Utility Belt, so provided that's still how it works you should be able to keep them.
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  6. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    So we should not see no more threads of how non-free to play this game is ;), I'm hoping this will bring in more players, maybe someone or a dev can advertise a video about this change on youtube?
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  7. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I think Multiverse already did.
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  8. Beverly B New Player

    I've been a member since 2014 I'm ready to see what you are gonna do for members
  9. Yvtq8k3n The 7 Well-Known Player

    I have mixed feelings about this changes. I been premium for a long time and got the ultimate edition and a bunch of DLCs.
    Currently with this change all the money I spend on DLCs goes to waste and instead I get atomic and water for free? Is that right?
    I already had atomic and a toon with water, so i literally get nothing while losing all the money I spent into this game, I also dont see any or future change to how escrow works, so playing as premium will very likely remain as torture.

    Im currently very disapontly waiting for the upcoming updates, but Im not expecting much.
    At least im happy for the game to finaly be free 2 play abit late in my opinion, but better then never.
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  10. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    You haven't lost anything IMO - nothing is being taken away from you and you have had that "long time" to play the content you purchased before the price changed. Plus, as a non-member, you won't have to purchase episodes in the future.
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  11. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    No, you just misread the post. Somebody asked earlier if it would be possible for the devs to enable us to equip two accessories at the same time, and the comment you quoted was saying that they can't just flip a switch to make it so we can equip two accessories at the same time.
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  12. Toshknight Loyal Player

    it probably will. Every Single MMO to date to release, you have people that hate on the games religiously and sub and play everyday, while stocking the forums saying how many things need to be change, what should be nerfed or buffed, what should be added. why they shouldn't add this or that. ever since ultima, Eq/eq2/SWG/Wow shoot even in vanilla wow there was a play with the forum tag even before WOTLK was announced in 2004, his tag on the forums of W.o.w waiting on Wrath , hate on the forums is just how it is.

    you have to be a mosaicist to be a developer for a MMO , your never going to please everybody NEVER, but on that, i dont think its a bad idea to give the DLCs for free at this point, there are too many to sell to financially make sense without just subbing, or other options, i know there are die hard freemium players, they're minds will never change i know, but there are people that have been around playing MMOs, when you had to sub to play them and it's in there blood of gaming on pc, and free to play just feels and is objectively less of a experience then subbing, but that's ok for some people they don't think they need nor maybe they don't, need the perks of many that come with subscribing. I'm all for giving the episodes away for free, this game is the First PC/Console mmo to come out , by SOE and be such a success, keep a loyal enough player base to keep the game live, "no matter how many people say the game is dead" like they have said for 10 years. anything that will possibly get more eyes on the game, but at this point, it has it's player base of lifers that will play and keep the game up until it is shut down. like SWG did.
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  13. L T Devoted Player

    That actually started with Deluge, and continued for several episodes... I don thine Windermere had one but I'm pretty sure the enhanced style pieces from all the episodes in between only dropped if you were a member or bought the episode.
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  14. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    It also has nothing to do with the purpose of this thread. Just another random request from an inexperienced player/forum user just asking for something in the first thread they see rather than making a new one or looking for the appropriate place to put it.
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  15. Zamara Dedicated Player

    Those boxes actually started dropping in the earth 3 episode (the one before deluge), they had the enhanced johny quick style. And the last ones were in the BOP episode with the enhanced huntress style. The enhanced style on wonderverse was put in one of the vendors. The enhanced style was just one of the different items you could get from them, you could get base items or currency from them too.
    And what i was saying was that only the boxes that dropped from the death of superman were member exclusive to open, the rest of the episodes that dropped them required either membership or ownership (meaning your had paid for the episode) to open them. And the enhanced styles only dropped from them. Based on how the enhanced style in the flashpoint episode now just drops on its own i could see them making those old enhanced styles drop the same way and getting rid of the boxes as a whole.
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  16. myandria Item Storage


    I'm not so sure about attracting new players, either, as it is more difficult to retain players than it is to attract them. Free episodes may get them in the door; however, if those new players cannot get through the lower level content and are only able to team effectively for newer content then this game may not be worth their time and attention. We will have to wait and see how this goes.
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  17. myandria Item Storage

    The episode packs are still available in the Playstation Store. I can select and add to my cart any of the available episodes offered. I have a Playstation Plus membership, but I don't think that has anything to do with the episodes still being there.

    Update: I have checked for any updates and I have the latest version of the game.
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  18. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I am also still seeing episodes and episode packs on PS Store:
    Riddled With Crime
    Age of Justice
    Episode Pack I
    Episode Pack II
    Episode Pack III
    Episode Pack IV
    Amazon Fury Part III
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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This was indeed odd....Maybe because right now my forum title is 'DEVoted Player'?

    But now that I am apparently a dev....I think my first project would be to get Adjustable Queue Size implemented....not 2 accessories. I'll work on that next.
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  20. Dysania New Player

    If this is my chance to provide feedback, then I think having purchased the episodes (and/or membership) should mean that one no longer requires replay badges to rerun instances. Replay badges should still be required for dailies and weeklies, because that's the point of them, but requiring replay badges to replay instances from purchased content has always been killjoy.

    With that system, you cut off the player's reward system, making the game boring if they don't pony up the replay badges or if they don't play another character. I think a huge proponent of any video game is the rewards system. I have farmed numerous items on AQWorlds (from BLoD to SDKA), and the game let me do it at my own pace, because its replay system was fair to the players, so I had more fun farming those repetitive quests than I ever had in this game.

    Rewards systems should not be cut off in most cases. This is one of the reasons I'm on an indefinite hiatus from this game. Well, that and the unregulated gambling mechanics. EA gets all the flack for it, while you comfortably fly under the radar. It's bad no matter who does it. I feel bad for everyone who cries, "I opened the Booster Bundle 30 times, but I didn't get my coveted aura/accessory," or, "I opened a Time Capsule $200 times, but I still couldn't finish the collection." You took money from those in exchange for something they don't want.

    They should be sold upfront. You have a choice to make your monetization more satisfying, instead of financially damaging these people and leaving them without the item they wanted after all they spent. Gambling is regulated for a reason. This game is rated ages 13 and up. If you start a 13-year-old on these mechanics, you might hook them for life. Hell, even adults aren't safe. Some of us have developmental disabilities, which make us more likely to get hooked.

    Gambling can ruin lives, but you sit comfortably releasing lootbox after lootbox, while the last power was released years ago. Please show us morality, that you have a heart. Gambling is not based on payouts; it is based on the financial damage it can cause individuals, and you don't need a law to tell you that. Rise above the others. Raise the bar for morality in video games. Don't jump off of Mt. Pinatubo just 'cause EA does.

    Thanks for reading my nonsense. I really hope this game's monetization improves for the better. I believe in you, and I hold out hope, which is why I called it a hiatus, and not having quit. Good luck, Dimension Ink and Daybreak Games.