Kudos on the change. I know it required co-ordination between DBG and the stores, but it was needed as any purchases made for these in the last few months since the announcements was a potential for a bad taste from the purchasers point of view. Much better to have a few people mad about NOT being able to spend money on the eps they are already getting for free(just to save the loot locks and open TBs) vs those who might have spent money buying them only to find that they were going to be free a short time later. On the power bundle changes, is that just the a-la-carte power bundle or the also the fact that it came in ultimate edition? I'd guess both will be covered, but just asking. Sorry if you already covered in a reply, I have not read the full thread yet.
Ultimate Edition used to also include Lair System and Utility Belt (at least on Steam). Now that Ultimate Edition is removed from Steam, will those be available for purchase there? Or only through marketplace/membership?
I'm sorry for my English in advance, what I have understood is that the premiums who have paid each and every one of the dlcs instead of having a reward in a plan with a more money limit , at least 100k or so, not only 1000 more, that would be a very good reward or metals we will not get anything , I think at least that I am understanding that
Question: When my sub runs out will I have to buy the lair system+Utility Belt, or I'll be able to keep using them once these changes are live:
Also, does this apply to any Power Bundle purchased in the past or only the latest one which included all powersets except for Water? A buddy of mine bought the bundle back in 2014 when it didn't include munitions and atomic, and he's asking if he will receive new additions as well.
Perhaps it would also be better to separate powersets from upgrades? Creating a new bundle that will include Lair System, Utility Belt, Skimming and Shield - basically making the Gear Up Bundle available for purchase in stores (with addition of Skimming), would that be possible?
"the Power Bundle now includes Water (power), Shield (weapon), and Skimming (movement mode)" So adding shield and skimming to another similar bundle would make the two bundles incompatible. Perhaps Lair System-Utility Belt together and if necessary to add more something basic like armory would do. BTW please add such a bundle to steam. It would help populate the game if all necessities were easily accessible through steam.
Free episodes, everybody's happy but for us veterans I think there will be some trick revelation sooner or later, I'm just curious which group of players gonna get mad, come on, we know it's inevitable those without membership have to have their hands tied somehow, cash cap won't be enough.
waste of money, should of just subbed, "played since 2011, and i tried buying all the episodes all the way up to last laugh, and i was subbing, i did like 3 months, without subbing, you lose sooo much, and this was before they gave everyone the latest DLC for free, yea its cool everyone has access to al dlcs, but, you're cooldowns are WAYYYY longer, meaning you can't do stuff as fast as you should beable to, Marketplace items are 10% more expensive "even if you don't buy stuff, there might be something you want someday, plus you get 500 free marks a month, so subscribing only costs 10 bucks, after all said and done 120 ish, free replay badges, more inventory, you don't have free access to Promethium lockboxes, which are good for getting older rare styles, gotham knight and more. Just sub is my tip. but if your happy thats all that matters, financially and getting the fun out of your time its worth the 15 bucks
What about ppl like me who bought the dlcs when those things were included? Will I continue having access as ive always had as premium
That's why in the first sentence I proposed the idea to make separate bundles for powers and upgrades: Power Bundle (powersets only) and Upgrade Bundle (other stuff).
I actually think that would make more sense, but as it's already added to power bundle, I'd doubt it will change.
And on top of Reinheld not being a dev having 2 accessories is not something they can just turn on and off
Okay so all Episodes are free for everyone, does that also mean that everyone can open those treasure box type things? Because I could never open them it always said that I need to purchase the Episode to open it