Remove Stats Clamping PvP!

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by GodMan, Jan 31, 2016.

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  1. GodMan New Player

    Hello everyone my name is GodMan and today i would like to talk about removing stats clamping. Do we need our stats to be clamped or why? I understand it is to help the noob to give a better fighting chance but why must arena PvP become like legends PvP?

    If the new players having a hard time getting gear or understanding the mechanics of the game then let them do legends PvP! I get that this community is toxic but that is by like 80% out of the 20% due to the fact most of the people in the community of dcuo is on the hero side, Again I vouch for removing stats clamping, Keep the stats boost for the noobs but please remove the stats clamping because i feel like that is thee biggest issue right now in PvP!

    Well who agree in removing stats clamping let me hear your thoughts.
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  2. cease94 Active Player

    *poke* Welcome.
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  3. Absolix Loyal Player

    So the community is supposedly toxic because of what side they play on in the game.

    Also, if you think that extra 100 or so Precision you aren't getting is the biggest problem in PvP right now, then I apparently you haven't really encountered Fire Tanks, how safe HL Dps is, or how bad Celestial healing is is 4v4s and up. There's quite a few problems affecting PvP more than a little more Precision, and that is not even considering how much removing the Prec cap on support roles would break certain powers, especially in smaller group sizes.
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  4. GodMan New Player

    I get that but look at fire tanks and healers now. To be really good in pvp you need at least 150sp ^ to get all your crits/stats. Over 200sp the skill point tree is limited not unlimited, If you think about it if we have 250sp we will just be putting those sp into extra stats that doesn't make much of a difference so again why does our stats have to be clamped? What is the difference now then before?

    Bring back rps with new season gear at that and just give back all of the stuff we worked for. Yeah keep the stats boost for the noobs but enough is enough with the let's make this game better for the noobs. Let really focus of what the community really wants.
  5. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Missing out on extra precision? Extra crit damage? That's the biggest issue with PVP? Not Fire Tanks, Atomic/Earth Tanks, HL safe damage Nature Bug and Sorc Healing? Not shield being out of whack in damage?

    If you're going to complain about "noobs" getting handouts despite you already having a clear advantage over them with fully modded 100 CR gear, you don't care about PvP. All you care about is winning. So many people like you carry this mentality while blaming everyone else for being toxic. It's not helping at all, it's making things worse. That's what's wrong with the community, too many people don't want to be competitive, they just want to win.
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  6. GodMan New Player

    Who doesn't want to win, Sorry bud but in life i want to be a winner not a loser and fyi the community wants the stats clamp to be gone. Either way how can the match be competitive if they are noobs having no idea what they are doing. Why make Arena PvP like Legends PvP? You guys focus more on the handouts then actually working for the stuff we have gained years back! Talking about we are the problem but how did GU41 came to be?
  7. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    Godman Godman Godman that boy up to something wow!
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  8. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    What's the point of winning if you're never challenged or pushed to do better? Asking for competition doesn't equate to wanting to be a loser. Nor does stat clamps and stat buffs make Arenas like Legends. There's still a big difference in stats from a stat boosted player and a fully modded CR 100 player, but you think it's ok to take the cap off entirely just because you farmed PvE, when you never should have had to in the first place.

    And I rather resent the "wanting handouts over working" BS considering just yesterday I got 2 SP's, and will be farming more, because I want to be able to participate in Arenas more. People on my side, most already have over 200 SPs anyway. So, we can pretend that having a high number of SPs earned mostly from PvE is the same as having great PvP skill, or we can admit that PvE and PvP ought to be separate, and SPs earned from PvE, which has had far more attention than PvP for years , shouldn't be an exception.
  9. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    1. You f*d up by posting that lol, #IncomingVid
    2. The whole USPS server
    3. I think what Godman is saying is two things:
    -1. The community wanted stat clamping to be gone
    -2. It would be a lot easier to deal with newer players just using strong power types if veteran players were unclamped. If two veterans face each other then yes, the one with the better power is going to win regardless of the stat clamp, but removing the stat clamp would help veterans overcome the temporary disadvantage of the power type against newer players that they should be beating with ease.

    sidenote@Absolix: technically, you lose a lot more than 100 prec. Precision7.3 base mods are 96 prec each. 4 of those make 384 and which a league hall buff that turns into 395 lost precision. In arenas on test, I have 3507 precision with 194sp. If I was to add in base mods and a league hall I'd be at 4007/8 flat with more crit damage/chance assuming those caps get removed as well. 500 prec with increased crits and health and power pool isn't laughable so to speak. 3500 is alot, don't get me wrong, and it can take you far, but with healers broken, that extra 500 prec can make a difference for some/most people (575 with a 15% prec boost). Most serious pvp'ers that dps take the time to farm for Precision 7 mods instead of the prefab 6x to see a difference in damage and that's only like an extra 200 precision, compared to 500-600. A level 10-fresh level 30 fire tank isn't going to have those extra stats but they'll do fairly well in arenas just running health barrels just because they're a fire tank. I've already seen like 3 videos in my subscription feed of dps's outmechanic'ing the hell out of fire tanks but still struggling to win fights just because of the power in itself.
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  10. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    A vast majority of the player base that doesn't come on the forums because the feel it's a waste of time. And yes, I've been begging and pleading with them to do so anyways because it's NOT a waste of time.

    Obviously, PvP has some other issues right now. Healers, especially Sorc, Fire and Atomic Tanks, some slight overkill on the damage reduction in some areas, among a few other things. The Healer and Tank issues I feel will be greatly reduced with the return of RPS, but damage has been significantly gimped. I'm not advocating for one shots, nor do I think anybody else wants those days back, but people DO want their time spent playing the GAME to mean more and that includes having full access to the stats we have prior to entering an arena match.

    Stat Clamping doesn't encourage players to play the entire game when with any MMO, but especially this one, you want everybody playing the entire game. Outside of getting the large count Solo, Duo, and Alert feats, not to mention the mind numbing LPVE feats, it is extremely easy to get a very large number of feats that could put a person in the 200s provided they have other players willing to help them. Those most vocal against Stat Clamping here on the forums have that support system from fellow players so there is really no excuse not to get them.

    Removing Stat Clamping, along with several obvious mechanics, is part of the next step towards fixing PvP. I could easily run another unbiased poll on my twitter if folks aren't willing to believe they want it removed.
  11. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    I agree with your first part endorsing what Godman is saying, but I honestly don't feel allowing base mods and league hall proficiency stats into arenas is the best way to go. I do get and agree with your point that what we lose from Stat Clamping is more than 100 precision though.
  12. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    Stat Boosting or Stat Clamping. I seriously feel that you can't have it both ways. I can get on board with Stat Boosting characters so they can stand a chance against vets in full gear with skill points, but is it really fair to tie one of our hands behind our backs simply because we've spent the time to get our gear and our skill points?

    Players that played the game and put in the time to improve their characters deserve to have those stats gained through gear and skill points benefit them in both PVE and PVP. There are other games that require you to complete the story mode in order to have access to certain weapons which some are considered better than the ones available purely through MP. BF4 for instance, you have to play through the story and find or perform certain tasks to unlock the P90 and M249 and those are some very good weapons to use in MP.
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  13. Absolix Loyal Player

    2. Nope. I'm from USPS and everyone I've ever talked to about it is on the other side.

    Base mods are not a part of the stat caps. It doesn't matter how much Precision you start with, whether it be above or below the cap. That is to keep players that have too low of cash caps from being at a disadvantage, since Free to Play players can't even unlock all base generator mod slots. In addition to that those are dropped purely from PvE content and continuously increase wit each tier. Letting those be used would be the same as letting PvE gear be used. Let PvE drops stay in PvE.

    Also, stat capping isn't why Fire tanks are OP, so I don't know why you brought that up.
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  14. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    The only people that want stat clamps, 5 taps and the other stuff you couple pc guys keep pushing are you few pc guys. You guys play a totally different game then we do. The problem you have with screen blocking on pc we don't have on ps cause we don't let someone sit there all game and block. And as for stat clamping why would you want the work you put into the game to be taken away thats stupid.

    You guys are the minority don't think its the other was around. Just cause you guys have time to comment on the forums, argue and gang up on anyone who opposes your ideas does not make you the majority.
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  15. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    What other people? Do you even read 5v5 chat or the comments on the youtube channels for any major pvp'ers on USPS? even on Orbit videos you can see comments of people that hate it. I can name names can you?

    And the second part of your comment sounds that much worse. You're capping legendary members because free to play players don't access to the full game. What's the excuse for back during lair battle days when you needed home turf to have mods etc.? They were at a disadvantage back then but people weren't clamped.

    And I never said that was the reason fire tanks are op, I was saying that undoing the stat clamp would it make easier to deal with fire tanks for the time being until they are put back in line.
  16. ParsEUPS Active Player

    Good to see you get on here godman.

    For anyone who doesn't believe these guys when they say how many people want to see stat clamping removed, i can vouch for them too. Over the past month or so i've had plenty of conversations with a whole bunch of different people across both playstation servers and the two things that *almost* everyone says to me are that they want to see the rps system return & stat clamping gone.

    I understand the points for stat clamping, but i personally would prefer them not to be in the game.

    There was a point where my psn was banned for the best part of a year and i was playing on a different account. I simply modded my 97 gear and had under 100sp, the max that toon ever got to was 89... I was running competitve 4s & 5s as a tank/heal hitting the caps or getting pretty much to the caps for that role which should not be the case considering my gear and sp. I didn't even notice a big difference when i got back on my main.

    Of course stat clamping is not the biggest problem with pvp right now but many people feel like it's just another thing catering for the new players.
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  17. Gods Disciple New Player

    I completely agree that stat clamping should removed. At the end of the day, people who are able to exceed the current "clamp" should not be put to a limit just because they are a more experienced player with SP, have farmed mods or have grinded a lot of hours for the gear.

    On the other hand, I am perfectly okay with the current stat boosting for fresh faces in the PvP world. It would put anyone off going into PvP for the first time and at least not putting up a fight against someone who is more experienced or has better gear. I want more people to join the PvP Community so the boosting is something i'm happy for.

    But limitations or being held back is never good for anyone... it puts barriers up.
  18. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    I wouldn't mind them being removed, that would just make me more powerful than I already am.

    PvP at it's best state was without stat clamps. So I'm all for removing them.
    Although if that does happen, we'd probably have to take another look at balancing damage..
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  19. Fies Committed Player

    I dont get how thats the biggest issue of pvp. Why? How does it even affect you besides being able to roll over newbs even more than you probably do already? Why would anyone needlessly sacrifice accessibility of Arenas? What would you tell new players? -Come back after you grinded out 200 or 260 (the more the better!) Pve SP- cya in 6+ month? In order to enjoy a 5 year old MMO... gl with that.
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  20. Absolix Loyal Player

    You claimed the entire USPS server, and that is false. There are players that agree, but there are players that disagree.

    Also, with the shear number of players on USPS it impossible for anyone to really have an accurate idea of what "most" players think. Looking at any player's fans will also just give skewed impression of what that player thinks, not all players as a whole.

    There may be more people on one side or the other, but I have yet to see any real evidence for either.

    In the end it really doesn't matter that much as game development isn't a democracy, it's a business. There are plenty of people that will agree to bad either ideas, either through misinformation, selfishness, or overall just not knowing enough about what they are talking about. You can't rely on how many people want something, but rather the support, reasoning,and logic that people give for their positions.

    You argue as if having HT mods in PvP was the same thing as having base stat mods, but ignore that the removal of HT is one of the most universally praised changes in PvP.

    Base stat mods are in the same line of thought as PvE gear. They both have a chance to drop from enemies in PvE instances, there are better versions that are rarer drops, and you can get versions for Marks of Victory from vendors. If PvE gear shouldn't be allowed, neither should base stat mods.

    Beyond all that, Base stat mods shouldn't be allowed, because this game should not become pay-to-win. Pay-to win has never produced any long term success in MMOs, and would kill the great potential DCUO's PvP has.

    If you want to fix Fire tanks, you fix Fire Tanks. You don't readjust a system around one misfunctioning part, you fix the part. Also, there would only be a very small amount of players that would actually feel any difference, and it would be a small difference anyways.
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