Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Ken Spartan, Oct 24, 2015.

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  1. Ken Spartan Committed Player

    Legends powers aren't useless, they deal good damage to one another, like they always have. I'm not whining, I'm just tired of people abusing Catwoman's shield to be untouchable and take no damage. It's a flawed design that makes no sense. If your fun is so easily ruined by not being untouchable, I suggest you step up your skills, because it definitely sounds like you're dependent upon her shield over actual skill with the fighting system, even though it is also flawed. The shield lasts a decent amount of time, and makes Catwoman absolutely untouchable. Shields should not depend upon damage for every second, anyway. They should absorb a certain amount, then dissipate.

    Circe is definitely super annoying, since her summons can deal good damage, I agree, but that doesn't make her the only annoying character. Characters can be annoying for a variety of reasons, ranging from OP shields to too much damage to their ability to summon too much.
  2. Ken Spartan Committed Player

    I'll see what I can do, but I know that every time I managed to get the shield down with Bizarro, the player would just pop it back up. I'm willing to believe it may have just been lag, so I'd much prefer they have Catwoman only have damage absorption (20-50%) instead of invulnerability, because it makes no sense for her to have a shield to begin with, and it keeps shield reliant players in check, while also still allowing the rest of us a decent chance.
  3. Ken Spartan Committed Player

    If you're smart about how you use it, you'll be fine. Besides, it helps to have dots, when you're dealing with certain characters.
  4. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    DoT's are severely lowered in Legends. There is never an instance where Bizzaro's fire power can be considered more optimal than something else.
    The DoT on his fire attack will not even trigger until the 4th tick which leaves you completely vulnerable to any decent opponent who has working retinas.

    There is always a better combo to use.
    The fact that you don't know how a shield works in Legends nor know the basic cooldown for shields says otherwise.
  5. Ken Spartan Committed Player

    You usually keep your distance, and use it on a group as they fight.

    Admittedly, I never looked into the specifics, but even then, I knew it'd be stupid to have shields on characters they don't belong on. Catwoman is a prime example of that, because she's never use a shield before. She relies upon her agilityto get out of touggh situation, or if she's captured, her own intellect, or even Batman to save her.
  6. Yallander Loyal Player

    If you've been here since launch why is it just now that you have a problem with CW's shield? It originally made sense, but due to several recent changes and updates several things are out of wack.

    PVP in a game =/= to RP comicbook lore, otherwise Superman would be better, Batman would have 100 powers on his tray (including a red "I win" button), and WW would have a sword and shield instead of just a shield. It's a game and DC is its own universe, not everything has to be 100% true to the comics or else there would be 0 room for any creativity on part from developers.
  7. Ken Spartan Committed Player

    I've been had a problem with her shield, and finally decided to say something about it.

    Wrong, the game draws almost directly from the comics, with liberties here and there. The characters in Legends are supposed to be the same characters from the comics, meaning Catwoman should not/would not have a shield. Wonder Woman i limited to just a shield, because the devs have yet to make a sword and shield weapon, Batman would actually still be the samee (Minus the red "I win" button, because that's bull caca), and Superman actually should be better, a lot better atually (but the devs have yet to touch on that).
  8. Yallander Loyal Player

    You do realize that ALL shields have a max damage cap and a hit to cancel of 3-4 hits? It is far from invulnerability especially since the duration is @ 10 seconds vs the recharge timer of 40 seconds. I find it hard to believe you've been here since launch with all the miss information you have.
  9. Yallander Loyal Player

    So even you admit that the game isn't 100% to the comics, yet your biggest gripe is a single shield on one character which you've waited over 4 years to say something? There are issues with CW, but her shield is far from the problem making her a top tier character atm.

    The Legend's SIMULATOR allows players to play as DC characters. You are not actually playing CW, Bane, Bizzaro, etc. You are playing a simulated version. Go listen to the Hawkman (or whoever the villian equivalent is for the intro quest explaining Legends) and you'll learn that.

    Also everyone knows that Batman (given enough time and preparation) can defeat anyone--heck in the comics he even beat Darkseid AND the entire Justice League. I'd like to see any other mortal say the same. :D
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  10. MoonKitty New Player

    The only one who's skill is in question is yours. You can't even deal with a person who's using Catwoman over her shield. That thing doesn't even last very long, and the timer to use it again is even longer. If you're going to whine about one thing, you might as well whine about them all. They all have equally annoying powers,weapons, movement modes, or backup. Even your regular Legends character that you frequently use, has a power, or whatever that makes you super annoying to other players, and there's no way you don't exploit that. You're just upset you're losing, so don't mentor me about "getting good".
  11. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    I still find this kind of hilarious that a Bizarro player is complaining about another character's excessive survivability :rolleyes:
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  12. PsianideUK Well-Known Player

    Catwoman's shield is Smoke Cloud, so basically her dropping a "NINJA VANISH" capsule, creating a cloud of smoke, making her hard to see, and therefore hit.
    I'd say thats a pretty good representation of an ability Catwoman would have.
  13. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    OP is on PS3, that's why he's having issues.
  14. Ken Spartan Committed Player

    I'm actually quite good at the game, which is why it's annoying that I lose to a character, because of cheap shielding. It shouldn't go off of damage per 1 second, and should instead should only absorb some damage (30-40%). I'm not even whining, you're just assuming that, or saying that to try to discredit my points, because you don't want to lose your OP shield. I'm aware that every character has their perks, but most of them actually make sense to the character, and unless there is some update flaw, aren't OP or ridiculous. Circe has her summoning, which make sense for her. Bizarro has his ground pound and physically based combat, again, makes sense for the character. Yet Catwoman has a shield....???? I'm not upset that I'm losing. I'm annoyed that Catwoman has a shield, when she shouldn't, and said shield shouldn't make the character untouchable. Keep in mind, I've played as Catwoman before, and guess what? Are you ready? Because this will blow your mind. I didn't have to spam the shield, because I had actual skill.


    That is more than what can be said about the power spamming weaklings in the game that will burn through their whole loadout to try to burn down their opponents as quick as possible.
  15. Ken Spartan Committed Player

    Bizarro can die, and quite fairly too, so it really isn't all that hilarious. Bizarro can be pretty easily dominated, if you know what you're doing. I would know, I've dominated several Bizarro noobs that resort to spamming his entire loadout before.
  16. Ken Spartan Committed Player

    I can admit that much, but they do draw heavily from the comics, especially with the legends characters. That being said, Catwoman shouldn't even have a shield. Keep in mind, the community has gotten progressively worse throughout the years, having more power spamming noobs and egotistical jerks joining the game. That being said, even though I didn't agree with her having a shield, I paid it little mind, but as people became more elitist and power spamming, that shield became heavily abused, just like Circe's summons when they were majorly OP.

    Yeah, it's a simulator where you play as the characters themselves, meaning you play with their actual skills and powers. That is the point of simulators, to simulate actual characters, events, etc. That means the simulator would also simulate their actual abilities, skills, powers, etc.

    He beat Darksied with his Hell Bat Suit (that the league made for him), if you can even call it beating him. Last I checked, all he did was fend off darksied long enough to snag his kid and run. He didn't beat the league, that was the Secret Society of Super-Villains taking his plans about their weaknesses, amping them up to lethal levels, then implementing them in an attempt to kill the Justice League.
  17. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    What I am having trouble believing here is that Catwoman has one of the highest burst and counter punishment damage in the game. Coupled with above average health and high damaging combos and the problem the OP has with the character is the shield.
    Fun Fact: Any decent Catwoman player and myself will tell you.
    If a Catwoman player is using the shield for defensive purposes, they are playing her wrong. You are currently complaining about players that are not even using Catwoman at her peak.
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  18. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Then they don't know how to use him. A good Bizarro can survive a 2v1 by carefully using his powers to mitigate high damage combos or use CC to interrupt the "windup".

    Just because you've dominated a certain legend in your experience doesn't determine how well balanced that legend is. Otherwise we'd never see balance thanks to a certain individual. *stares at Clutch :p
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  19. PsianideUK Well-Known Player

  20. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    I see the point you're trying to make, but the fact is that there's an optimal way of using each of the Legends characters.
    You can use whatever you want because it's "fun" but that doesn't make it effective.
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