Reminder: Upcoming Marks of Victory and Conversion

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 1, 2015.

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  1. RealGODofWar New Player

    The marks of triumph conversion is more generous than I thought.... I hate to WASTE even more marks to avoid the devs wasting my marks for me... Great...
  2. RealGODofWar New Player

    probably Tuesday...
  3. Mr Furious Well-Known Player

    Mark of Victory may nearly kill older content.

    From what I heard after the conversion you will only get them if you are doing content at your CR level. This means no mark rewards for older content.

    You see as it is you get diminishing returns as you do easier content. There is more incentive to do current content but at least something for doing older content. So someone might use the older content if they are locked to all current content and just need a few more marks, or be more willing to carry lowbies since there is at least some reward.

    With the conversion the lower content will run by a smaller population made up mostly of those at the level. Some people will like not having as many high CRs rushing through, but it could also drastically increase queue times. I see people complain about long queue times on low level raids as it is. This may totally kill those.

    Not a complaint, just a warning.
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  4. DECEPTICON-UK New Player

    Time to plan my illness so ive at least got 2 hole days with the new
  5. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    Older content Marks rewards are negligible at higher cr anyway except for paying "rent" on mainframe mods. You still get drops, which is the main reason people run older stuff, aside from helping league members level up alts. I don't need a mark for Ace Chemicals. I need *bleep*-ing Tech Ninja gear.

    That said, it's going to hurt the game in the long run, I believe, unless there's a mass influx of new players to run the older content. Even w/ endgame players making alts, the lower level alert and raid queues take forever to pop. Hope Daybreak's marketing is working on bringing in a new wave of players.

    Aaaaand I pretty much said the same thing you did, I realized after typing this all out. :confused:
  6. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    What about Symbols of Power, of Myth II and Light II? Are those going to be converted as well? I am wondering, because if they remain, as soon as you will be beyond the CR for this "significant content", you will be unable to earn those again.
  7. BluePlusYellow Well-Known Player

    this automatic conversation is bs. For those who have had symbols of power, symbols of light symbols of myth now. And maybe marks of fury maxed out for months . And your just going to take away all we earned. Typical 37$*%( bs move. You will have alot of very angry players. Expect alot of hate mail. In coming weeks.i don't know why you don't just add conversions in the vendor like it always has been. Just plain stupid on your part.
  8. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    It's actually TV series,callled Gotham

    Soooooooooo from what I understand here, is the lockboxes won't work?
  9. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    They have no way of converting marks in boxes when the transition occurs, so open 'em now and spend 'em or lose 'em.
  10. VariableFire Loyal Player

    The thing is their definition of "relevant" content is too restrictive. At least let all of T6 count as one for Pete's sake. Moreover, I took the long and hard way of leveling up my main and if I couldn't get rewards from the tier before...well, it took me two years to reach endgame before. Probably make it three years now.
  11. Sbel Devoted Player

    Yup. They will cry cry cry cry.....

    You'll need the new Marks, Marks of Victory, but not symbols cuz they're getting rid of symbols.
  12. Sawhat New Player

    Hm, o.k. First: Thanks a lot for answering!
    so I Need to go Shopping with all chars. and looking what future Looks like :)
    and : no did not mod the chars high since a longer time, only used beta, cause it goes much faster to Change for new armour then to prepare and remove the higher mods. only the highest char has some but i believe most of them are the ready buyed ones.
    what a luck I decided to Play the lower chars more since a while, so I`m not too sad now for getting no marks with the highest one in lower missions. Otherways it would be worse!!!!
    Have a good time! and many greetings! :)
    • Like x 1
  13. Sbel Devoted Player

    I don't think they said anything about Promethium Lockboxes. From what I remember, all of the "facts" people are responding with were about Weekly/Monthly boxes.

    Yes, you'll lose marks if your MoT and MoF would convert to more than 100 Marks of Victory. Hence the reminder to spend.
  14. Sbel Devoted Player

    If you're asking about weekly or monthly boxes, then Infyrneaux23 is correct.

    But I don't think anything was said about Promethium Lockboxes. They are perfectly capable of converting the marks in them, people stored them when T6 came out because before AF1 they would give Marks of Reality and once it was out they would give Marks of Fury. So, assuming they'll now drop a MoV, storing some of them should be fine.
  15. Sbel Devoted Player

    Symbols are being removed. They will no longer drop and are no longer needed to buy things.
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  16. Sawhat New Player

    I was not thinking of that before, `cause I`m legendary.
    But that is worse!
    Hope there`ll be more new Players then in the future. Because it were getting less in the nearer past. And if now even more Players will not be able to get more marks, they maybe might quit the game , too. :(
    The last updates all were only for higher Levels. And even without the "real" heroes and Villians I would like to see!
    Hope sometimes it Comes an update I would like again, not some like this one now. From UD to UD there are more things I don`t like in game! :(
  17. PapaKringle New Player

    Just why are currency caps in place anyway?
  18. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    The lockboxes will be fine they will change just like they have in the past when they changed marks.
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  19. WildcatHunter Committed Player

    Here is a quote from mepps What will happen to inventory items that grant Marks when consumed?
    After Game Update 47, consuming these items will not award Marks of any kind.
    Players will want to consume these before Game Update 47 so that the Marks can be converted into Marks of Victory.
    ...” how are lockboxes exempt?
  20. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Because he was talking about the weekly and monthly rewards boxes that drop a ton of MOT .
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