Reminder: Upcoming Marks of Victory and Conversion

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 1, 2015.

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  1. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Yes I do
  2. HarleyQueen Well-Known Player

    Yeah, is soo funny ya can`t wait for some weeks at most. Mwahahaha. So funny!!! ^_^
  3. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    So what happens to any lockboxes that we have when this conversion hits. Will the lockboxes be deleted or will they have the new MOV in them.
  4. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Awesome question , I need to know as well
  5. Shifty Committed Player

    I think it was said that they will be deleted.But I'm not 100% sure.
  6. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    Pretty sure lockboxes just no longer drop marks.
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  7. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    I hope the dlc/episode drops at the same time. If it doesn't all it does is give me nothing to log on for beyond the raids once a week. Even then it would be pointless because I would just be capped on marks, and I have no luck whatsoever on drops.... I hope they are occurring concurrently.
  8. c6relic New Player

    I still don't like the idea that I'll be losing a few thousand MoT after the conversion already takes place mostly because I have nothing else to use them on for the time being.

    It's essentially time I put into the game is being thrown away. It would be nice if the remaining MoT I have after the conversion happens could get transferred over to another character so that they too can convert the rest of the MoT since I have a couple character with only a couple MoT.
  9. TheBlur New Player

    So what if I have over the amount of marks of victory will I just lose the marks or will they just sit in my inventory until I have room for more. Say I have max triumph ans fury, when it converts will I be losing marks?
  10. Fatboy New Player

    Pls don't do it... but it's too late to ask this. :( Marks of Triumph worked well. The prices of suites were balanced. I imagine the reasons for these changes but everything worked well... Change something that works do not improve it. " If it ain't broke, don't fix it ". It is a mistake to try to improve something that works well. In this game the problems are others.

    For the next time, I beg to advise you don't think too much, you will create a problem that wasn't even there. ;)

  11. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yes, that is the conversion.

    The currency is changing again, because the current system is not good for the long term. Just calculate out his many MoT each T10 mark would convert to. The inflation gets ridiculous. The new system solves that problem forever.

    You'll get one guaranteed MoV every Vault run.
    • Like x 1
  12. Remander Steadfast Player

    Pretty sure it's been said that saved boxes will not drop marks, but any new boxes will. Mepps told us to open any boxes now and spend the marks to get below cap.
  13. Remander Steadfast Player

    Question for those who are concerned about losing marks to the cap. You say you don't have anything to spend them on. That's not going to change. You'll just accumulate more marks with nothing to spend them on. Why, then, do you care about losing them?
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  14. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Just reposting ideas for those who are capped on MoT & MoF with nothing to spend on. These items do not have caps...

    1) T5 armor -> prestige... if your league is capped for the week, just hold it for the next one. This one doesn't apply if you're not in a league though.

    2) catalysts: for future consumable crafting. Unless you're out of inv space as well, it's good to save these so you don't spend MoV on them going forward

    3) Synthetic V Exp: Buy these for use in the new gear if you don't have a current slot open. There's an open slot in the new gear because you don't have it yet!
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  15. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Say I am above CR 100 and I have fewer than 1565 MoT will you still take away the Marks and not replace them with nothing?
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  16. NerdGeist Well-Known Player

    The least welcome change. The most controversial one, causing trouble on both ends (players and devs). I honestly don't know why thay want to go tru all the trouble to change something that was working so well.

    Actually, I know the reason: is to screw up with all the previosuly-legendary players and enforce them into buying episodes.
  17. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Too late to edit my post, so this will have to do.
  18. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    Ugh, I just paid for rent in my base. If I start out at 0 power, I will be upset. Cause I should be rent free for 30 days, right? That was like 60k MoTs.
  19. Firth New Player

    Critical point that is. They say to spend your marks, but not telling us how Token of Merit feats will be resolved denies us the tools to make our decisions wisely. EVIL!!!
  20. DECEPTICON-UK New Player

    1 or 2 weeks hopefully :)
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