Reminder for all Hope-whinners

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Ergotth, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. Ergotth Committed Player

    you're taking their ability to not be traced too literal, besides, to trace a lantern, its not something that can be done during the fight, and green, blue and yellow lanterns can also be invisible, so it is not an advantage if the other side can do it too. Its not like a green lantern rings will always "beep" when a yellow ring is around him.

    Besides, to emulate a power, the indigo lantern needs a lantern of corresponding color, so, to overpower a red lantern with blue light of hope, he would need a blue lantern himself. But wait...if there is a blue lantern nearby, why would he need to emulate his power to defeat a red lantern, if the blue lantern is willing to do it himself? The point of simulating nearby colors is more like for defense or assistance. And its really irrelevant to use the enemy's own power agains't himself, its not like they don't have full control of it. A red lantern is obviously immune to his own plasma, a yellow lantern won't be easily scared, and regardless the colors, its just construct vs construct, wins the one with stronger control over his ring and better imagination. What an indigo lantern can be useful for is simply helping another lantern to do his job by giving him an extra "hand".

    Besides, we are, again, thinking one power is too overpowered when we already have powers like Quantum and Celestial. Absolutely NOTHING can be overpowered compare to the powers of captain atom and spectre, they are some of the strongest, god-like characters in DC Comics.
  2. psi-knight New Player

    @Ergotth: I think you are not understanding me. Think of it this way, what if there are more Reds than Blue Lanterns? Would it not be handy to have someone who can emulate AND utilize that power as if they were a blue lantern. Emulation can = more of another corps to beat their enemy corps. Plus, inability to be traced is also a defense mechanism, especially combined with teleportation and invisibility. Yellow Lanterns fly around, get ambushed by a group of indigos, who then teleport away. How can they be tracked down and beaten in revenge?

    In the end, the emulation could lead to some interesting situations in a 7-corps war, making the indigo tribe a wildcard. But you are right Quantum and Celestials.

    But honestly, I think that the indigos are not the type of corps to fight for no reason, making them less likely to be villains as peacefulness is not a trait often associated with them,
  3. Ergotth Committed Player

    indeed, but power-wise, indigo might be the only fitting for healer due technical circunstances of the power, story-wise, THATS where the game have some freedom. I mean, the indigo corp can recruit both heroes and villains simply to increase it's ranks.
  4. psi-knight New Player

    It is not just about story/freedom, Ergotth. It is also about logic for some people. Some may not be able to accept a villain joining a corps based around compassion just for the healing factor.
  5. Ergotth Committed Player

    well, to be fair, nobody complained about celestial, I mean....if we have the power of specre and eclipso, doesn't that make us a spirit of vengeance as well?...isn't that....a tad odd?
  6. psi-knight New Player

    @Ergotth: The difference between Celestial and Indigo rings is that one is a power of a divine being and the other is programmed to a specific part of the emotional spectrum. I believe that that would restrict indigo rings from being with villains, or at least most super villains.
  7. youngshotti New Player

    Haven't read all post yet just had to comment here b4 continue there is a male pink lantern n he very violence
  8. psi-knight New Player

    Just going to say it now, I personally would rather be quantum (space/gravity tree) or ice than some silly jewelry power.
  9. youngshotti New Player

    Tbh most u ppl fail to realize most of the powers out side of 3 r4 are parasite, forcing it where n stead of the where having control over it
  10. Ergotth Committed Player

    but what is odd with Celestial is that we can't have more than one spirit of vengeance around, only Spectre, Eclipso is a renegade. But the Divine don't allow more than one spirit like spectre, thats where its weird.

    IMO, spectre and eclipso were definetly the wrong iconics for the Celestial powers. the design, aspect and theme sounds A LOT more like the magic of Doctor Fate and Felix Faust, even the colors of the skills match.

    But yes, Indigo is programed to the spectrum of compassion; but I don't think compassion have to be a hero-only emotion. Its all about interpretation. Compassion is the emotion where one feels responsible for the suffering of others, compeling to help. And we do have villains with mistaken compassion, those villains who think they are doing the right thing. Like Poison Ivy, Ra's Al Ghul, Thalia Al Ghul, and many more. (the more Anarchist-type of villains, who believe they will save humanity from suffering)
  11. HazeTA New Player

    I already established who the delusional are before you chimed in...
  12. Ergotth Committed Player

    eh guys.....can we discuss the matter at hand and NOT this debacle about PS3 doing whatever to the game? This is really getting out of focus.
  13. psi-knight New Player

    @Ergotth: I understand where you are coming from, but some of those villains could be either (Namely Poison Ivy, who could be either rage (anger at people harming nature) or compassion). Forgive me if I am not willing to accept villains as indigos in terms of willingness. Plus, considering that to get one in the first place you either have to give yourself over to the light willingly, or be forced to give yourself over to it, it makes it hard for a villain to be accepted by the ring. Plus, who would be the iconic for the power on the villain side?
  14. Disatria New Player

    Black hand? Sinestro? Forced into the indigo tribe?
  15. Tobias1978 New Player

    Actually they can add it easy....other just goes into the original story of those exobytes stinging people giving them the power to do so...
  16. Ergotth Committed Player

    well, people still argue about rage as a hero power, so I don't think the devs mind giving some anti-heroish powers to both sides.

    Lantern powers (HL, Rage, whatever) are NOT from exobytes! We actualy get rings ourselves, deputy-level rings, but lantern rings nevertheless.
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  17. psi-knight New Player

    @Disastria: I am not sure of exact specifics, but I think there is a comic that shows sinestro with chains and Hal stating that Sinestro was "brainwashed." When Black Hand was freed of the power of the ring, and when the ring tried to reinstate him, he jumped off a cliff and died. I think it is safe to say they did not join the Indigo tribe willingly.

    @Ergotth: I am personally one of the people who can't really imagine rage heroes, but there is a precedence for them, as Guy Gardner and Supergirl/Kara Zor-El, both heroes, had wielded the red light of rage and had some semblance of free thought.
  18. Ergotth Committed Player

    @Ergotth: I am personally one of the people who can't really imagine rage heroes, but there is a precedence for them, as Guy Gardner and Supergirl/Kara Zor-El, both heroes, had wielded the red light of rage and had some semblance of free thought.[/quote]

    well, the red ring doesn't take your free will. In the beggining, the rage makes you out of control, a complete savage beast, but with time and practice, the red lanterns gain control of their own emotions.
  19. psi-knight New Player

    @Ergotth, while true, you still are starting off not in control of your own free will. and remember, these deputy rings seem to seek out the people with the stongest attachments to their respective emotion, which is likely a reason why indigo may not work for villains, as a good number of the early quests have to do with hurting good people, which is not something an indigo lantern would do.
  20. The Valor Well-Known Player

    No...just no...