Regarding troll

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Redscreen5, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. Redscreen5 New Player

    Does anyone know specific numbers in which trolling becomes easier for CR 86-90 gear ?

    Not sure if it's a Vit / CR cap or something but I trolled for a friend (he's new) and even though it was with my league I was struggling to put out enough power despite using a power spam rotation I am very familiar with. (use with my main if the group are drainers).

    Was using full CR 83 gear with synthetic mods & corrupted head and shoulders.

    I need the specifics so I can help him mod and farm to whatever specification it is, because to be frank he'd get kicked with his sets capabilities. Prefer to help him mod and farm until we are over that "glass ceiling" feeling.
  2. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Trolling doesn't become easier yea your stats go up but the power cost go up alot more and in cr 90 gear you'll stuff have problems with putting out power sometimes.
  3. TheDark Devoted Player

    Because of the increase in power costs on item level gear, and the failure of the majority of players to realize power is meant to be budgeted and personally managed, its not going to be easy to support and sustain a high power cost rotation. The role is only designed to assist in mana supply.
    You should try to take advantage of trinkets, cycle them, use the double tick mechanic, and home turf perks for power regen and supply. All that does alot but nothing in this game will sustain consistent high power spam quantities in a very short amount of time.