Regarding the stats revamp

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Nood Hunter, Feb 23, 2016.

  1. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    U missed the point. If you claim you don't have the time to run your daily content. You shouldn't be playing a mmo yet alone complaining marks are hard.
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  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    It's not that simple, people just aren't always going to be available. That's just how it is. Unless you know leagues comprised of AI constructs that are on 24/7 and don't mind running loot locked?
  3. seek76 Committed Player

    Nobody can guarantee anything at this point. No one knows what the low sp player is going to do. By all accounts census included, they make up well over the majority of the playerbase. You can be optimistic , not telling you not to be, but let people voice their concerns as well without the wait and see bs. We have been there done that.
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  4. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I have no issues with people voicing their concerns. But stating concerns and having 0 faith in a game update are two different things. At this point you're just doubting it cause of past scenarios. That's not the way to look at it. Just cause they failed before doesn't mean it'll happen again.

    Have faith.
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  5. Leafy Committed Player

    whats faith?
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  6. seek76 Committed Player

    Nah I got your point, play this way or don't play at all. That is all you said and it is getting old with this playerbase.
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  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    A rare commodity
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  8. DarthJafo Committed Player

    I must be the only one who like the original mark system. It gave a clear trail of progression. T1 content gave t1 marks to buy the t1 set and so on. Now, I can jump past the t1 to t4 sets simply by using gear from duos and alerts to get my Cr high enough to buy the Prideful or Ion sets.
  9. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    So it's ok to come on and complain marks are hard to get. Without putting any effort into getting them?
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  10. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    i doubt it because SP Stats are small individually to see even a small difference requires a great deal of a SP gap. Now in terms of (might) stats at this point SP may only count for 400-800 might differences. Which on a toon with 12,000 might is like 3-6% might, and trust me to have a difference of 400 might because of SP is like 100 less SP. So if you wanted to see SP truely matter then the scale for them should be raised again. As it stands currently 25 per point, at the max, but it takes 20SP to unlock these. I think once u get over CR 131 it should go to a percentage of like .30% increase for tier 2 might and .5 for tier 3 might. To stay on topic from a guy name Noob Hunter if u think 3-6 percent is a "big" disadvantage then maybe they should revisit this but i see it as small amount that people try to convince themselves this is why the can not perform adequately in a game such as DCUO. Now the marks, i agree, i do not like the current mark system and DC pretty much just got rid of them giving older players less incentive to play with newer players. Which may be the most counter-productive change in this games 5yr history.
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  11. seek76 Committed Player

    No that is also bad. Only comment that needs to be said is this. You have content to run for marks. Run the content and leave it at that.
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  12. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    OK fair enough. I'm honestly just tired of ppl asking for handouts. So I may be harsh but it's getting to point where it's becoming stupid. The new alert has been solod up to lb. That's just dumb.
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  13. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    This I agree with. From the standpoint of how the CR Relevancy (THIS IS NOT A DISCUSSION ABOUT MARKS) works right now, it can potentially let you into content waaay too early according to CR Differential. Remove differential - > now stats are king again, and straight stats can accomplish more than the CR Differential's 'oh you have 10K might already, i'm sure your attacks should be glorious but the thing you're fighting is 12 CR above you so you hit like three angry kittens facing off against Vegeta right now'.
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  14. seek76 Committed Player

    I understand, not a fan of handouts either.
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  15. Rekn Well-Known Player

    Why? Just why should a player with higher skill points be performing better?

    Once you obtain the 90ish or so sp you then tread into a level of skill that honestly makes SP not all that another thread I calculated out the max amount of stat boost you get from SP....once you get around 90ish or so you can have your WM, and Crit bonuses which grant the biggest performance boost from Skill Points. I would say the precision stats if your going to be a weapon dps could make a difference but I do not think we have enough skill points yet to have weapon mastery in every weapon tree which is what you would need to make a large difference in dmg output from precision. I sorta understand the E-Peenry of Skill Points ( A look at me feel good for what I accomplished in virtual reality ) but at the end of the day this just causes all kinds of drama, gaps, etc and leads to lower population in the game.
  16. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    But way the devs going. Having the extra 75 might and precision will be noticeable. So a 200 vs 90. Should by all rights outperform because of the gap in stats.
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  17. Delta796th Loyal Player

    I would have faith that the Devs can do this.
    Too bad history has shown that the decisions they make on Grand scales like this usually fail.

    History has a way of repeating itself
  18. ArtOfFreak Well-Known Player

    The change back is long overdue. Stubborn devs went ahead with gu 47 after we begged them not to. Many of us vets left the game never to return. It's a shame they broke their game and it took them this long to realize it. Now they need to extend the trees and give SPs the value they deserve. There should be another tier of big chunky stats to add with every SP spent. Either that or add new crit slots.
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  19. Rekn Well-Known Player

    My opinion that is a bad idea - for numerous reasons. Primary reason for me is because this game has very little content that is relevant to your thing that usually has had a say in me taking breaks is when I have to farm/grind 100s of marks on the same few instances, and the 1 new Open World Zone per tier ( Central City for T3 example ). Wish they would make the Solo and duo instances different instead of using the same story/map for most of them, really contributes to a fast burn out on the game at least for me.
  20. Glacial Breeze Well-Known Player

    This is an MMO, people should be motivated to level/progress their players to perform at the highest level that they can. If you are comfortable with having 90 sp than so be it, but the rest of the community that attempts to make our toons perform at their best by gaining as many sp as we can should not be penalized because you are satisfied with a minimum amount. And no Im not comparing or braggig about my level of SP, that is rude and I tend to add people who do that to my ignore list.

    Otherwise what is the point of scaling SP? It is logical to assume that since there are SP that having more would make your toon perform at a higher level.
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