
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flightboy, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. Flightboy New Player

    Small irritation... You are beating someone senselessly in 1v1, then you get lazy, greedy, distracted, or whatever and you get ko'ed.

    No big deal it happens to everyone. You get off your knees, cuss yourself, and go back to giving your beating. On your way back you get multiple private chat invites from your opponent... o_O Like really???

    Before you say turn off your chat invites nub! I know this already.

    The point of this rant is to ask if it is intended to be able to send your opponent private chat invites while fighting them in an instance??

    If so, that's pretty ridiculous.

    Closing, GET GOOD to you below average players trying to get a win using really cheap tactics.

    Btw the opponent still lost. I was just amazed at the extent of bs some will do to try to win...

    My apologies if this has already been brought up it was the first time I've seen it in game.

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  2. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    most be a PS thing, doesn't ever happen on pc lol.
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  3. Jake IX New Player

    i've had someone give me a stack of bits just to let them win in the shadowlands 1v1 arena. I consider that a fair trade off.
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  4. Flightboy New Player

    It may be... Sometimes the community on the PS side amazes me... Sigh...
  5. Flightboy New Player

    That's pretty funny.
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  6. Twilight Man New Player

    Thats a new one to me.
  7. Caseyyeah Committed Player

    I was doing 1v1 the other night and had a guy doing the same thing. It got quite comical because I kept accepting the chat invites. But the guy had like 7 custom chat channels and then when he ran out I guess he got his buddy to start sending them because someone else not even in the instance starting sending them to me. By the end I had like 10 chat channels going.

    I just laughed about it, exited out of them all, then turned the option for invites to off. It didn't mess me up too much. I lost but the guy sending them was pretty good and I'm pretty average at best so he would have beaten me regardless.

    I'm not sure it even gave him an advantage since it takes longer to stop and send them than it does for me to hit accept or decline.
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  8. JonnyD New Player

    Watch it become a fad after this thread. :D
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  9. Flightboy New Player

    Not my intention. I wanted more or less a green name to confirm or deny if this was ever intended.
  10. Twilight Man New Player

    ha, yeah.

    Counting down in 3...2...1...
  11. Flightboy New Player

    Lol you two... It really doesn't affect many it's just dumb and cheap.
  12. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    why don't you just turn invites off while pvp'n mate? yea you shouldn't have to, but honestly it seems like it would be more of a disadvantage on the person sending them.
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  13. Twilight Man New Player

    Oh it is, and you know as much as I hate the tactics people use in this game to get ahead, it's really nothing I haven't been seeing in every other game.

    Like the bull**** people used to pull when using Guile's throw clipping on the first Street Fighter arcade game. People like to win however possible or can't control their emotions and do some shady thing to prevent your own win/enjoyment, and this thing you've experienced is another good example of that.
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  14. Flightboy New Player

    Like I said I hear ya on turning it off. I have, like many others, league-mates/friends on the opposite faction. Plus as you stated we shouldn't have to turn it off for that reason, but I guess I believe people shouldn't be allowed to do it in the first place...
  15. Flightboy New Player

    I wish I could of taken the "it's funny" route. I guess I was so upset with how our community seems to be always looking for a faster win with a cheap and possibly unintended tactic. Who knows maybe I started a bad trend as others stated by shedding some light on this...
  16. BumblingB I got better.

    Welp, looks like we now have a new way to grief people. Especially now that it's posted here.

    Though, sorry for your grief. It does seem very annoying and frustrating, but PM Mepps. :( It's like the time when griefing the ops was a big thing. It wasn't so bad until a certain villain and a couple of bumbling heroes decided to start threads on how fun it was.
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