re: leaguemate banned

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Apollonia, Mar 30, 2021.

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  1. Controller Devoted Player

    What if the nephew played with his OWN toon?

    Didn't recall if the OP mentioned whether or not the nephew had his own toon or not but this could be the case as well.
  2. Controller Devoted Player

    My youngest son STILL has a toon on here, after all these years.

    When he was active I didn't think to warn him of Gold Sellers....and I don't believe they were THAT much of an issue back when he played 7 years ago.

    Don't believe "Speed Hacking" was an issue in the game 7 years ago, either.

    I basically told him to behave himself online and he played with his OWN toon.

    Nowadays, speed hacking is rampant. I believe Daybreak when they say they're combatting it but there are obviously STILL some who do it.

    I still see players offering "Free Rides" in SM - every single day I log on.

    I say all that for THIS reason - I believe the nephew had PLENTY of opportunity to misbehave, all to the chagrin of of whomever owns the account.

    I believe that if someone has established a track record of play - especially over the course of several years - that should be taken into account.

    I also believe that the victim here probably had ZERO idea of what his nephew could - and would - do. He's probably a trusting soul form what I gather and I'd guess had LITTLE idea of what the nephew's intentions would be.

    I also regret that the OP put this out in public. Even though their intentions were good there is little sympathy from this community here.
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  3. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Well stated.

    At the very least I would hope it should be a bit telling as to the player's character that so many of us would be willing to come to bat so publicly for someone to just get a contextual review.

    To me there's a big difference between grouping up to speed-hack through SM vs doing it while sitting in your base beating on a dummy or queuing up and running the Meta Research Wing solo while at 400+ CR. This is an example of what I mean by "context" and what I feel hackers should be held to when punishment is being doled out. It's why I believe punishment shouldn't be more than a simple binary choice of ban/no-ban.
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  4. AV Loyal Player

    But it doesn't matter what we believe. It isn't remotely provable. If a weaksauce "my cat did it" excuse is all it takes for a cheater to be let off the hook, then cheating would be basically allowed. Lance Armstrong didn't get a pass for cheating despite having ******* cancer and losing a testicle so I would hope the standard players are held to is a tad better than "guys! He says it wasn't him! Reverse the ban!"
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  5. Zneeak Devoted Player

    "Ban all the cheaters, unless of course I happen to know the guy.... FREE "Insert Name Here" !!111oneONE!1"
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  6. Noble One Committed Player

    i feel sorry for your leaguemate but at the same time it is clearly stated to NOT share your info with ANYONE for this exact reason. he is still responsible for his account and since he clearly allowed this person to log into account and play then he is still at fault. also like other have stated if anything is to be done then they will not contact you for anything but will require the owner of the account to contact them since it was his account and not yours.
  7. Controller Devoted Player

    First of all - why does it HAVE to be a Cat?


    Dogs misbehave ALL the time.

    But seriously I just believe that EVERY SINGLE case isn't cut and dried and I'm certain you don't, either.

    And I'd gather that while the RULE states to "Not let ANYONE else use your account", or whatever I'm certain that there are MANY players out there with NUMEROUS players using the SAME account for different toons - but the key is that they BEHAVE.

    I mean - "IF" that rule was followed to the "T" then "I" would've gotten a Perma-Ban for letting MY son play on MY account several years ago. Thank goodness he behaved.

    I "DO" get the rules. Rules are there to be followed. But I ALSO believe there are plenty of gray areas as well - deserving to be heard and investigated.
  8. AV Loyal Player

    It's telling... just not in the way you think. It implicates the whole damn league and comes off as an extremely shady, sickly-sweet, disingenuous attempt to sway public opinion in hopes of putting inappropriate pressure on the devs to overturn a ban. Whether or not a player gets banned for speedhacking isn't a gd popularity contest and trying to air this out in public comes off as scummy af, regardless of the intent.
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  9. AV Loyal Player

    Of course, but within reason. For one, the context has to be demonstrable and not subjective and it depends on the seriousness of the infraction. In this case, the infraction is pretty much as serious as can be and the context of the excuse is completely unprovable.

    The "grey area" that would warrant overturning a speedhacking ban would be if a player's account was hacked at the time (which the devs would actually be able to discern). It's just the flimsiest possible type of excuse being used here to defend what, in every way, looks like a player trying to figure out how their cheat works before using it with other people or in more serious content. Even if I did believe the story being given, it's unsupportable and allowing players off the hook for an excuse like that isn't tenable.
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  10. Controller Devoted Player

    I see some folks here saying things like "it's unproveable" in regards to the infraction.

    Are we all REALLY aware of what tools / devices the Devs and Mods have in their tool chest to determine if / when an infraction occurred?
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  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Your league mate will want to submit a ticket to our support team for review. A forum thread about it will not do anything.

    That said, account security is your own responsibility, and sharing your account with others is already a terms of service violation. "Someone else was using my account" is not really going to fly as an excuse for speed hacking.
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