Might & Precision In Sore's testing thread there has been some issues shown with how powersets scale differently from the Tunso tests to Live tests. This is to help point out one of the contributors of to it. For gear I used 110 item level gear for this as it is the highest item level I could look up a complete set of gear of on DCUOLive.com. For the weapon, since the in-game tooltip says 10=1 Dps for weapon damage, I multiplied the weapon Dps by 10 to get the affective Precision. Might Back 616, Chest 925, Face 232, Feet 462, Hands 462, Head 848, Legs 793, Neck 331, Ring 309, Shoulders 694, Trinket 331, Waist 539, Weapon 727 Precision Back 192, Chest 288, Face 72, Feet 197, Hands 197, Head 264, Legs 338, Neck 141, Ring 96, Shoulders 215, Trinket 141, Waist 168, Weapon 6116 Ratio of Might to Precision Back 3.2083:1, Chest 3.2118:1, Face 3.2:1, Feet 2.345:1, Hands 2.345:1, Head 3.21:1, Legs 2.346:1, Neck 2.3475:1, Ring 3.21875:1, Shoulders 3.2279:1, Trinket 2.3475:1, Waist 3.2083:1, Weapon 0.119:1 Total Might: 7578 Total Precision: 8521 Total Ratio 0.8893:1 As you can see out of 14 slots, counting both ring slots, 8 have a ratio at or slightly above 3.2, 5 have ratios a little under 3.35, and the weapon is heavily favors Precision. In a sense this means not all gear boosts Dps the same way you can technically have two Dps who are the same cr, but if the have varied item levels for their gear they can do noticeably different Dps if there higher item level pieces are the right or wrong ones for their particular powerset. Now for skill points. There are several different sources of Might and Precision from skill points including bonuses from that appear in the column of the first 4 combos from the top center, second tier innates, and third tier innates. All ratios are of Might to Precision. Column Bonuses Might 15 Precision 10 Ratio 1.5:1 Second Tier Innates Might 9 Precision 7 Ratio 1.2857:1 Third Tier Innates Might 25 Precision 25 Ratio 1:1 The ratios here are different then the gear ratios. While gear favors Precision, mainly do to the weapon, skill points favor Might. They also vary from the more accessible column bonuses, 1.5 in favor of Might, to the more skill point demanding third tier innates, which are dead even. Finally, let's look at mods. Since 110 is the endgame gear of the first half of tier 7, I am comparing VII mods, both pure single stat and hybrid, two stats. Pure Stat Might 121 Precision 123 Ratio 0.9837:1 Hybrid Stats Might 85 Precision 86 Ratio 0.98837:1 These are pretty close to even, but give a slight edge to Precision. I'm not going into socket bonuses at the moment as that would require another post dedicated just to looking at the different ratios of crits, which is better left for perhaps another future thread. The point of all this is to point out one of the contributors to scaling issues. When you take a power with the bare minimum of a Tunso test to compare powers the scaling of your damages growth is primarily dictated by your gears' scale. When you do a live test the ratios of skill points and mods start to skew how your damage grows differently then your gear so powersets start to scale differently. The only surefire way to eliminate at least this contribution to scaling inconsistency is to give all forms of stat progression the same ratio to insure that whether you have a lot of skill points, but no mods, just gear and a few skill points, or are fully decked out with 200+ skill points your powerset will act similarly in comparison to other powersets when used by someone in the same example. P.S. Something similar might have to happen for the crit innates and socket affinities as the extra 5% crit chance and crit damage for the Might based damage of most AMs scales differently when you start to introduce Attack Buffs with crit bonuses, or things like Red Soul Aura and Soul Well.
You might want to look into the weapon for Precision Weapon 6116. A precision increase that high seems a little off. Nevermind reread first part again
I might have a skewed understanding of things, but I thought that MIGHT was a multiplier and PRECISION was additive. In other words,if a weapon does 30 dps and a power that takes 1 second to cast does 30 base damage +100 precision = your weapon DPS + 10 = 40 +1000 precision = your weapon dps +100 = 130 +100 might = Your powers base damage * (1+.45) = 43.5 +1000 might = 30 * (1+4.5) = 165 I don't know if 30 is a typical low level dps but 30 is a very typical base power damage (with pi), and you can see they're not scaling together.
I get that the stats work differently, but you would think that the devs would have a set ratio between the stats to insure the different forms of damage grow at similar rates despite these different workings behind them. The point is not that it is supposed to be one of these particular ratios, as I haven't looked at it enough to know what ratio it would need to be, but rather that the mismatch of different ratios from different forms of stat progression prevents consistency from scaling. Whatever ratio the devs find is appropriate needs to be consistent across all forms of stat progression.
Interesting read thanks... Just from 110 gear here is what I got for base stats. Precision: 852 Might Damage modifier: 34.1 Both would go up based on SP and mods. Not sure what the base damage is for a power. I would love to see a chart of all the powers base damage. I would than like to create a simple graph showing the baseline damage for each ability for each power without AM buffs, mods, etc...to get a general idea on gear scaling even before adding anything else. What this can do is show us where powers are impacted. We can include the 60% buff for max damage mod. This baseline should be used to balance powers. We may find that mental, gadgets, sorcery, etc...powers are so unbalanced or we may find nothing. The part I have trouble with is how does might base damage compared to precision DPS. Are both calculated as DPS or just precision damage?
Keep in mind scaling does have a gear distribution factor but this doesn't capture it. Baselines aren't being collected with no gear on. They're being collected at CR126. So the stat aspect of scaling is more about how much more might/prec you get going from CR126->CR131. Or how much more stats you get from mods. It is less about the raw stat distributions as it is about the differences of distributions from baseline points.