Ranked PVP match

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Tsigalko, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    so, i got back to the game coz ppl have been praising about GU56 and the new PvP update. so far its been very good. its still has few flaws, but its heading to the right direction. i mean i'd take a 15 minutes batcave fight against fire tanks/sorc healer anytime rather than those BS one shots before GU56.

    and its nice to see old players coming back to pvp and with crossplay i expect to have lots of fun pvping again, but somehow i it doesnt live up to the expectation. top players almost never que, they usually just scrim.me and few friends usually just ran into pugs or (very) bad premades. even when we use our main toons hoping the matchmaking will match us against better players, it still doesnt work.

    it would be very nice to have some kind of a ranked pvp queing system that differ from the regular que. maybe that require cr 100 (or 99) to que. or you need a complete group to que for 4s-8s so its a premade vs premade guarantee. idk, dont really want to think about the details, the main point is giving players that already done with their pvp gearing a reason to go back queing, not only scriming and doin tournaments to find decent opponents. i mean the concept of "quick match" and "ranked match" is very common in other games/MMO, i think it would be a good addition to this game..

    idk, just my 2 cents