Fixed Rainbow Movement trail bug

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Siramez, May 22, 2020.

  1. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player

    Logging on a speedster toon to find out....

  2. Siramez Well-Known Player

    Any updates? just anything, please, im suffering, almost 2 years....
  3. CassUV Well-Known Player

    It’s 26 January, the year are 2022 and we still don’t see the speed moviment that we bought. Repeating, we bought, nobody gave us, we bought it and, yet not showing.
  4. CassUV Well-Known Player

    Any news?.
  5. Siramez Well-Known Player

    almost 2 years, i would just ask for a refund at this point.
  6. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    We did.
  7. CassUV Well-Known Player

    My point: they will not fix it. They will give time to PS4 turn obsolete and everybody goes to PS5, the console that don’t have this problem.

    My point 2: they will never say this.
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  8. Clothez Active Player

    This glitch is not ps4 exclusive. It's also on PS5.
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  9. Siramez Well-Known Player

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  10. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player

  11. Siramez Well-Known Player

    oops, i forgot to celebrate our 2 year anniversary (2 days ago) of this bug still existing on console. woohoo!

    pain continues...
  12. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player

  13. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player

  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

  15. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Ey please fix this for PS users so we can start getting new movement styles again XD

    I miss them :(
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  16. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player

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  17. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player

    It's 2023. If we make it to May with no fix I think it's safe to say that the Devs are just stealing money.

    Prove me wrong.
  18. MrK Active Player

    I can verify that ps5 stream indeed is broken.
    For pc it does show just normal.
  19. SuperEnzo New Player

  20. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player

    ... and we made it.


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