Fixed Rainbow Movement trail bug

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Siramez, May 22, 2020.

  1. Siramez Well-Known Player

    yep, 7 days left until we hit one year anniversary of broken movement trail :)
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    We're past the one year anniversary. It broke with GU 103 which was in April 2020.
  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We believe this bug is now isolated to PS4, as our previous attempts have not full resolved the problem. We will continue to work to resolve the issue.
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  4. Ebon Pegasus Master of the Speed Source

    Will there be any compensation or refunds issued for the items in question? I've asked this question three times now and no one has been able to give me a proper answer.
  5. Ebon Pegasus Master of the Speed Source


    This is the absolutely absurd response that I received from support.

    You acknowledge that it is broken.

    You've said that it won't be fixed.

    Where is my refund? This is unacceptable.
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  6. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    I also have the same problem
  7. madmaxxiexd New Player

    I just got back into playing DCUO on PS4 and decided to get the rainbow movement, it is not showing up at all, it's just white sparkles, so I looked online and found a thread from a year ago with this same issue. Why are you selling movement styles if they have been bugged this long? You're basically taking money from people, I could not find any fixes, I logged out, restarted the game, nothing works. I wouldn't really care if this was just a bugged in game drop but they're charging people for these and they do not work.
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  8. madmaxxiexd New Player

    Wow, that is so ridiculous, if they aren't gonna give refunds and they have known it doesn't work properly on PS4 for more than a year, why are they selling it there with no warning or anything saying it doesn't work properly? Shady AF
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  9. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    While we’re waiting on the fix, they could implement something along the lines of having the movement trails being applied to movement mode abilities
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  10. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player

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  11. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player

    Update, and still broke. And the update itself is sapping my joy rather than making me enthused to keep playing, so it isn't distracting me from the ongoing disappointment caused by this tiny trivial thing not working for over a year. New people are still paying your company money for this. I literally mentioned it not working still despite the update in shout chat minutes ago and a new player discovered that what they had bought wasn't even working.
  12. Perdition Committed Player

    Any word on this? This has been bugged for over a year now. if you don't plan on fixing this, can we atleast get a refund then?
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  13. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Yeah I noticed this for some time now it should be either removed or have a disclaimer notice on it .
  14. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player





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  15. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

  16. ZeusTheGoose New Player

    i brought it for nothing how can i get a refund? (IT DOESN'T WORK DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY)
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  17. CassUV Well-Known Player

    It’s January 5 2022 and still broken. No devs or Mepps say anything about an update. I bought a product and didn’t receive the product.
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  18. Perdition Committed Player

    i'd love to get an update on this @DEVS...
    Till this day it's still broken, and yet you keep selling them in the marketplace..
    They were working before you did a update, can't remember which update but it was for over a year ago by now. Now i'm stuck with 3 movement-trails i cannot ''use''
    Can this this bug be fixed? If not, can the people who bought this broken product have their money back?

    Thank you.
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  19. Clothez Active Player

    It's pretty ridiculous that this hasn't been fixed nor addressed... Would I be wrong to say there could be some legality issues here? Selling us a product that doesn't work as it says it does and then not offering any refunds for it at all? Idk I think it's very wrong to not even update us on it. I paid over 80 dollars for them and not one of them works.
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  20. CassUV Well-Known Player

    Will be a hot fix today. Will this problem be solved?. The PS4 people will be able do have your light stream speed movement?.