I understand what you mean. It is easy to ignore it. But what would be better? Ignore that some have no manners and respect in your favorite game? Or do something so when you login you will know you will have fun? This is like seeing someone get beat up and just look away. I know the example is prehaps too much but some can really be affected by this community too. I'd like to see instead a community helping, having fun but yes, there will always have bad apples. But maybe we can clear them so it looks better in the basket because right now, all the apples are rotten. Devs HAVE to add moderator in the game! Day and night, to watch these behavior. And then maybe people will change.
Like I said - I'm tired of hearing it, period, from either side of the argument. But now I'm mad too, so here we are. If you want to complain about the player base, go for it - I do, I think we all do - but leave platform out of it. Leave blanket statements out of it. I'm noticing the thing you're not doing is questioning the fact that he's pointing a finger at the entire PS playerbase, and you're telling me that I'm wrong for pointing a finger directly at him for his own, specific behavior. I may be doing so in a humorless, highly acidic manner, but I'm not taking you personally to task for the stuff coming out of that guys mouth, even though... You'll notice that I'm not using terminology like 'us' or 'them' right now, I'm not saying 'oh you PC players are defending your elitists', which, by your logic, I could and should very well be doing since you're accusing 'us' of doing the SAME THING, even though I've already - like pretty much every other PS player in this thread - been very forthcoming about knowing that not all of the PS server playerbase is made of ideal people. So yeah, I don't think those of us here talking to you now need to hear about every little ****** PS/PC player experience in the game; if you or the OP wants effective communication, try leaving port of origin out of the statements and ask directly how to deal with it. You leave things like 'oh all PS player do this' out of the initial complaint and I may very well agree with you. You start a statement by saying 'all of these guys are the source of my complaints' and what do you suppose the reaction is likely to be?
i only said this because when i was in college i worked as a server ... and so i met different types of people and too often they'd do "wierd" things and i placed it under being human... which is every person has difference in attitudes, manners, experiences, cultures, habits, speech, accents, tastes, acceptances and tolerance levels.. therefor somethings you have to tolerate a beeping smoke detector would probably be drowned out by me ignoring it in all honesty, just like a child crying in a doctors office. even in your home if this is what grind your gears and asking to lower volume to that person sounds like to much of ludicrous request then maybe u need to be annoyed slightly
First of all, I did say that both of you handle the topic wrong. And yes, pointing the finger back at someone is not helping. And forgive me for filtering out the general point of the OP, instead of playing demagogue and crushing him for single words. Because, if you take away the "whole PS population" argument, his points still stand, because yes, this is what PC players been experiencing since the merge. His "*** experience" is not unique. Could he have worded it better? Sure! But I'm going to assume he's not a politician writing his next speech, just a frustrated player trying to find out what to do, sharing his experience with the game (you know, the stuff what this forum is about). Problem: there is no way to describe crossplay problems without naming plattforms, because the problems start with the differences of the plattforms. On PC, you usually wouldn't give a damn if someone has push to talk disabled and heavy metaling though the whole raid, because on PC we type (or are on some 3rd party voice software) and rarely ever have voice channels open. With crossplay this became a problem, because PS people don't type and require us to listen. So when we play the way we used to we have a problem - we can't communicate. When we play how you want us to - we have a problem, there are many rude people. It's important to name the differences to be able to work out a solution. But the moment you say "PS..." or "PC...", people with pitchforks start zerging the thread, accusing you to just siding with your own side. I'm not accusing anyone on defending the bad apples, I see it happening. Even within this thread: Basically both the things I named, namely "we deal with it already" and "we're more important" are included. You even liked it. I see PS players like darkscarletx who are trying to help. She provided tips on how to deal with it and even if it doesn't immediately work, she at least tried. This gives me hope for crossplay. Dismissing those problems and just tell us to shut up and deal with it however won't make the problems magically go away. There only will be a bigger mistrust issue. Maybe, instead of just plain snapping at everyone who is speaking about this topic, try to empathise a bit? I understand this is hard when you're tired about the topic but you just fuel the fire from my point of view.
I posted about the ignoring of people because i was under the impression that the general annoyance was "unbearable". A little advice when pugging stereotype everyone... Easiest tank power ICE .. Easiest high effecient dps ICE, (BY FAR) then maybe Atomic,Mental gadgets. Easiest Healer (Nature) and Troll powers go Quantum Reasons for this is these are the current powers that maybe aren't the best but they are the least likely that your surrounding players will suck at and negatively impact the raid this reduces friction. Also if it is that serious wavedox SP usually lower SP players have the least patience (IMO) also build a strong friends list after every successful raid in which you were engaged network until you've comprised a decent friends list of like-minded players. this will reduce your 23 min. raid group times and also get you in turn get you invited into raid groups. rudeness on the console isn't going anyway. someone has credited it to the demographic inwhich i agree.. my personal expeience was i've been called the N-word a few 100 times online and never once in real life so it isn't going anywhere you just got to let some stuff go and try to make the best of it or send me a tell in game as i like running with new people
Normally I'm pretty diplomatic, right now? Like I said about 16 times before this, I'm tired of it. I don't think it's selectively punishing someone for a few bad word choices when it's literally the start, finish, and consistent theme of his entire thread. I also can't help but notice that you're saying all of this to me, specifically, for responding to him directly, instead of saying any of it to him, period, for saying it in the first place. If fair's a tree you wanna bark up, maybe start barking up both trees.
You can't denied how the PS population is. I never been to the pc side, maybe it is completely different from ps. But I agree with her. Sympathize. Just because they are talking about PS is all the PS users. Although there are a lot of bad players on USPS. I'm on USPS, I'm not taking any plateform side. I'm taking the side of nice and helpful people in the game and who can say that they are tired of the behaviors in the game and this is enough. There are rules about these behaviors in this game. You can hide your head in the sand, but the problem will always be there, and most of us will never enjoy coming online and eventually leave. I'm tired of all these trolls, bullies, haters, perverts, etc.
Actually, I started out with a general observation on this kind of threads, not pointed at anyone in particular. Just wondering about people defending rude players.. Then you started to targeting me, so I started replying. To you. Because the OP didn't say anything to me yet and I disagree with you about the importance of the "all the PS people" in the OP. It doesn't read to me like "PS players are all evil". It reads to me as "those are my experiences with recent pugs, more than the usual x% of those were bad, here's why, please stop this". There have been similar worded threads about different topics, like "Trolls can you please stop x and start y", "Tanks stop x!" or "DPS Y U NOT!!!!". All of these have in common that they seem to target the whole community of players with a certain trait, as they all concentrate on the bad. It's just venting. Or at least, that's how it looks to me. If you're really that tired of the topic, why not just ignore those threads? They'll stop soon enough when the populations either meet in the middle or the PC population completely vanishes. I used to feel tired about blue lantern healer threads - then I stopped caring and my overall forum experience improved. I guess. If you feel I've treated you unfair, I apologize - I didn't mean to offend you. Anyway, I'm out - I said everything I had to say and this starts to develop like a personal vendetta which I'm not a fan of.
You're acting like I'm defending these people - I'm not. See above, you'll see that my opinion on 'bad players in general' is pretty clear. I don't tolerate racism or sexism, or discrimination of pretty much any sort - which includes this instance here. That's pretty much the stake I have in this discussion. My point, so you don't mistake it for something else or assume that I mean anything different again - presented in the biggest red letters I can find - is as follows : Even though there are some bad players on the PS side, you cannot build a bridge to good players by means of a statement demonizing the population as a whole. Period. You wanna keep supporting this guy's original statement, then you're supporting the same sort of discriminatory statement that you're claiming to be opposed to. With that, I'm out.
I'm not supporting the bad players at all. I only play dcuo to have fun. I'm just saying too that I understand and sympathize with some pc players who were unlucky to come across the bad players on USPS and gave them a really bad experience since the crossplay started. I'm guessing they are not talking about the whole USPS community. They are good players too but sadly, some pc players came across the bad ones and I don't like seeing the behaviors we have on USPS. I don't accept it. My bad if I was wrong. I wasn't taking the OP side, I don't agree with him that everyone is like this, but I saw how this thread was going. I clearly see your signature. But some pc players are right too. USPS metropolis shout is terrible to read, pug have few respect, and me too I don't want to be count as one of them.
If you are finding more polite people on the villian side, man if that isn't ironic I don't know what is LOL but in all honesty, I can see where your coming from
Well it is technically true because they have a smaller population compared to heroes and therefore they have "less" chances for spoiled apples
We defend them because they are our PS brethren and since cross play all it has been is PC complaining about us. We are together in all of this now so there is no point to complain.
Wait, wait, wait. Did I get my weekends mixed up? Let me find my schedule... Yes, here it is in the Monthly Unmoderated Forums Newsletter: -Feb 20-21 'Heroside/Villainside is teh Suxxors Thread Weekend' Next weekend is 'Raise Premium Cap' Weekend. Get with the schedule, people. We're not supposed to have another useless PC vs PS debate until after Easter.