Raid etiquette.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by VV, Feb 20, 2016.

  1. VV Dedicated Player

    To everyone who replied about having an ignore function :
    What's good when I ignore someone after waiting for ****** 23 minutes getting people and then getting kicked?!? I was kicked "Once" till now. "Once". Was it competence? I had to generalize the population because /votekick works on a Vote and it was 7/8 PS 1/8 PC.
    It might be a bad group. It might be me running into a bad set of apples but hey, it's rude.

    As for people who are worried about me starting a fire on console wars:
    I apologize if I've struck good players' hearts with my ignorant rants. I was mad. I still am. Around 10 minutes ago, I pugged another BN. Ice tank; CR 154: PSN. No mods. (No not VII mods or synths or beta, they can be secondary)No White socket mods. Why did I inspect? (I usually feel violated when people inspect me, even if they wanna congratulate me on my OP waist ;) ) I had to check because he got one-shotted often. I still trusted that my healing was the issue. Solution? We tried beating it. We eventually did ^^
    I show empathy on almost every occasion - ending up feeling bad when I get none in return.

    I'm putting up a cute puppy to follow it up by an obnoxious rant. The impact will be soothed.

    All these months on PC never made me rage quit. Few days of PS did. They say that first impression matters, well in my case it left a really bad taste... </3
    PS: I met a really cute troll, a really badass rage tank and a fun troll who looks like Judge Dredd ^^ I run with them every now and then but I've lost my hopes on /LFG pugs.
  2. Korlick Loyal Player

    Oh look! This thread again.

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  3. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    Your first post is a direct list of complaints that all revolve around the PS side of the community. Then you state in your second post that you're trying to stop prejudice. Then in this post you make it clear that you're not actually trying to stop prejudice, but in fact foment it. And in all of this, you managed to completely miss Kimone's point. So let me spell it out for you again.

    This is the way the PS server has been FOREVER. You've merged into our server. Make no mistake, we sucked your population up, not the other way around. You got tremendous advantages from this server merger. It also comes with a cost. That cost is a larger chance or running into crappy players. Suck it up. The server's not going to change its etiquette to suit the miniscule by comparison PC population.

    I mean, you're complaining about Pugs for goodness sake. If you play Wheel of fortune, sometimes you hit Bankrupt. If these issues are so gamebreaking, you can always play in a pre-made group. There must be enough PC players for that right? If you Queue up, you have no right to complain about the outcome.

    Stop complaining. Those of us on the PS side have heard it all before. We're not all rude 14 years olds. We also can't reason with rude 14 year olds. It would be wise for you to accept this, and stop trying to dictate something that you really SHOULD be able to realize isn't going to change.
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  4. Minnion Devoted Player

    You dismissed their entire OPs post as "Platformist drivel" when really it was just a post about things they consider rude. Honestly platform is irrelevant to the discussion the OP was trying to have here. (Namely: I consider X behaviors rude, please don't do it.)

    I actually agree with some of them:
    • It is rude to join a group and leave without even trying.
    • It is rude to intentionally disconnect without properly logging out.(Yes maybe some people don't know any better or care, but that doesn't make it any less rude.)
    • It is rude to eat with your mic turned on, and I can see why it might bother some people regardless of platform.(Easily dealt with by way of adjusting volumes but still rude.)
    • Yes it is rude to join a group and then kick the people that invited you.
    The OP ordered it from the stuff that they can accept and deal with, up to the stuff that annoys them the most. (The OP really doesn't like people eating with their mic on, probably for the same reason it's not good manners to eat while talking on the phone...)

    Personally Coughing is forgivable(Sometimes people might have a cold and not be able to help it.) and most any other annoying mic sounds can simply be dealt with by adjusting that players volume...)
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  5. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Just a suggestion but if you truly want to stop all this "us vs them" crap, statements like this will not help. Really, when I read stuff like this, I don't want to tell myself "I guess that's the way it is now," I want to tell you to go **** yourself.
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  6. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    To be honest, I don't care about the us vs them crap at all. I deal in reality. The reality is, it doesn't matter if you want to tell me to go **** myself, because what I said is still the way it is. People are more than welcome to be in denial about it, but it won't get them anything but more grief from the forums. Maybe if the OP realized that the people he's complaining about aren't on the forums for the most part, he'd realize he's preaching to a choir, one that's telling him to "get used to it", because list of complaints or not, it's not going to change.
  7. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Enough with the war.

    Be friendly.
    Respect everyone.
    Have fun.
    Ignore if they are out of control and don't like how they act and talk.
    Mute them if the sound annoy you.
    Leave queue and requeue if you don't like the group.

    Simple. We all play the same game but on different plateform. There`s no difference.

    I agree with the op though about some PS players having no manners... but ignore and continue to have fun. Don't let those ruin your fun. There are not worth a second of your time.
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  8. Korlick Loyal Player

    This is thread clearly against PS players.
    If it is just about thing he considered rude, why direct the post to the PS players? Why mention platforms if it is irrelevant?
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  9. Minnion Devoted Player

    Because sometimes people include irrelevant details when talking about their problems... And really if you ask me, the platform isn't to blame for the things the OP is complaining about. It's an unneeded detail they made the mistake of mentioning and now everyone is focusing on that instead of the actual message of "I consider these behaviors rude."
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  10. OANGL Well-Known Player

    Do you need your safe space?
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  11. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Bottom line: Deal with it. Complaining about it here won't help. Us on PS have dealt with this forever. Welcome to the real community
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  12. Minnion Devoted Player

    Funny thing, telling us to "Deal with it" is possibly less helpful than many of the complaints seen on the forums. (Because honestly complaining on the forums actually is how those of us in the community "deal with it"...) Speaking of which, I'm pretty sure that we were part of the "Real community" even before cross-play to randomly pug wastelands wonderland with you that one time... (Good times by the way.)
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  13. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I do agree that some mic noises are annoying; if you've got what sounds like two cats in a blender fighting a baby in the background... turn off the mic.
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  14. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Yeaaah, his post specifically states things like...

    Which makes it quite blunt who and what, specifically, he's complaining about. If this was a 'oh don't eat on mics in raids, I can hear that ****' post, that would be fine - I totally agree with that, that's why I don't use a mic or enable group or instance mic channels.

    But it's not, it starts with 'this is aimed at playstation users' and ends on 'almost everyone on PC feels this way'. Now, do I think every PC guy is on this train? No, I've met quite a few so far that aren't. But this isn't a polite conversational reminder, and the OP made that bluntly clear by manner and presentation in his post, as well as his subsequent responses.
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  15. Sapphire Melody Well-Known Player

    What I personally find strange about the whole crossplay-discussion are the people who seem to defend those annoying mic-eating, instance-leaving, bad behaved people. You people do realise that no one is criticising everyone on the PS servers, right? YOU are most probably not even meant. No one is saying PC is better than PS, even if that's what you seem to hear. So why do YOU defend those guys? Is it because you've dealt with them for several years and it seems strange to you that new people come in and are shocked by those guys while you've learned - over years - to ignore them? Well, then try to understand that this is in no way a normal situation for us, we think it's strange not only that you are able to ignore them but not even thinking there is something to complain about. Maybe we'll learn to ignore as well, though it would be better if you wouldn't get all defensive of criticism about the plattform and try to work on a solution. Even if that solution is telling us how you've learned to deal with the problems, so we can spare some nerves. Because I seriously have no idea how to deal with half of an group DCing in the middle of the alert, when the last guy neither communicates, nor votes to kick, invite or reopen. I never had to deal with situations like that prior to crossplay.
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  16. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I want you to read the post directly above this one and tell me who, specifically, the second quoted person is talking to.

    This isn't a 'oh players suck' thread, this is an 'oh PS players suck' thread, which me made bluntly, abundantly clear seconds into his rant and continued coming back to once every five or so sentences. Like I said earlier, I'm tired of hearing it.
  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    True but I have come to learn the community is beyond saving at this point. Both PC and PS communities were much healthier prior to gu47. And now its just a very very off the charts toxic community.

    People can complain all they want. The community is only a mirror of the product of what the developers make.
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  18. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    I'm a PS player and I agree with you. The USPS side is the worse. Ignoring won't help make a better community but even make it worse. Nothing will change if we don't say that's enough. Some people have really no manners and they don't even deserve to play this game. But everyone just ignore it and the problem is never solved.
    The faction, the plateform, it doesn't matter. People need to have good manners and respect.
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  19. Minnion Devoted Player

    Perhaps then it would be more productive to focus our efforts into making the community less toxic (or at least suggest things that would hopefully incentivize better behavior than we have now...)
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  20. Sapphire Melody Well-Known Player

    You're tired of PC players voicing their bad experience with PS pugs, he's tired of PS players behaving bad... seeing something there yet? Fact is, both sides have something "nice" to say to the other side. And there are always people trying to act superior because of reasons (main reason them being douches) and exploiting the situation for their needs.

    I get your frustration but I also get his. What I don't get, neither from him, nor from you is why this has to end as a typical blame game, instead of stating the problems and trying to come to a solution. I've read a few similar threads, from the PS side as well as from the PC side (most common demand from the PS side is to turn on the mics while the PC has problems with DCing people and the mics) but what I found most... yeah depressing are when PS players who don't seem to be bad people start arguing in the style of "deal with it, we do it too" or "deal with it, you're like 5 people on the server and should be grateful we enrich your experience with those *". So in the end we don't only have new problems which we haven't yet learned to deal with but are confused, since on PC we usually don't defend our idiots.
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