Rage vs. Fire

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Yassen35, May 24, 2014.

  1. Yassen35 Active Player

    I was wondering what do you guys prefer (Rage of Fire) in these situations:
    • Tank In PVE
    • PVE: Tank w/ no troll
    • PVE: Tank w/ no healer
    • Tank in PVP
    • DPS in PVP
    • which has better survivability
    • which has the least of dependence on other roles
    Do you prefer running with a good rage tank or a good fire tank?

    Please back up your claims with explanations.
  2. lYamiChan New Player

    I'd Run with either Rage or Fire tank but Rage has better survivability because Severe Punishment etc. Rage also gets a health buff from Using super powers increases your Health by two-thirds of your Dominance for each nearby enemy while Fire gets increases your total Health to 60% plus 2.2 Health per point of Dominance. Rage is pretty much getting way more health from each enemy around them also Rage is basically Fire 3.0. In PvE I'd take a Rage Tank. But for PvP I'd take Fire.
  3. Yassen35 Active Player

    Well I haven't tested this but wouldn't Rage only possibly get more of a health buff than fire's massive x2.2 if there were more ads and you were spamming powers?
  4. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    when i tried out rage tanking i was able to go over 200k hp in seconds(knightsdome arena). But to think about the stats, let's think you have 2.1k Dominance an 10k hp, use power you get 1.4k hp per power. Think about if you see 5 adds lunge at them and use without mercy to pull then severe punishment and r. recovery too, that 3 powers used so after that you'll stand in about 31k hp
  5. Avian Dedicated Player

    Rage's health buff stacks unlike Fire's so the more powers you use as rage the higher your health gets.
  6. Zeikial Committed Player

    Just give me a solid player who understands his or her power set, that's fact. All tanking powers will be good after earth gets updated, then its pretty much up to the player. And btw rage is a good tank, but slip up and not cancel the rage crash, and its pretty much a wipe, not so with fire.
  7. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Well if we're going based on each power set being played at top performance, that shouldn't ever happen. If you aren't going based on that, fire is definitely the more forgiving of the powers.

    Just you need to be very careful if your opponent uses a role debuff on you. That can basically kill a rage tank.
  8. TrueOlympus New Player

    • Fire: It has a more stable health pool and less risk
    • Fire: Pop one power and your good for awhile. Most simplistic in terms of applying full tank buff
    • Fire: Just to be contrary
    • Fire: Because Rage Crash
    • Tie: To different to compare
    • Fire: Because of Rage's potential for Crashing
    • Rage: Fire has the most dependence on other roles than any other tank
    Good Rage tank because Fire tanks overwrite my burning PI. But if that wasn't an issue I say a good fire tank
  9. Deathmike Devoted Player

    For PvE rage wins by a huge margin.

    Deathmike out.
  10. lYamiChan New Player

    The more you use powers as a Rage Tanker the more your health increases.
  11. lYamiChan New Player

    Precisely. ^o^
  12. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    See...I've always wondered about this. If a Tank is being overwritten by a DPS, then why not just let the DPS spread the fire and the Tank can save power for something else.
  13. TrueOlympus New Player

    Because people don't like to something called:


    Plus many of Fire's self heals cause burning
  14. Lacedog Loyal Player

    most fire tank moves only cause burning, while most good dps moves, inferno or supercharges or overheat, are separate dot's. you would think a tank applying the basic burning would be a plus for fire dps's, less to worry about.
  15. TrueOlympus New Player

    Than you run into those tanks that use inferno :(

    The thing is, its so easy to apply burning that any extra help to do that isn't really all that helpful. I can apply burning to everything in the room in literally one move.
  16. Lacedog Loyal Player

    those tanks are jabronis. i think any tank using a "damage field" power is not doing it right for this specific reason.

    my point about the burning dot, for the most part, you arent applying burning to get the damage, its the burst part of the power that you are relying on ie spontaneous combustion. that part doesnt get over written.

    with all of that said, i can see a lot of fire's moves getting a new kind of burning pi with the update, so other powersets wouldnt overwrite anymore.
  17. TrueOlympus New Player

    I see what you are saying.

    Personally I'm greedy and selfish. I want all the Dots I can get. Since they suck in quality hopefully quantity can suffice kinda of mindset
  18. Lacedog Loyal Player

    haha oh i know.
    for me, even when i was rage, i was happy to see another rage dps, or even rage tank that used gailing eruption. one less thing i had to set up before dreadful blasting the crap out of everything.
  19. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Never understood why people use inferno...Just pop a enflame or something...leave the dots to me lol..
  20. Saybro Committed Player

    Lol all the people who left fire are now trying to come back for the revamp. :).