Rage Tank/DPS Hybrid Build?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Miike Fury, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Miike Fury Well-Known Player

    I know I cant be the only that has thought about making a hybrid.
    there's plenty of content that is just too easy and boring to tank, so helping with the burn would be ideal.

    has anyone ever done this? had success with it?

    I was thinking of using DPS gear in TANK role (to still gain the dom boosts)
    Ideally I would still pull agro and be the focal point of the enemies, but still being able to do damage.
    maybe use DPS gear with mixed mods (dom & prec)(prec & power)

    or maybe even doing half tank gear and half DPS gear.

    I have an extra armory and this would be very helpful to the team during most of the sub boss fights.
    and then for the final boss fight I would switch to my full tank role.

    is this a crazy idea? lol
    at the moment, I am hitting for 4-5k crits as a tank..which I feel is pretty damn decent..lol
  2. Koolandria New Player

    Before WM i took celest with cursed idol blight to admin and malediction to benediction They are all healing moves that work in Dps role. I went and got all my Crit Chance/Magni for healing and damage. Used Healer Face Head utility 1 Ring and i think hands for healing and the rest Dps gear and it worked out great. But with relentless anger and rage crashing get strong enough dps wise and youll pull all the aggro you can handle plus heal back
  3. Miike Fury Well-Known Player

    yeah that's the idea! lol
    Dom wouldn't need to be too high, being in tank role, every power I cast is an instant taunt. and I will still maintain my rage surviveability.
  4. Miike Fury Well-Known Player

    so I guess no one else has tried or thought about this huh? lol

    welp, I guess I will be giving it a shot then
  5. Biester New Player

    Dude I run all content except Lockdown with my hybrid armory. Rage is absolutely untouchable at the hybrid role compared to all other tank powersets as long as you can cancel the rage crash. Here's how I roll (my cr is 106 with 145 sp):

    1. I spec all of my sp towards dps stats. I use dual wield when I tank so I get weapon mastery in the dw, brawling, and bow trees grabbing the might & precision innates in the 4th row.
    2. I go through each weapon tree and grab every crit strike chance followed by precision innates after I have all of the crit strike chance innates.
    3. I wear all tank gear except the chest, feet, and both rings are equipped with dps gear. This gives me around 1600 dom so I'm still able to cc everything in the game.
    4. I always have tons of plasma capsules since I do not have a power in my loadout that inflicts plasma burn and I burn through them like candy.

    For T6 content my loadout is without mercy, ire, ragebringer, ferocity, outrage, and severe punishment. I use both breakout powers because my job as a tank is to stay alive so I ensure I can always cancel the rage crash. For T5 content and below I substitute ire with either berserk, eviscerating chain, or violence (depending on what I'm running). The strategy:

    1. I start every group of adds with outrage as this will stun everyone. I then clip the second combo of outrage with without mercy as this will create a spectacular juggling effect that shoots adds 20-30 feet straight up in the air (not out, up). I immediately clip without mercy with severe punishment. I immediately clip severe punishment with ferocity. I immediately clip ferocity with a plasma capsule.
    By doing all of this I am starting every group of adds with 4 powers which instantly stacks my health to ungodly amounts. Ferocity will raise my precision while the plasma capsule will inflict plasma burn and severe punishment will mitigate all upcoming damage.
    2. I perform the weapon mastery combo of press square, hold square, hold square. This does an aoe brawling stomp that damages and knocks down most adds (some will be just now getting up from the outrage, without mercy combo).
    3. I end the wm combo with violence immediately clipped with another plasma capsule. The wm combo does extra damage because of ferocity's precision buff while violence does extra damage because of the plasma capsule.
    4. I perform the wm combo of press square, press square, hold square, hold square. This does the same weapon attack as earlier.
    5. I end the wm combo with outrage clipped into without mercy as before as this will cancel the rage crash while getting extra damage from outrage because of the plasma capsule.

    The rest of the fight involves keeping severe punishment active, performing as many wm combos as possible, cycling between violence and ferocity with every other severe punishment activation, clipping as many powers together as possible at the end of a wm combo, clipping damn near everything with a plasma capsule even if its not beneficial to some rotations (getting into this habit will become easier over time and increase your overall dps), spamming ragebringer when necessary to keep my health stacked, and using outrage to cancel the rage crash.

    Remember, your main goal as a tank is to stay alive so if you cannot constantly cancel the rage crash efficiently then create your own way of dpsing while tanking (but I can garauntee that it won't compete with my dps or tanking). I have mastered the battle tank hybrid and gave you a good example of a way to deal awesome damage as a rage tank. This is just one of the loadouts and rotations I use so experiment with berserk and other powers along with different rotations and remember that wm combos will be the main source of your damage.

    If you are on USPS Hero and need help feel free to invite me to a group, my rage tank is Biester or you can follow me on Twitch at www.twitch.tv/elbiestro where I will soon be livestreaming some hybrid rage tanking gameplay just to prove I'm not full of ****. Practice rotations on your league hall's 8 man group of test dummies before going into content to get the hang of it. Hope this helps.