Rage Tank Debuff

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Lantern Doomblade, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. kav Committed Player

    Hello - rage tank here. Yes, Rage Mode seems a bit broken in PvP and it comes with a huge down-side — if you get debuffed while being in Rage Mode then you get all the damage you have taken in immediately. I don't know if that's on purpose or a bug though. What I've figured out so far:
    • Always use an active weapon with fast combos - like one handed, dual wield or martial arts
      • Being aggressive seems to pay more off than defensive
    • Always apply a rage dampener like violence, bloodlust, etc. with a rage mode
      • If you don't you'll receive all the damage at once which can be extreme and an insta-death in PvP
    • Use RR with SP to counterfeit the loss of health in case of getting debuffed
  2. proxyreiv New Player

    Is not only the forced crash and the cooldown, after getting debuffed it haves a longer reuse time, you can use shields after 6 seconds (movement debuffs) but you will have to wait more than 6 seconds to use the rage mechanic again, is just a nonsense.

    Also you cant rely on remorseless recovery as your only heal, i was in some situations where im debuffed everyone around me pop a shield and you cant heal any damage and thats because the devs put remorseless recovery instead of a self healing SC and is not a sustitute, it haves 3 DPS supercharges and 1 tank SC who is useless when debuffed, i see a problem there.

    Actually there is some main problem with rage tanking in PvP:

    Redirected rage breaks after 3 hits regardless of the damage (3 hits of 10 damage will break the shield) one of the worst shield in game.

    Debuffs needs a fair solution against the rage mechanic.

    Rage mechanic being reusable after 6 seconds of debuffs (movement debuffs) if it is not on cooldown.

    A proper self healing SC, actually infuriate group heals are pathetic, just remove the group heals and make it a worthy SC for tanks.

    Also i think just stopping the heals when debuffed with no crash is to good for rage users, is just a free rage crash canceler, just remove the forced crash, stop the heals and we should be able to avoid the damage when we are not debuffed with a rage crash canceler.
  3. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    The instant rage crash after being debuffed is absolutely fair, the devs even mentioned when they first presented rage that it was a high risk power. It's a fair trade between high damage and the threat of destroying yourself. You dont have to use your rage crash ability in pvp, there are many other powers to use, but if you feel like it's neccesary to be able to heal back all the damage you take, just know that it's a high risk high reward situation.
  4. the swoosh New Player

    okay so here is how i use rage tanking to pvp...

    i use the power that heals you when you do damage (forgot the name lol)
    i use hard light shield and rage shield and amazon def
    amazon def is probably the best trick against tank debuffs because you can not debuff it.
    if you are experienced pvp player you can use the the powers that half the rage crash dmg in combintion with amazon def to only take about 10% to 20% of the damage even if you are debuffed....then sit out the debuff and double shield to heal back all of that whilest you are giving youre opponent a spanking that will also heal you back..... against a good dps player i would advise not to use the crash mechanic and just go for melee and heals
  5. proxyreiv New Player

    They say it was a high risk/high reward powerset, tell me when they say the forced crash when debuffed is intended?

    And you are wrong, you have to use the rage crash ability in PvP in order to survive because the health tank buff is not enough to survive, you have to understand how this powerset works as a tank, the health buff is there to use it with the rage mechanic, rely only in the health buff is a suicide, the other tanks dont have to watch how half of their health goes away with just one move because they have a more powerful buff when using tray abilities/normal superpowers.

    So stop with the "then dont use it" logic because we are forced to use it as tanks and we are forced to crash, i know where the risks are but where are the rewards? is not skill based anymore is just an autowin move against tanks.

    If at least we need to be able to avoid the damage when we are not debuffed with a rage crash canceler and completely eliminate the forced crash, you think this is OP? no, debuff me at the beginning and i have a fairly vulnerability time to be defeated and still have to deal with the cooldown.
  6. the swoosh New Player

    actuallty rage tanking without the rage crash is easyer and more effective...however there is a way to use the ragecrash and simply take a lot less damage...i already posted it 1 post befor you but here it is again :p

    use 1 of the powers that halves the dmg you get from crash....then use crash mechanic....then when you are about to crash hit amazone defense and see how you just absorbed about 70 to80% of all the dmg...it takes some practice but it works
  7. proxyreiv New Player

    Hit amazonian deflection when youre going to crash? it will reduce the damage if you use it during the rage mode not at the end, you cant reduce the damage blocking or using amazonian deflection before a crash, if you take 5000 damage and use amazonian at the end you will eat 5000 damage, you have to use it DURING rage mode to avoid any damage and you know how power hungry is that build?

    150 power from rage mode + 150 from bloodlust, the only move who reduce to half the crash damage and have a minimal powercost AND amazomian deflection during rage mode? jesus christ, poor trolls.
  8. the swoosh New Player

    i run that loadout in 1v1's so its not as bad as you think
  9. proxyreiv New Player

    In 1vs1 is even worse without a troll...
  10. Lantern Doomblade New Player

    Swoosh are you listening to yourself right now? You use like 4 powers to survive for 8 seconds? This shows you that rag tank is messed up in PVP. You shouldn't have to take out half of your power bar to survive one rage crash.
  11. the swoosh New Player

    well then please explain to me how i am spanking healers a full tier above me .....
  12. Lantern Doomblade New Player

    Do you play on the USPC Server? I will duel you to see if this is effective.
  13. Deathmike Devoted Player

    Not using the ragemode ability at all(as some people suggested) is a pretty bad idea.
    First off, the other effect of either SP or RA(extra damage/health) is well worth the extremely low power cost (150 base).
    You also get the health buff from casting any power as a tank (you get that from all your other powers, but the fact that this one is cheaper makes it more efficient in this regard).
    Also, if you're going against someone who uses movement debuffs, you're forcing them to use power to cast an ability that would be otherwise pretty much worthless (and they use more power to debuff you than you do to enter ragemode).

    Deathmike out.
  14. Deathmike Devoted Player

    Btw, OP, you should quote people when replying to them (there is a "Reply" button in the bottom right side of each post).
    You probably get notifications when someone posts in this thread, as the thread-starter.
    The rest of us have to rely on our spidersense.

    Deathmike out.
  15. Deathmike Devoted Player

  16. proxyreiv New Player

    Sorry but i will try to bump this a bit.

    I was playing with my earth tank today on PvP and jesus christ there is a lot of difference with rage, more durable shields, self healing SC and with 50% damage absorption for 12 seconds its basically the same as rage mode, even if you cancel all the crash from rage mode those vulnerability seconds make it even worse... with earth you can recast jackhammer and get no vulnerability time.

    Seriously the devs needs to change how rage mode is affected by debuffs, there is a huge difference between the rest of the tanks and rage thanks to this problem, i dont want to be forced to change to another power...

    And the only shield rage haves is bugged and breaks after 3 hits regardless of the damage, if you make a powerset who is forced to use powers every 8 seconds instead of 12 and have more vulnerability at least fix the debuffs...

    If rage lacks of a self healing SC, a worse shield, half heals for remorseless recovery and more vulnerability time thanks to the cooldown on rage mode, stopping only the heals without forced crash is the ONLY fair solution i see now, the devs need to considerate this at least.
  17. Lantern Doomblade New Player

    Proxy I know how you feel but I have decided to stay offline until rage tanks gets a change. It's hopeless to play as a rage tank and it's a waste of time. You can't survive against a good dps with debuffs and I'm sick of it. Therefore I'm not going to deal with it. Tera Online here I come!
  18. proxyreiv New Player

    Hopefully if i make a lot of post regarding this problem maybe i manage to get a response from the devs like they did with the power comsuption on relentless anger/severe punishment.

    Something needs to be done and we deserve at least a response regarding debuffs and redirected rage and im a persistent son of a *unicorn*.
  19. Lantern Doomblade New Player

    Proxy maybe we can work together to get the Devs to listen to our problems. Maybe you can start a conversation with me and we can work on a new thread.
  20. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Im sorry but I know a beast rage tank that can beat healers using just relentless anger and ire...... yes you lose the health buff and rage mode, but you still heal 100% of damage you do with relentless anger and you still get huge heal from Ire. If anything i think out of all 4 tanks, rage tanks have the best chance at survival when debuffed. That heal that's based on your damage out can go a long way if you are specced hybrid.